Social Science (SOSC)
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Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
SOSC 445 - Race & Diversity in the U.S.
Credits: 4
This course offers an introduction to the body of research and understanding about race and diverse identities and cultures, particularly in the context of the United States. Students will identify and describe terminology relating to race and diversity and will explore and describe the concepts of race, culture, class, sex, and gender identity as social constructs. Students will be asked to think critically about assumptions related to race- and sex-based hierarchical ideas and the effects of those assumptions on equitable economic, social, and political participation in the United States. Students will explore, and explain, the meaning of intersectionality as it relates to diverse identities (e.g. race, ethnicity, sex and gender, etc.).
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Equivalent(s): SOSC 505G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Identify and describe key terminology and concepts related to race and diversity.
- Describe the meaning of a social construct as a sociological phenomenon and apply its principles to a given example related to race, culture, class, or gender identity.
- Evaluate the effect of psychological and sociological race- and sex-based hierarchies on individuals or groups in terms of their equitable inclusion in economic, social, and political participation in the U.S.
- Explain the meaning of intersectionality as it relates to the connection between diverse forms of identity (e.g., race, ethnicity, sex and gender identities, etc.) and describe how it applies to an example where there are interdependent methods of discrimination.
- Describe a situation in which there is evidence of discrimination according to race, ethnicity, sex, or gender identity and provide analysis of the indicators that support these claims.
SOSC 544 - Special Topics: Lower Level
Credits: 1-4
A study of current and variable topics in Social Science. Course content changes from term to term.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.
Equivalent(s): SOSC 544G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SOSC 602 - Men and Women in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Credits: 4
This course provides a basis for analyzing alternatives in the relationships between men and women by looking at the roles women play in widely different societies; for example, in peasant, socialist, and capitalist industrial societies. The range of women's and men's roles in a variety of cultures is explored.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): PSY 410 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 501G with a minimum grade of D- or SOCI 410 with a minimum grade of D- or SOC 501G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): SOSC 602G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Pursue an interdisciplinary approach to learning about and discussing gender roles in societies.
- Articulate the impact of culture, history, and biography on how men and women perceive themselves and each other in relation to the rest of the social world and describe how they act on these perceptions.
- Research and explore how race, class, and ethnic differences complicate shared gender experience.
- Describe what similarities exist across the boundaries of groups.
SOSC 610 - Multicultural Perspectives in Education
Credits: 4
In this course, students will demonstrate an understanding of the major principles, theories, and research pertaining to the influence of cultural groups and subgroups on language learning, school achievement, and acculturation. Students will explore the role of cultural and social identities and demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge in identifying environments that support both students’ identities and academic needs. The role of the dominant culture and its impact on students will be explored.
Prerequisite(s): PSY 410 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 501G with a minimum grade of D- or SOCI 410 with a minimum grade of D- or SOC 501G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): EDU 631G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Identify and describe the major principles, theories, and research describing the influence that cultural groups, including the majority group, can have on language learning, school achievement, social adjustment, and acculturation.
- Describe and differentiate several cultural systems.
- Apply knowledge of the nature and role of culture to select learning environments that support students’ cultural identities and academic needs.
- Explain the issues of fairness and bias relating to assessment and detail the use of unbiased diagnostic, language proficiency, and academic evaluations for students.
SOSC 630 - Aspects of Aging and Older Adulthood in a Modern Society
Credits: 4
The course introduces the physical, psychological, economic, and social aspects of aging. Attention is given to these key aspects of aging and their relationship to the characteristics of our aging population in the United States. The course also explores the impact of culture, family structure, and societal values on older adults in our society.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): PSY 410 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 501G with a minimum grade of D- or SOCI 410 with a minimum grade of D- or SOC 501G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): SOSC 630G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Define the following four aspects of aging: social, psychological, physical, and economic.
- Analyze the relationships among the four aspects of aging and their impact on the individual and group within society.
- Recognize the role of societal norms and values in determining the attitudes toward older adults in America.
- Relate the diverse social and cultural values of older adults to the social, economic, physical, and psychological aspects of aging.
- Discuss the demographics of the United States' aging population.
- Discuss findings from major research studies in the field of aging and gerontology.
- Examine social and institutional system factors that have an impact on the health and well-being of older adults.
SOSC 644 - Special Topics: Upper Level
Credits: 1-4
A study of current and variable topics in Social Science. Course content changes from term to term. It is expected that the learner will have prior coursework or experience in the subject area.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.
Equivalent(s): SOSC 644G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SOSC 675 - Dynamics of Family Relationships
Credits: 4
This course examines evolving family structures in contemporary American society. The functions that a family serves are reviewed. The stages of family life and development, a variety of communication patterns, and the causes of breakups are addressed. The focus of the course is on helping students develop an ability to assess the strengths of a family system, evaluate the decision-making processes used by a family, and discuss the resiliency of the family. The course reviews a range of intervention methods that can be used to improve family relationships.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): PSY 410 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 501G with a minimum grade of D- or SOCI 410 with a minimum grade of D- or SOC 501G with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 410 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 500G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): SOSC 604G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Describe current American courtship patterns and explain processes couples use in deciding to begin their families.
- Define contemporary patterns of American families including single parent families, nuclear families, blended families, and alternative families.
- Recognize stages of family life and development of its members.
- Construct a family genogram and demonstrate how it can be used in health and clinical settings.
- Define communication patterns and illustrate how they impact a family's ability to manage problems as they arise.
- Illustrate causes of disruptions in family development.
- Analyze research on the coping styles of healthy families and methods of intervention that increase the resilience of family systems.
- Describe the composition of a family and identify patterns of interaction.
- Articulate the ethical considerations and parameters that guide the conduct of research and govern the use of research when working with families.
SOSC 680 - Stress and the Family
Credits: 4
This course examines the characteristics of both healthy and troubled families as they progress through each developmental stage. Change is a constant in each person's life; the family's response to change and the resulting stress is reviewed. A family's ability to manage extraordinary stressors, from both external and internal sources, is discussed. There is an emphasis on maladaptive patterns including family violence, runaways, and self-harming patterns. NOTE: Completion of SOSC 675 is recommended.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): PSY 410 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 501G with a minimum grade of D- or SOCI 410 with a minimum grade of D- or SOC 501G with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 410 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 500G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): SOSC 605G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Describe the essential tasks of the family, the stages of development through which families pass, and characteristic patterns of family functioning.
- Utilize systems theory to analyze how well an individual family is functioning.
- Explain the typical changes a family must make to adapt to each stage of the developmental sequence.
- Examine how normal stressors can cumulatively damage some families’ adaptive mechanisms.
- Describe how extraordinary stressors such as job loss, economic downturns, or military actions can impact a family’s stress levels.
- Analyze several maladaptive strategies used by family members, including violence, running away, and substance abuse.
- Compare and contrast strategies of effectively functioning families with maladaptive strategies, focusing on aspects of family life such as parenting, communication, and support networks.
- Examine local community resources available to support family functioning.
- Develop a plan to help foster resilience in family systems with their local community.
SOSC 710 - Social Stratification and Inequality
Credits: 4
This course explores the diversity of life experiences in contemporary America and assesses structured inequality in terms of socioeconomic, racial, gender, and sexuality differences. Using the theoretical framework of the social construction of race, gender, economic class, sexual orientation, and disability in historical contexts, the course examines how and why stratification systems emerge and are reproduced. Students then consider alternatives to the categories of difference and the processes, philosophical developments, institutions, and conditions that lead to and rely on power and privilege in modern society.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): PSY 410 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 501G with a minimum grade of D- or SOCI 410 with a minimum grade of D- or SOC 501G with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 410 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 500G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): SOSC 637G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Summarize the interdisciplinary approach to understanding structured societal inequalities.
- Analyze the theoretical framework of the social construction of race, gender, economic class, and sexual orientation in historical contexts.
- Articulate the ways in which individuals are circumscribed by their position in the social stratification system.
- Critically evaluate and propose alternatives to categories of difference, social institutions, and conditions that lead to and rely on power and privilege in modern society.