Sociology (SOCI) CPSO
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Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
SOCI 410 - Introduction to Sociology
Credits: 4
This course introduces basic concepts, theories, and methods in the discipline of sociology that reveal the relationship between the individual and society and challenge students to develop a sociological perspective. Students are exposed to diverse cultures and social structures with an emphasis on the dynamics of power and inequality on the local, national, and global levels as they are influenced by the social constructs of race, ethnicity, class, gender and sexuality.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed); Social Science (Discovery)
Equivalent(s): SOC 501G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Develop and employ the sociological imagination to examine familiar experiences.
- Explore the sociological significance of stratification and inequality, including class, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, and able-bodiedness.
- Recognize the methodologies and ethical considerations of sociological research using human participants.
- Define the major theoretical sociological perspectives, including symbolic interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theory.
- Describe the broader social context of behavior by looking at individuals’ social location and the social structure.
- Detail the socialization process.
- Define culture and discuss its formation, including concepts of ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, and pluralism.
- Develop skills in scientific writing, American Psychological Association (APA) formatting, and effective communication.
SOCI 601 - Society and the Individual
Credits: 4
This course explores the interface between individuals and their social context. It uses sociological perspectives such as symbolic interactionism, functional theory, and conflict theory to examine the relationships we as individuals have with our society. The course also examines the extent to which our roles and statuses are determined at birth, and the roles we play in shaping ourselves as well as the institutions in which we live. How social factors influence individual perceptions and choices is viewed in the context of the institution of marriage; family structure and relationships; demographics such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, and class; attitudes and moral behavior; violence and aggression; and work and authority.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): PSY 410 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 501G with a minimum grade of D- or SOCI 410 with a minimum grade of D- or SOC 501G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): SOC 601G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Describe the process of socialization and discuss how individual differences affect the socialization process and shape life experiences.
- Discuss the development of attitudes, beliefs, and values and explain how these may evolve into prejudice or bigotry.
- Compare and contrast the gender-based differences that influence individual experiences.
- Analyze how aspects of personal power are exercised and how individuals can make changes to increase their ability to influence others.
- Explain how people’s sense of personal effectiveness influences their social behavior and how a sense of impotence can lead to aggressive outbursts.
- Discuss how cultural attitudes towards devalued groups such as elders, minorities, homeless people, or people with disabilities influence public policy.
- Compare and contrast related theoretical perspectives, e.g., symbolic interactionism, functional theory, and/or conflict theory, in the analysis of human social behavior.
SOCI 603 - Work and Society
Credits: 4
This course analyzes the social nature of work in industrial societies. Topics include the study of occupations, training, automation, unemployment, and the role of minorities in the workplace. Through ethnographic case studies and recent articles, the course compares work structures in North America, Asia, and Europe.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 410 with a minimum grade of D- or SOC 501G with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 410 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 500G with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 410 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 501G with a minimum grade of D- or MGMT 410 with a minimum grade of D- or MGMT 500G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): SOC 603G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Describe the major trends in the history of work as a society's economic base changes from agriculture to industry to service.
- Discuss sociological perspectives on work.
- Explore the socialization process that surrounds training and establishes subcultures in a variety of occupations.
- Identify major work-related sociological concepts such as the work ethic, diversity in the multicultural/global and multigenerational workplace, work-life balance, social class status, bureaucracies, alienation, etc.
- Apply sociological methods such as observation and interview as appropriate within the student's field of study.
- Analyze the impact of technological changes on workers and workplaces.
- Compare and contrast work structures and organization across industrial societies.
SOCI 675 - Child Abuse and Neglect
Credits: 4
This course provides an examination of child maltreatment from a variety of perspectives, including theoretical, cultural, historical, and legal. It offers definitions of the types of child abuse and neglect, and allows students to reflect on how culture and history play roles in the defining process. Students learn to identify signs and symptoms resulting from maltreatment, and take an in-depth look at how trauma affects all areas of child development. The roles of child protection workers, the complex child protection system, and the legal systems are explained. Students have the opportunity to critically review current research and debate emotionally charged ethical issues. This course challenges students to consider the dynamics that may lead people to harm children and connect the development of prevention strategies to these variables.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): PSY 410 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 501G with a minimum grade of D- or SOCI 410 with a minimum grade of D- or SOC 501G with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 410 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 500G with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 525 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 509G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): SOC 607G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Define child abuse and neglect from historical and cultural perspectives.
- Identify the types and indicators of child maltreatment.
- Recognize child and family risk and protective factors associated with child abuse and neglect.
- Outline character attributes and family dynamics often found within abusive families.
- Analyze current research on the effects of childhood trauma on child development and outcomes for adults.
- Recognize multiple perspectives on ethical issues, such as mandated reporting, parental rights, and sex offender registries.
- Explore individual biases and their impact on professional fields when confronting controversial issues in child abuse and neglect.
- Chart the child protection and legal systems in terms of prevention, intervention, and treatment.
- Explain the importance of empathy and a non-judgmental approach when working with victims, offenders, family members, and others affected by child abuse and neglect.
SOCI 680 - Issues of Addiction in Special Populations
Credits: 4
This course explores important complications that arise when dealing with addiction-related issues of special populations (e.g., children, homeless, criminal justice system involvement, gender, sexual orientation). Emphasis will be placed on exploring the ways to educate and connect people to the services available.
Prerequisite(s): (PSY 410 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 501G with a minimum grade of D- or SOCI 410 with a minimum grade of D- or SOC 501G with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 410 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 500G with a minimum grade of D-) and (PSY 565 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 515G with a minimum grade of D-).
Equivalent(s): SOC 612G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Articulate their own attitudes, values, and other characteristics in working with diverse populations.
- Explain the sociocultural barriers to mental and physical health care for addictions-related individuals in special populations.
- Identify cross-cultural strategies related to addictions-related human services work.
- Demonstrate planning and assessment strategies based on the needs of special populations.
- Create a plan to connect at least one special population with the community services available.