UNHM Special Topics (UMST)
Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.
Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
UMST 401 - First Year Seminar
Credits: 2
This two-credit seminar is part of UNH Manchester's continued commitment to the success of first year students. The focus of this course is not on a specific academic subject or field of study; instead, the focus is on YOU – the student. This course is designed to help you transition into your first semester as a college student on the Manchester campus. Together we will learn how to incorporate health and well-being into our daily lives through the exploration of resiliency skill building, mindfulness practice, peer-to-peer discussions, and personal reflections.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
UMST 402 - Transfer Seminar
Credits: 1
The Transfer Seminar focuses on students' adjustment to being at UNH Manchester. By incorporating topics such as campus resources, financial literacy, internship and career planning, self-reflection, and information literacy, the goal of this course is to foster the development of skills or strategies that are both applicable and valuable across disciplines as well promoting personal success during and after college.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
UMST 472 - Beyond Google: An Introduction to Information Literacy
Credits: 2
Beyond Google is a 2-credit introduction to the six frameworks of information literacy for high education created by the Association of College and Research Libraries. Students learn the critical thinking skills necessary to identify, evaluate, and use diverse information sources to meet varied information needs.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
UMST 500 - Internship
Credits: 1-4
The UNHM internship places students in a variety of business and organizational settings under the direction of a faculty adviser and workplace supervisor. Students fulfill the obligations of the workplace internship plan, as well as complete individually-designed projects of academic merit under the direction of UNH faculty. Open to matriculated students with a 2.5 GPA or better. Students must receive approval of the UNHM internship coordinator.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
UMST 521 - Tutor Development
Credits: 3
This interdisciplinary course, team-taught by the Director and Assistant Director of the Learning Center, is intended to prepare undergraduates for working as peer tutors. Students will study theories of adult development, learn several approaches to tutoring in their discipline(s), and practice their tutoring and communication skills. Cannot be repeated.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
UMST 572 - Knowledge in Action: Research in the Workplace
Credits: 2
This 2-credit course guides students toward critical thinking competencies and evaluative skills necessary for successful information-seeking strategies in workplace settings. By discovering and assessing a variety of career-specific information sources, students will explore how professional organizations develop questions to address problems of practice. Students will interrogate the contexts in which professionals create and disseminate knowledge; engage in fact-checking and other assessment activities; and address workplace issues through the effective use of relevant professional information sources.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
UMST 582 - Internship and Career Planning Seminar
Credits: 1
This course is strongly encouraged for any student seeking internship and/or employment opportunities. Participants will research and evaluate opportunities related to their career interests, conduct informational interviews, create tailored resumes and cover letters, use LinkedIn as a networking and job search resource, and participate in employer-based resume reviews and mock interviews. This course is open to all students in all majors and is suited for students interning and/or seeking employment within the next six months. Letter grades are assigned. This course cannot be repeated for credit. Students who enrolled in UMST 599 Internship and Career Planning Seminar previously are not eligible to take this course for credit.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
UMST 599 - Special Topics
Credits: 1-4
Occasional offerings dependent on availability and interest of faculty, barring duplication of subject, may be repeated for credit.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
UMST 750 - Business Applications of Intellectual Property in Science and Engineering
Credits: 4
Students will receive an overview of practical, real-world aspects of managing and leveraging intellectual assets (copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, etc) in business. Students taking this course will be exposed to lectures, guest presentations, and case studies aimed at increasing their understanding of intellectual property strategies and related legal issues; technology assessment; technology valuation; commercialization issues, strategies, and negotiation techniques; business planning and start-up company development; and strategies for attracting investment for new ideas. Your instructor and guest speakers for the course are involved in managing, protecting, enabling, investing in, or commercializing intellectual property assets in real world settings such as university technology transfer offices, patent law firms, venture capital firms, start-up companies, incubators, accelerators, and related settings.
Equivalent(s): TECH 750
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to identify and implement appropriate intellectual property (IP) strategies, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets, to protect and leverage technical innovations in a business environment.
- Students will learn how to evaluate the commercial potential of intellectual assets through technology assessment, valuation methods, and market analysis, aiding in the development of business plans for start-up ventures.
- Students will utilize the Business Model Canvas (BMC) framework to create, modify, and present a comprehensive business model, incorporating real-world customer discovery and feedback to refine value propositions and revenue strategies.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to draft term sheets, negotiate deals, and outline licensing agreements for the commercialization of intellectual property, ensuring alignment with business objectives.
- Students will collaborate in teams to develop a business plan and final presentation that outlines an intellectual asset strategy, financial model, and market entry strategy, preparing them to pitch to potential investors or stakeholders.
UMST 799 - Pre-Pharmacy Concurrent Enrollment
Credits: 0-20
Registration place-holder for students completing the fourth year of their B.A. Biology Program at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Studies in the Pre-Pharmacy articulation program.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading