Community & Environmental Planning (CEP)

Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.

Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.

CEP 415 - Community Development Perspectives

Credits: 4

Introduces students to a range of community development and environmental planning issues facing communities as they undergo social, economic, and environmental change. Through class discussion and examination of case studies, this course instills basic principles and processes of community development and environmental planning, formulation, and conflict resolution. Community and environmental planning topics covered in the course include land use conflict, urban/suburban sprawl, rural development, economic development, local food systems, community infrastructure, and environmental stewardship. Emphasis is placed on the roles and responsibilities of community development professionals, including land use planners, municipal administrators, and community leaders.

Attributes: Social Science (Discovery)

Equivalent(s): CD 415

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

CEP 508 - Applied Community Development

Credits: 4

Students work in an actual community, assisting individuals and groups to identify needs and problems, establish attainable and objective goals, assess requirements and resources, and formulate programs for development and methods of collection, analysis, and integration of pertinent primary and secondary economic, social, political, and physical data for community development. Lab.

Prerequisite(s): CEP 415 with a minimum grade of D- or CEP 672 with a minimum grade of D- or TOUR 510 with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): CD 508

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Application of community development and planning theory to address community development and planning problems.
  2. Engaging in community level research using a variety of research methods.
  3. Experience with key-person interviews, focus groups, and surveys as primary data collection and citizen engagement.
  4. Experience searching for grant opportunities for community projects.
  5. Experience in writing a grant letter for funding a community activity.
  6. Use of budgeting in grant applications, action plans and projects for community improvements.
  7. Writing a community-based action research plan (CBAR) with clear narrative and illustrations.
  8. Presenting a community-based action research plan to a public audience.
  9. Experience with group work and setting up tasks for project completion with and for community stakeholders.

View Course Learning Outcomes

CEP 614 - Fundamentals of Planning

Credits: 4

Community planning process in nonmetropolitan communities; practical application of planning techniques. Communities' components: housing, jobs, schools, recreation, transportation, community appearance, and the administrative structure for planning. Use of planning tools: data gathering and analysis, the master plan, zoning and subdivision regulations, community development programs.

Attributes: Writing Intensive Course

Prerequisite(s): (EREC 411 with a minimum grade of D- or NR 411 with a minimum grade of D- or ECON 402 with a minimum grade of D-) and CEP 508 with a minimum grade of D-.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

CEP 627 - Community Economics

Credits: 4

Economic factors affecting community and local government decisions. Emphasizes use of economic theory for decision making and community problem solving.

Prerequisite(s): EREC 411 with a minimum grade of D- or NR 411 with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): CD 627, EREC 627, RECO 627

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

CEP 672 - Fundamentals of Real Estate

Credits: 4

This course covers timely subjects in National and regional real estate, such as types of property ownership, easements, financing, contracts, appraisal, brokerage, property listings, commissions, fair housing, and property management. The goal of this class is to prepare students to pass the New Hampshire Real Estate Sales Agent License Exam and/or be knowledgeable real estate investors.

Equivalent(s): CD 672, NR 672

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Be able to describe fundamental real estate principles.
  2. Be aware of the fundamental components of value in real property.
  3. Understand important federal real estate laws, such as Fair Housing, and Environmental Hazards.
  4. Develop an understanding of fiduciary duties and basic contract law.
  5. Have a working knowledge of real estate terminology.
  6. Know different forms of real estate ownership and legal descriptions of real property.
  7. Be qualified to take the New Hampshire Real Estate License Exam.
  8. Be aware of current real estate financing concepts, issues, and programs.
  9. Be an educated property owner/investor/tenant.

View Course Learning Outcomes

CEP 673 - Green Real Estate

Credits: 4

This class covers issues related to existing and new real estate development with respect to history, law (state statutes and federal legislation), economics, and technology. The course looks at impacts of green development from an individual building level, and out to regional and global levels. We look at common problems and solutions, review case studies, and discuss emerging trends in "green development."

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

CEP 777 - Topics in Community Planning

Credits: 4

Advanced treatment of the concepts and tools required for effective local and regional planning to guide land use, capital investment in infrastructure, and organization for service delivery.

Attributes: Writing Intensive Course

Prerequisite(s): CEP 614 with a minimum grade of D-.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

CEP 794 - Community and Environmental Planning Internship

Credits: 4-12

Fieldwork in a planning office for student’s professional development. Student must be supervised by a qualified planner or faculty-approved supervisor throughout the internship and remain in consultation with a faculty advisor. A Memorandum of Understanding between the student, the internship supervisor, and the faculty advisor, as well as midterm and final written reports are required. May be taken for 4 credits with 150 hours of internship up to a maximum of 12 credits for 450 hours of internship.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.

Equivalent(s): CD 794

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading

CEP 795 - Investigations

Credits: 2-4

Special assignments in readings, investigations, or field problems, or teaching experience. May be repeated.

Equivalent(s): CD 795, CD 795W, CEP 795W

Grade Mode: Letter Grading