Intercollege (INCO)
Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.
Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
INCO 400 - Graduate Preparation Seminar
Credits: 1
A survey seminar that explores issues related to graduate school preparation. Topics include graduate school culture, academic research, the role of multicultural scholars, faculty relations, the graduate record exam, resume/vita development, and financing graduate education. Enrollment in McNair Scholars Program required.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
INCO 403 - Healthcare Professions Seminar
Credits: 2
This seminar is designed for students (primarily for sophomores; juniors and seniors may also take the course) who are in the initial phase of preparation to a career in allopathic or osteopathic medicine, dentistry, podiatry, optometry, physicians assistant, chiropractics, physical therapy, pharmacy, or naturopathic medicine. Through readings and discussion students will become informed about current topics in healthcare, and specifically about these professions, requirements for admission to degree programs, and about how to become a competitive applicant.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
INCO 425H - Honors/Calculus and Physics Recitation
Credits: 0
Recitation for MATH 425H and PHYS 407H.
Co-requisite: MATH 425H, PHYS 407H
Attributes: Honors course
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
INCO 426H - Honors/Calculus and Physics Recitation
Credits: 0
Recitation for MATH 426H and PHYS 408H.
Co-requisite: MATH 426H, PHYS 408H
Attributes: Honors course
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
INCO 490A - Fundamentals of Research Integrity
Credits: 2
Undergraduate students interested in conducting research or those already conducting research will explore individual, professional, institutional and social issues related to the ethical conduct of research and scholarship. Students will use case studies as well as share their research interests and experience to investigate topics of data management, authorship, mentorship, human subjects, use of vertebrate animals, and scientific integrity. Completion of this course and accompanying modules fulfill part of the NSF RCR training mandate and/or the USDA NIFA RCR training mandate.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
INCO 501 - Peer Coach Introduction to Pedagogy
Credits: 1-2
This course provides an initial experience as an instructional peer coach. Students apply theories of cognition, group dynamics, learning, metacognition, and motivation to support other students as they learn science, engineering, and mathematics. Students reflect on their work as peer coaches through the lens of the required readings.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
INCO 502 - Peer Learning Coach Development
Credits: 1
Development and assessment of leadership skills. Practical application of theories of cognition, group dynamics, learning, and motivation to helping other students learn. Requires class session, course content review session, and one weekly meeting with students.
Prerequisite(s): CHEM 501 with a minimum grade of D- or INCO 501 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
INCO 505A - Becoming a Problem Solver
Credits: 4
A hands-on course for students participating in Semester in the City (Boston) or Semester for Impact (NH) that builds the skills of students as changemakers for social good. Students participate in skill-building and reflective workshops designed around our core skills of launching a purpose driven career, working in diverse teams, persuasive communication and human centered problem solving. Students practice new concepts and skills every week and engage in team-based community research projects, craft a three-minute speech they deliver at program completion, and develop their professional on-line profile and portfolio of work.
Co-requisite: INCO 505B, INCO 505I
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes
INCO 505B - Social Innovator's Toolbox
Credits: 4
A weekly seminar that exposes students to the field of social innovation through case studies, guest speakers, short readings, and interactive, student-led work. Through a series of field-tested assignments, or "deliverables", students are introduced to and practice applying different concepts and methods from social innovation, social entrepreneurship, sustainable development, nonprofit management, and social impact evaluation to their specific work in their internships.
Co-requisite: INCO 505A, INCO 505I
Attributes: Social Science (Discovery)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
INCO 505I - Internship: Semester in the City (Boston) or Semester for Impact (NH)
Credits: 8
While participating in Semester in the City (Boston) or Semester for Impact (New Hampshire), students will intern with a nonprofit, social mission business, or government agency for 30 hours per week for a full-semester. Students will gain work-based experience, learning more about themselves and their interests while also building skills and networks. Students are matched with an internship based on a variety of factors. are paired with a dedicated mentor at the internship site, and focus on a special project throughout the semester.
Co-requisite: INCO 505A, INCO 505B
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
INCO 529 - Writing Consultation
Credits: 2
Includes instruction in philosophy and techniques of tutoring, theoretical and practical issues in collaborative learning and complex-skill formation, and cross disciplinary conventions of writing. In addition to the classroom portion of course, each student undertakes a supervised practicum experience in the University Writing Center.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
INCO 585 - Foreign Exchange
Credits: 0-16
Undergraduates who meet UNH Study Away Eligibility Requirements and the requirements set by the host institution, may participate in an international exchange program at one of UNH's partner institutions for a semester or academic year. Students must achieve the equivalent of a 'C' or above to receive international transfer credit. For more information contact the Coordinator of Student Programs at the Center for International Education.
Attributes: World Cultures(Discovery)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Special Fee: Yes
INCO 586 - Foreign Exchange
Credits: 0-16
Undergraduates who meet UNH Study Away Eligibility Requirements and the requirements set by the host institution, may participate in an international exchange program at one of UNH's partner institutions for a semester or academic year. Students must achieve the equivalent of a 'C' or above to receive international transfer credit. For more information contact the Coordinator of Student Programs at the Center for International Education.
Attributes: World Cultures(Discovery)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Special Fee: Yes
INCO 588 - Study Abroad Experience - Semester
Credits: 0
A Study Abroad Program co-requisite to enroll students in travel insurance and capture the mandatory study abroad fee.
Grade Mode: Not graded
Special Fee: Yes
INCO 589 - Study Abroad Experience Short
Credits: 0
For students enrolling in short term study abroad experiences in Fall and Spring semesters. Also for students enrolling in January term and Summer Session study abroad experiences.
Grade Mode: Not graded
Special Fee: Yes
INCO 590 - Student Research Experience
Credits: 1-4
Provides hands-on research experience to develop critical thinking, problem solving, and analytical skills. An entry-level research experience that introduces students to research theories, tools, and ethical issues. Each student completes a contract with a faculty mentor identifying the research activities the student will undertake.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
INCO 610 - Research Inquiry Seminar
Credits: 2-6
With the notion of understanding self as the basis for investigating the world, this seminar focuses on exploring elementary concepts of academic research. Students are engaged in identifying strengths, discovering their passions, discerning the joys and frustrations of research, and developing a sketch of a research project. Enrollment in McNair Scholars Program required.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
INCO 620 - Talk to Action: Facilitating Deliberative Democracy
Credits: 2-4
A theory-to-practice seminar that explores democratic theory from a deliberative perspective, dialogue and small group facilitation, civic engagement and social justice. Topics include moral disagreement, skills in public engagement and facilitation, creating social change, and moving from talk to action in the public sphere.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
INCO 682A - The Washington Center Career Readiness Seminar
Credits: 4
This seminar course (co-requisite to internship) provides internship participants with professional development and career coaching necessary to guide students through transition from academic to professional. Assignments will be collected into final portfolio which will demonstrate integrative learning.
Co-requisite: INCO 682I
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
INCO 682I - Washington DC Internship
Credits: 4 or 8
Internship Placement in Washington DC through The Washington Center program. 32 hours per week, sites vary based on student major and interest.
Co-requisite: INCO 682A
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
INCO 685 - Study Abroad
Credits: 0-16
Enables students to pursue a semester, summer, or an academic year of foreign study in programs other than those offered by UNH. Students must provide the University Committee on Study Abroad with detailed information about the curriculum and must receive approval from that committee before registration. Credit awarded only upon successful completion of the course of study and after receipt by the committee of an official transcript. Interested students should consult the Center for International Education. (Financial aid requires a minimum of 6 credits.)
Attributes: World Cultures(Discovery)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Special Fee: Yes
INCO 686 - Study Abroad
Credits: 0-16
Enables students to pursue a semester, summer, or an academic year of foreign study in programs other than those offered by UNH. Students must provide the University Committee on Study Abroad with detailed information about the curriculum and must receive approval from that committee before registration. Credit awarded only upon successful completion of the course of study and after receipt by the committee of an official transcript. Interested students should consult the Center for International Education. (Financial aid requires a minimum of 6 credits.)
Attributes: World Cultures(Discovery)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Special Fee: Yes
INCO 687 - Study Abroad Experience
Credits: 0-16
Enables students to pursue a term of foreign study in programs other than those offered by UNH. Students must meet all university requirements and complete required forms. Credit awarded only upon successful completion of the course of study abroad and after receipt and processing of an official transcript. Interested students should consult the Center for International Education. (Financial aid requires a minimum of 6 credits.)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Special Fee: Yes
INCO 688 - Study Abroad Insurance Program
Credits: 0
Study Abroad Insurance Program.
Grade Mode: Not graded
Special Fee: Yes
INCO 699 - McNair Summer Internship
Credits: 0
McNair Fellows; not graded; Summer only.
Grade Mode: Non-credit/non-CEU course
INCO 710 - Introduction to McNair Research
Credits: 2-4
An Introduction to methods and techniques of research design within the social sciences, mathematics and natural sciences, and the humanities. Concepts are tailored to students' research thesis. Students design and construct a research project (execution of project may be allowed for additional credit). A comprehensive written proposal is required. Enrollment in McNair Scholars Program required. Special fee on study abroad sections.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes
INCO 790 - Advanced Research Experience
Credits: 1-4
Advanced research, scholarly or creative projects developed and conducted under the supervision of a faculty member. Provides students with the opportunity to apply advanced knowledge and techniques of their major to a specific problem or question. Significant preparatory course work for research, or other research experience approved by the INCO 790 faculty mentor required. INCO 790 may be repeated alone or in combination with INCO 590 for a maximum of 8 credits.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
INCO 791 - National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Preparation
Credits: 0
This course is designed to enable students to receive information, guidance, and support in applying for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship program (GRFP). Students will become familiar with the NSF, its mission, and the selection criteria for this fellowship. Through independent work and collaborative exercises, students will strengthen writing skills and develop a strong application.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
INCO 795 - Washington Center Course
Credits: 4
Four-credit upper-level seminar course as co-requisite with The Washington Center internship program in Washington DC.
Co-requisite: INCO 682A
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits. May be repeated up to 2 times.
Equivalent(s): SCSC 795
Grade Mode: Letter Grading