Sports Management & Leadership (SML)
Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.
Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
SML 521 - Theory of Coaching Basketball
Credits: 2
Individual team offense and defense, rules of the game. Problems in team handling and conditioning.
Prerequisite(s): (SPST 565 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D- or SML 565 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D-).
Equivalent(s): KIN 521, SPST 521
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 522 - Theory of Coaching Football
Credits: 2
Systems of play, team and individual offensive and defensive fundamentals, theory and strategy of team play, coaching methods, physical conditioning, rules.
Equivalent(s): KIN 522, SPST 522
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Build offensive and defensive strategies for practices and games.
- Assess athlete physical training, and produce improvement programs specific to the player's position.
- Outline individual and team.
- Outline the rules of football.
SML 523 - Theory of Coaching Ice Hockey
Credits: 2
Basic hockey skills. Fundamentals of individual and team offense and defense; coaching methods; rules. Student must have basic skating skills prior to taking course.
Prerequisite(s): (SPST 565 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D- or SML 565 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D-).
Equivalent(s): KIN 523, SPST 523
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes
SML 525 - Theory of Coaching Soccer
Credits: 2
Fundamental and advanced skills and techniques; offensive and defensive principles of team play; tactical formations and strategy; methods of training and practicing; rules.
Equivalent(s): KIN 525, SPST 525
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 528 - Theory of Coaching Track and Field
Credits: 2
Starting, sprinting, middle-distance and distance running, relay, hurdling, high and broad jumping, pole vault, shot putting, discus, hammer, and javelin. Methods of training and practicing.
Equivalent(s): KIN 528, SPST 528
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 560 - Sport Psychology
Credits: 4
Introduction to the discipline of sport psychology. Explores behavioral, cognitive, and social psychology in relation to elite, collegiate and high school athletes, as well as recreational sport participants.
Equivalent(s): KIN 560, SPST 560
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 561 - History of American Sport and Physical Culture
Credits: 4
Major individuals, organizations, and trends that influenced the development of an American industry in sports, active recreation, and physical fitness. Readings, discussions, and research projects provide experience in the craft and utility of history.
Attributes: Historical Perspectives(Disc)
Equivalent(s): KIN 561, KIN 561W, SPST 561, SPST 561W
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 561W - History of American Sport and Physical Culture
Credits: 4
Major individuals, organization and trends that influenced the development of an American industry in sports, active recreation, and physical fitness. Reading, discussions and research projects provide experience in the craft and utility of history.
Attributes: Historical Perspectives(Disc); Writing Intensive Course
Equivalent(s): KIN 561W, SPST 561W
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 562 - Sport Media Relations
Credits: 4
A survey of basic concepts of sports media relations for students considering careers in school or college sports coaching or administration, media or related fields. The focus is on developing necessary skills, techniques and recommended media relations practices as well as social implications of the media in sports public relations including print, radio, television, the World Wide Web and social media.
Equivalent(s): KIN 562, SPST 562
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 564 - Introduction to Sport Marketing
Credits: 4
An introductory study of sport marketing, which includes the basic principles, key scholars, relevant scholarship, and necessary experiential elements to aid students in understanding the discipline's applied and academic aspects. This course will introduce traditional marketing concepts as well as focus on the marketing of sport and through sport.
Equivalent(s): KIN 564, SPST 564
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 565 - Principles of Coaching
Credits: 4
Overviews current theory and practice in coaching education, including sport pedagogy, physiology, psychology, administration and risk management. Issues of performance and competition specific to child, youth and collegiate coaching are addressed.
Equivalent(s): KIN 565, SPST 565
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 565A - Clinical Practice in Coaching
Credits: 2
Students will learn and utilize best practices in the field to create safe, positive and effective coaching environments while teaching technical and tactical sport skills. Group management, motivation skill progression, evaluation and feedback will be explored. An emphasis will be placed on writing and implementing practice objectives, as well as effective practice design and execution. This course will include weekly practical coaching sessions.
Prerequisite(s): SML 565 with a minimum grade of D- or SPST 565 with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): SPST 565A
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 568 - Global Perspectives in Sport
Credits: 4
Global Perspectives in Sport explores the intersections of management and the cross cultural context of sport in examining issues and challenges in sport around the globe. This course will prepare students to think critically about the organization, governance, business activities, and cross-cultural context of modern sport on an international level.
Equivalent(s): KIN 568, SPST 568
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Critically examine the competing theories of globalization, in order to understand the necessary relationship between global processes and local sporting experience.
- Understand sports' significance to the multi-faceted concept of globalization, and highlight the interrelated historical, cultural, economic, and political components.
- Evaluate the heterogeneity/homogeneity of the historical global sport enterprise.
- Identify the historical foundations of the modern sport enterprise.
- Understand the role of the spectacle in shaping the historical and contemporary production of sport.
SML 580 - Sport Industry
Credits: 4
Overviews the various segments that make up the sport industry, including governing bodies, the mass media, sporting goods firms, players' and coaches' associations, public regulatory agencies, and secondary and higher education. Readings and discussions consider the development and structure of each segment. interaction between segments, legal issues, and policy implications. While the course will focus on the United States, there is some comparison to other countries.
Equivalent(s): KIN 580, SPST 580
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 630 - Sport Facility and Event Management
Credits: 4
Students learn the principles and processes involved in effective sport facility and event management. In terms of facilities, students explore the concepts of facility design, planning, systems, risk management, marketing, and ownership. In terms of events, students explore the concepts of creation, impact(s) on host communities, marketing/sponsorship, and the potential positive and negative outcomes of sport events.
Equivalent(s): KIN 630, SPST 630
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes
SML 631 - Sport Media Production
Credits: 4
Sport media professionals are expected to write their own scripts, produce their own content, and distribute that content on multiple digital platforms. Sport Media Production is designed to combine media management with production work in digital media, video, podcasting and website design. This course examines many of the current distribution platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, blogs, mobile applications) and the tools to create media for these outlets. In this course, students will create media using Adobe Creative Cloud and current video-editing systems.
Prerequisite(s): (SML 562 with a minimum grade of D- or SPST 562 with a minimum grade of D-).
Equivalent(s): KIN 631, SPST 631
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 634 - Sport Sponsorship and Sales
Credits: 4
The goal of this course is for students to develop an understanding of all aspects of sport sales and sponsorship. This course will explain the intricacies of both sport sales and sport sponsorship as well as demonstrate the ways they overlap and differ. Specifically, this course will cover concepts such as aftermarketing, up-selling, benefit selling, and sponsorship proposals.
Equivalent(s): KIN 634, SPST 634
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 643 - Social Media Marketing in Sport
Credits: 4
Students examine the use of social media as a tool in the marketing of sport and sport-related products. They are expected to effectively analyze and prescribe different ways in which social media can enhance the marketing profile of such products upon course completion. Student work should facilitate a deep understanding of social media in its constituent forms as they apply to sport and students should be able to examine such use critically.
Equivalent(s): KIN 643, SPST 643
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 645 - Leadership in Sport
Credits: 4
This course examines leadership theories and behavior as it relates to the sport industry. Students will study leadership behavior as it relates to coaching, administering athletic departments or programs, and directing sport-related businesses. Additionally, this course will explore the ethical issues dilemmas, and ethical decision-making process sport managers face in professional, collegiate and interscholastic sport.
Equivalent(s): SPST 645
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 650C - Internship in Sport Management and Leadership
Credits: 1-8
Experiential learning in a setting appropriate to the major option and to student's objectives. An 8 credit internship requires a minimum of 600 hours experience; fewer credits will require proportionally fewer hours. May be on- or off-campus with an approved organization. Student must participate in securing the internship. A journal, bi-weekly reports and a final paper required. May be repeated, with no more than 8 credits taken in any given semester.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.
Equivalent(s): KIN 650C, SPST 650C
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 650D - Internship in Coaching
Credits: 2-4
Experiential learning in a setting appropriate to student's learning objectives in coaching. May be on- or off-campus with an approved organization. Student must participate in securing the assistantship. A journal, bi-weekly reports, and final report required.
Prerequisite(s): (SPST 565 with a minimum grade of D- or SML 565 with a minimum grade of D-).
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.
Equivalent(s): KIN 650D, SPST 650D
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 693 - Teaching Assistantship
Credits: 2
A) Physical Education Pedagogy; B) Exercise Leader; C) Outdoor Education; D) Science Labs; E) Cardiac Rehabilitation; F) Coaching. Students serve as teaching teaching assistants in assigned class activities. Assignments to be made by the class instructor may include teaching assistants' and administrative duties. May be repeated barring duplication of subject.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.
Equivalent(s): KIN 693, SPST 693
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
SML 696 - Independent Study
Credits: 2-4
An advanced, individual scholarly project under the direct supervision of a faculty member.
Equivalent(s): KIN 696, SPST 696
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 696W - Independent Study
Credits: 2-4
An advanced writing-intensive, individual scholarly project under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Student and Faculty advisor will prepare a written proposal that outlines: questions to be pursued, methods of investigation, students qualifications to conduct the research, nature of finished written product (e.g. case study, position paper, extended lab report). Proposal must be approved by major faculty and dept. chair prior to students registration for SML 696W. All SML 696W projects must include Some forms of informal, ungraded writing such as a journal, reading summaries, draft chapters, or invention activities. Regular writing interaction between student and faculty adviser (i.e. at least weekly or biweekly), to include written feedback from the adviser. A finished product that is polished via revision. Faculty sponsors and students should consult the resources and guidelines of the UNH Writing Program.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Equivalent(s): KIN 696W, SPST 696W
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 699H - Honors Project
Credits: 4
Project first involves tutorial sessions to introduce the student to the experimental design, after which a research question is developed. After an appropriate literature review, the student collects and analyzes data, forms conclusions, and prepares a written report on the findings.
Attributes: Honors course
Equivalent(s): KIN 699H, SPST 699H
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 738 - Sport Finance
Credits: 4
This course examines the financial tools that sport managers use to run their sport businesses. Therefore it explores traditional and innovative methods of revenue acquisition and financial management in sports organizations, the financial business structure of sports organizations, and the financial planning and forecasting processes that make organizations effective. Various other aspects of finance are discussed as they relate to sport organizations, including the tie value of money, capital structuring, stocks, inventory management, and taxation.
Equivalent(s): SPST 738
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 740 - Athletic Administration
Credits: 4
Introduces basic management components and processes used in the successful administration of school and college athletic programs. Topics include planning, organizing, and managing sports programs, personnel, and policies; game scheduling; finances and facilities; equipment and event management; student support services; and key legal issues.
Equivalent(s): KIN 740, SPST 740
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 741W - Social Issues in Contemporary Sports
Credits: 4
Investigation of interrelationships among sport, culture, and society in an attempt to understand the role and function of sport in contemporary society. Overview of selected socio-cultural factors that influence and result from participation in sports.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Equivalent(s): KIN 741, SML 741, SPST 741
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 761 - Career Development in Sport Management and Leadership
Credits: 4
Career Development in Sport Management & Leadership is the capstone course for majors in Sport Management & Leadership. A Capstone, by definition, is "a stone that forms the top of a wall or building … a final touch, a crowning achievement, a culmination." The capstone experience is designed to bring reflection and focus to the student's experiences at UNH. This course builds upon and extends the knowledge developed in prior required and elective courses, while tying in previous and current readings and discussions into the student's future in the sport industry. In addition, all students will develop several skills in the areas of professional writing, public presentation, and action-based research. Throughout the course, students will work individually and in groups. Prior to taking this course 150 Hours of documented sport related experience is required.
Equivalent(s): KIN 761, SPST 761
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Develop skills in oral presentation, including interviews and research presentations.
- Enhance writing skills in different formats, including, but not limited to, resumes, cover letters, and portfolio.
- Apply skills found within sport management & leadership towards career goals.
- Produce research based tools for sport management & leadership professional challenges and ‘real-world’ problems.
SML 764 - Advanced Sport Marketing
Credits: 4
An advanced course covering sport marketing, which includes a review of key sport marketing terms/concepts, in-depth experience writing s a sport marketer, and practical experience acting as a sport marketer. This course will instruct students n how to complete all aspects of an in-depth marketing plan. This is an undergraduate/graduate dual student course.
Prerequisite(s): (SPST 564 with a minimum grade of D- or SML 564 with a minimum grade of D- or ADMN 585 with a minimum grade of D-).
Equivalent(s): KIN 764, SPST 764
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 765 - Advanced Topics in Coaching
Credits: 4
This course goes beyond the basic principles of coaching and addresses advanced topics in coaching (talent identification, talent development) from both the science and the art of coaching technique and strategies. This course is structured as an upper division course in Sport Studies. Content includes topics related to the development of the field of coaching. The class makes extensive use of case studies and analysis of practical coaching situations for the betterment of coach development. This course combines lecture, small group discussion and practical application of material.
Prerequisite(s): (SML 565 with a minimum grade of D- or SPST 565 with a minimum grade of D- or KIN 565 with a minimum grade of D-).
Equivalent(s): KIN 765, SPST 765
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 780 - Psychological Factors in Sport
Credits: 4
Factors of outstanding athletic achievement; psychological variables in competition; the actions and interactions of sport, spectator, and athlete. Special attention directed to strategies for coaches, teachers, and athletic trainers to utilize sport psychology in their professional practice.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC 401 with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): KIN 780, SPST 780
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SML 798 - Special Topics
Credits: 1-4
New or specialized courses not normally covered in regular course offerings. Special fee on some sections.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Equivalent(s): KIN 798, SPST 798
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes