Humanities (HUMN) CPSO

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Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.

HUMN 470 - World Religions

Credits: 4

This course offers a comparative study of world religions. The focus of the course is to acquire a broad overview of world religions through an examination of sacred texts, art and iconography, as well as religious experience and practice. Theological, philosophical and cultural influences are considered as religious language is examined. Religions considered are: Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, religions of Africa, as well as primal religions.

Attributes: Human Thought Exp (Gen Ed)

Equivalent(s): HUMN 504G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Explain the history, material culture, ethics, and major themes of religions studied.
  2. Discuss central theological and philosophical issues particular to each religion.
  3. Identify social and cultural aspects of religious experience.
  4. Compare and contrast theological and philosophical concepts of comparative religions.

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HUMN 480 - Introduction to Ethics

Credits: 4

This course introduces students to a variety of prominent ethical theories. It examines their complex interrelations, historical development, and relevance to ordinary life. Students are encouraged to engage in the critical analysis and comparison of these theories and to consider how they might explain and evaluate contemporary controversies such as war, environmental protection, euthanasia, and abortion. Relationships between ethics and other areas of philosophical investigation are considered.

Attributes: Human Thought Exp (Gen Ed); Humanities(Disc)

Equivalent(s): HUMN 505G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Identify philosophers associated with each of the major philosophical perspectives on ethics.
  2. Explain the basic tenets of major ethical perspectives including relativism, hedonism, stoicism, utilitarianism, Christian ethics, deontology, and virtue theory.
  3. Compare and contrast the historical development and interrelations among the various ethical perspectives.
  4. Analyze how different ethical perspectives can be applied to evaluate contemporary ethical dilemmas.
  5. Consider modern perspectives like feminist ethics and environmental ethics and multicultural perspectives like Islamic or Buddhist ethics.
  6. Identify and critically evaluate their own ethical principles in the context of their ordinary experience and personal choices.

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HUMN 502 - American Popular Culture

Credits: 4

This course examines the origin, nature, and social impact of popular culture in America. Students explore and define what culture is, beginning with the differences between high culture, or the culture of the elite and intelligentsia, and low culture, or the culture of the masses - particularly as these differences in taste, recreation, art, and leisure activities relate to social and economic class, educational level, political power, health, and human development. Subsequently, the focus is primarily on aspects of popular culture. Students acquire and hone the skills of cultural analysis by dissecting both the ephemeral and archetypal facets of an eclectic and wide-ranging sampling of public media, art, music, fads, trends, and entertainment.

Attributes: Human Thought Exp (Gen Ed); Humanities(Disc)

Equivalent(s): HUMN 502G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Examine and define popular culture, particularly in contrast to traditionally identified high culture.
  2. Acquire and apply the basic vocabulary and concepts of cultural analysis.
  3. Demonstrate how popular culture both is shaped by and represents cultural values, current events, and social change.
  4. Analyze in writing various popular culture artifacts, activities, or media in terms of what these phenomena communicate about the values inherent in the culture from which they evolved.
  5. Participate in constructive dialogue with fellow students about concepts and theories related to American popular culture.

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HUMN 544 - Special Topics: Lower Level

Credits: 1-4

A study of current and variable topics in Humanities. Course content changes from term to term.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.

Equivalent(s): HUMN 544G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

HUMN 560 - Introductory Spanish I

Credits: 4

HUMN 560: Introductory Spanish I establishes the foundational principles of grammar and vocabulary with a focus on present and present progressive tense comprehension and basic interpersonal communication in the Spanish language. Students will practice reading, writing, listening comprehension, and verbal expression so that they will be able to engage in first-level interpersonal exchanges. Introduction to diverse cultures from across the Spanish-speaking world will be included. Introductory Spanish I & II taken together satisfy the foreign language requirement.

Attributes: Human Thought Exp (Gen Ed)

Equivalent(s): HUMN 560G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Use correct Spanish vocabulary and grammar in present and present progressive tenses in both written and verbal form.
  2. Demonstrate basic conversational skills in Spanish related to greetings, exchanging information, and expressing basic concepts.
  3. Demonstrate comprehension of present and present progressive Spanish language tenses in verbal and written form.
  4. Explore the diversity of Hispanic culture as it relates to the variations in Spanish language usage and pronunciation.

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HUMN 565 - Introductory Spanish II

Credits: 4

Introductory Spanish II expands upon the fundamental principles of grammar and vocabulary with a focus on past and future tense comprehension and fluid interpersonal communication in the Spanish language. Students will practice reading, writing, listening comprehension, and verbal expression so that they will be able to engage in real world Spanish-speaking environments. Study of diverse cultures from across the Spanish-speaking world will be included. HUMN 560 and HUMN 565 taken together satisfy the foreign language requirement.

Attributes: Human Thought Exp (Gen Ed)

Prerequisite(s): HUMN 560 with a minimum grade of D-.

Mutual Exclusion: No credit for students who have taken SPAN 402.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate comprehension of past and future Spanish language tenses in verbal and written form.
  2. Use correct Spanish vocabulary and grammar in both written and verbal form.
  3. Discuss aspects of Hispanic cultures in context.
  4. Demonstrate fluidity in Spanish language speaking skills in interpersonal communication.

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HUMN 625 - Introduction to Cultural Theory

Credits: 4

This writing and reading intensive course is a general introduction to the critical perspectives and theories that enliven contemporary cultural studies with attention to various schools of 20th and 21st-century criticism, critical applications, and critical terminology. Theories covered include: Marxism, Psychoanalytic criticism, Structuralism, Post-structuralism, Feminist literary studies, Gender studies, Queer studies, Critical Race studies, Post-colonialism, New Historicism, Cultural studies, and Postmodernism. More broadly, this course explores current studies of literature and culture, examining the practices and values of literary and cultural scholars, students, and teachers in order to gain an understanding of the tradition and norms that have emerged from those practices and values, and finally, to consider which of those trends are most valuable for future critical endeavors in the field of cultural studies.

Attributes: Human Thought Exp (Gen Ed)

Prerequisite(s): (ENG 420 with a minimum grade of D- or ENG 500G with a minimum grade of D-) and (CRIT 501 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIT 501G with a minimum grade of D-).

Equivalent(s): HUMN 625G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Read, interpret, write, and speak about a diverse range of texts, for example: literature, film, digital media, and popular culture.
  2. Define what theory is and identify a number of theoretical approaches to literary and cultural studies.
  3. Critically analyze and synthesize texts on the basis of close reading and the application of theoretical frameworks.
  4. Describe how texts are culturally constructed in time, place, and tradition, as well as how texts inform and reflect aspects of culture and identity, such as: gender, race, class, sexuality, and nationality.
  5. Determine and articulate what is at stake in choosing one critical or theoretical methodology over another.

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HUMN 644 - Special Topics: Upper Level

Credits: 1-4

A study of current and variable topics in Humanities. Course content changes from term to term.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.

Equivalent(s): HUMN 644G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

HUMN 797 - Integrative Capstone: Project in Humanities

Credits: 4

This capstone course for Humanities and English majors is designed to integrate learning from the entire program in an individually-customized project. Students demonstrate competency in the study of the humanities by producing a substantive original essay based on in-depth research. Prior to capstone enrollment, students are expected to complete the majority of their required major courses. Students should consult with their advisor regarding specific major courses that may be completed with their capstone. NOTE: Students who were admitted to the college before Fall 2019 and have remained active in their original catalog year are not required to take IDIS 601.

Attributes: Writing Intensive Course

Prerequisite(s): (CRIT 602 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIT 602G with a minimum grade of D- or CRIT 502G with a minimum grade of D-) and (IDIS 601 with a minimum grade of D- or IDIS 601G with a minimum grade of D-).

Equivalent(s): HUMN 650G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop a humanities-related research question for extended exploration.
  2. Conduct thorough research on the chosen humanities topic.
  3. Demonstrate critical analysis of a variety of sources in the field of humanities.
  4. Write a comprehensive original paper employing advanced skills of exposition, argument, analysis, and synthesis of ideas related to the selected subject of study.
  5. Employ responsible quotation and citation practices based on impeccable documentation and solid understanding of standard conventions.

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