College of Liberal Arts (COLA)
Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.
Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
COLA 401 - Liberal Arts Advising Seminar
Credits: 1
Extended Orientation course for COLA first year students.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
COLA 402 - Digging Deep: Cool COLA Research
Credits: 1
This course, featuring research presentations and Q&A with select faculty, introduces students to what is entailed in doing research from within Liberal Arts. It will showcase the range of research projects and methods used by COLA faculty and taught to COLA students. Presentations will also illuminate how research in COLA disciplines enriches and complements other fields (e.g., natural resources, marine science, computer science, business, finance, health services) and teaches skills applicable to numerous careers tracks.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
COLA 458 - Global Preparedness for Budapest
Credits: 1
This course is delivered online in the weeks leading up to the start of the Budapest Spring Semester Program and while students are abroad. The course will prepare students to get more out of their study abroad experience in Hungary by developing knowledge of the destination city, the procedures and features of the program, and basic intellectual training. All students participating in the program must enroll in this course.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
COLA 500 - Pathfinder - Career Planning for Liberal Arts Majors
Credits: 2
Explore existing and emerging employment opportunities for liberal arts majors in fields including technology, health & wellness, marketing, education & training, sales, financial services, and consulting. Weekly panel conversations with industry experts, self-reflection exercises, and career assessments will facilitate this exploration. Ultimately, you will develop a tailored Career Development Plan based on your skills, values, and interests.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
COLA 505 - Hired: A Career Boot Camp for Liberal Arts Majors
Credits: 2
This 7-week boot camp style course equips liberal arts students with the tools needed to land a job or internship. Specifically, students craft resumes, cover letters, and online profiles that effectively communicate their values, interests, and strengths. Students also execute organized job and internship searches, critique job offers and benefits packages, and hone interview skills that enable them to speak confidently about the transferable skills they have gained throughout their academic and co-curricular experience.
Equivalent(s): COLA 400
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
COLA 510 - COLA Peer Navigator Mentor Training
Credits: 0-2
The purpose of this course is to develop your leadership skills and prepare you to support first-year and transfer students through their first semester at UNH. Peer Navigators serve an important role in COLA and in the lives of first-year transfer students, serving as a bridge to the UNH campus and community. As part of this course, you will learn to facilitate activities and discussions in-class and online, give positive feedback, hold office hours, refer students to campus resources, and act as a learning coach and student advocate.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
COLA 653 - Introduction to British Culture
Credits: 4
Why do the British say “Sorry” for everything? What is the role of the monarchy? Does the British class system still exist? What is it like being British-born of Indian parents? How many languages are spoken in London? What is a stiff upper lip anyway? These are only a tiny fraction of the questions that will surface during your stay in London. Through class discussions, readings, written ruminations, and excursions, you will in this course explore a range of cultural elements and challenges unique to the United Kingdom in general and London in particular, from the light (British etiquette) to the substantial (the impact of immigration).
Co-requisite: COLA 655, COLA 670, INCO 588
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
COLA 655 - London Program
Credits: 0-18
Enables students to pursue a semester or academic year of in UNH's programs in London, England. Students must be admitted before enrolling in the course. For information and application forms, consult program secretary. IA (continuous grading) grade will be assigned until official transcript is received. Program fee.
Co-requisite: COLA 653, INCO 588
Attributes: World Cultures(Discovery)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Special Fee: Yes
COLA 658 - Humanities Spring Budapest Program
Credits: 0-16
Enables students to pursue a spring semester in UNH's program in Budapest, Hungary. The program is designed to provide undergraduates with an intensive study abroad experience focusing on modern Hungarian and Central European history and culture. Students study at Corvinus University and take courses taught by Hungarian and University of New Hampshire faculty. Under the supervision of a UNH faculty member in residence, students carry a four course load, two of which (HUMA 550 and HUMA 551) are taught by the UNH faculty member. All courses are taught in English. Students must be admitted before enrolling in this course. For information and application forms, consult the COLA Study Abroad Coordinator. IA (Continuous grading) grade is assigned until official transcript of courses taken a Corvinus University is received.
Attributes: World Cultures(Discovery)
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Special Fee: Yes
COLA 670 - The London Project
Credits: 4
The London Project will be one of the two UNH courses that UNH students participating in the UNH London Program will be required to take. This course will guide students through the research, writing/producing, and presentation of a project that explores one very narrow slice of London. The goal is to allow each student to gain insight and understanding of a subject that intrigues him/her and to present findings in a form that is appropriate for the subject and the talents of the author. Those forms could range from an academic research paper, a piece of creative writing, a multimedia slide show, a video, a podcast, or perhaps a Power Point presentation. By asking students to become fluent in one London issue, this course complements the other UNH course, Introduction to British Culture, which covers a range of British customs, challenges, and cultural elements.
Co-requisite: COLA 653
Grade Mode: Letter Grading