Recreation Management & Policy (RMP)
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Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
RMP 400 - Recreation Management and Policy Continuing Enrollment
Credits: 0
This course enables BS students to maintain continuous enrollment in RMP as part of their matriculation plan until after their degree is formally awarded.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to 2 times.
Grade Mode: Not graded
RMP 411 - Applied Recreation Risk Management
Credits: 2
This course prepares students for leadership and management activities in recreational settings. Students will become familiar with professional standards in applied recreation contexts, examine risk management principles, and pursue certifications in areas such as: defensive driving, child protection, wilderness first aid, and CPR. At the end of the course students will be equipped to lead various campus-based and off campus recreational programs.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 444A - Taking the "Dis" out of Disability
Credits: 4
In contrast to the traditional view of disability as a defect, students learn how disability provides a unique vantage point on our world and can be perceived as an ordinary part of the twists and turns of life. Examines the history of social responses to disability, with an emphasis on the present day concepts of inclusion and self-determination. Students explore expressions of the disability experience through print and visual media.
Attributes: Social Science (Discovery); Inquiry (Discovery); Writing Intensive Course
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 490 - Recreation & Tourism in Society
Credits: 4
This course provides an overview of the historical and philosophical framework for the comparison of concepts, theories, and the inter-relationships between factors (social, economic, political, psychological) that influence our recreation and tourism experiences. Students explore how recreation is reflected in arts, literature, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, and anthropology, and will be introduced to different delivery systems, as well as a variety of relevant professional associations and career opportunities.
Attributes: Social Science (Discovery)
Equivalent(s): RMP 490H
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 500 - Therapeutic Recreation Methods in Physical Rehabilitation Settings
Credits: 1
This course introduces students to a variety of assistive techniques, devices and equipment used in Therapeutic Recreation settings that allow individuals with illnesses and disabilities achieve maximum independence and functional capacity to maintain optimal health and leisure functioning. Students learn and apply skills in anatomical orientation and positioning, universal precautions, assistive technology and adapted equipment for recreation including manual, power, sports, and all-terrain wheelchairs, wheelchair mobility skills, proper body mechanics, transfer and lifting techniques, ambulation assists, and sighted guide techniques.
Co-requisite: RMP 503
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 501 - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice for Recreation Services
Credits: 4
Presents and discusses the concepts of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice of marginalized groups for recreation services (e.g., disability, gender, race, LGBTQ+, etc.). Students will learn and apply these concepts to recreation policies, planning, programming, implementation, and evaluation practices. Emphasis on service learning, classroom activities, lectures, discussions, and hands-on, experiential learning.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 502 - Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation
Credits: 4
History and professional concepts of therapeutic recreation and the roles and functions of the therapeutic recreation specialist.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 503 - Therapeutic Recreation Rehabilitation Principles & Interventions
Credits: 4
Introduces the rehabilitation principles and recreational therapy interventions used by therapeutic recreation specialists to improve functioning for people with physical and cognitive impairments. Students learn and apply fundamental processes of clinical reasoning and treatment program planning to improve quality of life. A lab provides students with the opportunity to use a variety of assistive techniques, adaptive devices, and equipment to support individuals and achieve maximum independence and promote a healthy leisure lifestyle.
Co-requisite: RMP 500
Equivalent(s): RMP 606
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes
RMP 504 - Therapeutic Recreation Mental Health Principles and Interventions
Credits: 4
Introduces mental health principles and recreational therapy interventions to improve functioning for people with emotional, social, and behavioral impairments. Students will learn and apply fundamental processes of clinical reasoning and treatment program planning to improve quality of life for persons with emotional, social, and behavioral impairments. Restricted to RMP majors.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 505 - Therapeutic Recreation: Aging Services Principles & Interventions
Credits: 4
This course is designated to introduce the student to the field of therapeutic recreation and its nexus with the older adult population. We will explore the role leisure and recreation, in concert with the recreational therapist, plays in the well-being of older adults. Topics of study will include: Health Promotion and Prevention; Geriatric Syndromes, Chronic Health Conditions; Roles of Recreational Therapist in Geriatrics; Common Illness, Health Settings; and Interventions.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 511 - Issues of Wilderness and Nature in American Society
Credits: 4
Provides students with an overview of the evolving relationship between wilderness/nature and American society. Examines the philosophy, ethics, and societal values in American society and its relationship to our natural wilderness. Recent issues are used as case studies in order for students to articulate, defend, and critique the ethical issues presented. Students are responsible for understanding and applying philosophical approaches developed by philosophers, writers, and activists associated with the wilderness, sustainability, biodiversity, hunting, suburban sprawl, environmental activism, endangered species, organic foods, and genetic engineering.
Attributes: Humanities(Disc)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 515 - History of Outdoor Pursuits in North America
Credits: 4
Voluntary pursuits in the outdoors have defined American culture since the early 17th century. Over the past 400 years, activities in outdoor recreation an education have reflected Americans' spiritual aspirations, imperial ambitions, social concerns, and demographic changes. This course will give students the opportunity to learn how Americans' experiences in the outdoors have influenced and been influenced by major historical developments of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th, and early 21st centuries.
Attributes: Historical Perspectives(Disc)
Equivalent(s): KIN 515, OUT 515
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 557 - Program and Event Design
Credits: 4
This course introduces students to a range of approaches to recreation program and event design, and focuses on providing leisure experiences for all populations. Course topics include foundations of programming, program theories, needs assessment techniques, vision, mission, goals, and objectives, processes of group planning, public relations, program promotion, and program evaluation. Students will design and deliver a recreation program using a team approach.
Prerequisite(s): RMP 490 with a minimum grade of C.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 559 - Marketing the Recreation Experience
Credits: 4
This course prepares students to apply marketing principles and strategies to recreation programs and events, including procedures for developing marketing plans for recreation and event organizations. Course content includes planning the marketing mix, with a focus on the recreation or event product, price, place, and promotion. The course covers the application of marketing and communication strategies delivered through social and audio-visual media. The culminating project consists of a marketing and communication plan for a recreation/leisure service agency.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): RMP 490 with a minimum grade of C.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 560 - Recreational Sport Management
Credits: 4
Explores and examines the theoretical foundations and basic skill methods, and techniques necessary for the effective and efficient delivery of recreational sport programs within a variety of collegiate, public, quasi-public, and private settings, agencies and/or organizations.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 561 - Campus Recreation Applied Leadership
Credits: 2
This course will provide students with foundational understanding needed to lead and facilitate programs in campus recreation settings. Students will learn about the principles underlying campus recreation staffing, supervision, and program policies.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
RMP 563 - Recreation Management and Policy Practicum
Credits: 2
Designed to provide first and second year RMP majors the opportunity to observe and practice leadership skills in clinical and community-based settings. Students complete a 40-45 hour practicum at an approved site. Successful completion of a practicum is prerequisite to the professional internship, RMP 664. Students are responsible for transportation and housing.
Prerequisite(s): RMP 490 with a minimum grade of C.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
RMP 593 - Special Topics
Credits: 2-4
A) Camping and Outdoor Education for Individuals with Disabilities, B) State Parks: Their Management and Role, C) Therapeutic Recreation in the School Setting, D) Social Psychology of Leisure, E) New Hampshire's Recreation/Ski Industry, F) Child Life Internship, J) Campus Recreation Applied Leadership, K-Z) Interdisciplinary. Specialized courses covering information not presented in regular course offerings. Description of topics available in department office during preregistration. May be repeated but not in duplicate areas. Special fee for RMP 593G.
Equivalent(s): RMP 593W
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
Special Fee: Yes
RMP 603 - New Hampshire Ski Industry Management
Credits: 4
This course examines the New Hampshire ski and snowboard industry from several distinct but interrelated perspectives: social, technological, environmental, historical, economic, and operational. Students will explore skiing as a holistic and fulfilling segment of the outdoor recreation field, while gaining an understanding of its interdependence with the state's economy, the natural environment, and New Hampshire's unique cultural history. The influence of New Hampshire's ski industry on the history and growth of the American ski industry will be examined, and the impacts of climate change and other environmental issues will be investigated in light on ongoing societal shifts and relevant technological advancements.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 612 - Therapeutic Communication and Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation
Credits: 0 or 4
Addresses specific clinical knowledge and skills essential to therapeutic recreation service delivery including clinical interviewing, group process, leisure education, treatment approaches, and intervention techniques.
Co-requisite: RMP 613
Prerequisite(s): RMP 502 with a minimum grade of C.
Equivalent(s): RMP 604
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 613 - Interventions and Documentation in Therapeutic Recreation
Credits: 0 or 3
This course emphasizes theory and concepts in clinical intervention within therapeutic recreation settings. Students learn to identify and select appropriate facilitation techniques for a variety of client needs. Students also learn to write and interpret practice-based documentation. Students are afforded the opportunity to practice and apply concepts learned.
Co-requisite: RMP 612
Prerequisite(s): RMP 502 with a minimum grade of C.
Equivalent(s): RMP 605
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 614 - Assessment and Treatment Planning in Therapeutic Recreation
Credits: 4
Addresses the principles of activity analysis, client assessment, documentation, individualized program planning, selection of interventions, and collaboration with a treatment team.
Co-requisite: RMP 615
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): RMP 502 with a minimum grade of C.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 615 - Clinical Lab in Therapeutic Recreation
Credits: 2
A clinical lab that provides students with the opportunity to apply principles central to the effective delivery of therapeutic recreation individualized treatment planning, client assessment, documentation, and activity analysis with members of one of two community sites located in the Seacoast region. Students are required to participate in weekly sessions (five to six hours per week) for a total of 15 weeks.
Co-requisite: RMP 614
Prerequisite(s): RMP 502 with a minimum grade of C.
Equivalent(s): RMP 602
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
RMP 641 - Group Facilitation and Leadership
Credits: 4
Course provides students with an introduction to the facilitation and leadership skills necessary to manage a diverse range of client groups and modalities. Students will learn how to prepare and deliver a program or meeting to address client objectives. Specific topics include group process, framing and sequencing, meeting management/facilitation, operating procedures for group initiative challenges, and remote meeting facilitation. Course occurs at the UNH Browne Center.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 654 - Professional Development and Ethics
Credits: 2
Focuses on preparing students for the internship experience through the identification of career goals and the selection of an approved internship site. A portfolio emphasizing process skills in resume construction, interviewing techniques, establishing internship goals and objectives, and self-assessment is developed. Securing Certification in Basic First Aid and CPR (infant, child, adult) is a component of this course.
Prerequisite(s): RMP 490 with a minimum grade of C.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 661 - Leadership in Recreation Services
Credits: 4
Addresses key human resource management issues of a general, technical, and global nature including communication, motivation and leadership, job stress and safety, security, federal regulations, and discrimination. Covers technical areas such as recruiting and selecting, employment, training, performance appraisal, disciplining, and termination.
Prerequisite(s): RMP 490 with a minimum grade of C.
Equivalent(s): HMGT 635
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 663 - Management and Finance in the Experience Industry
Credits: 4
This course provides advanced standing RMP students with entry-level knowledge of current management practice, specializing in planning, finance, budget, resource acquisition, technology, and evaluation. The primary objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the tools and approaches used in the management and financing of recreation and event planning agencies and organizations.
Prerequisite(s): RMP 490 with a minimum grade of C.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 668 - Youth Culture and Programs
Credits: 4
Emphasizes the identification of community and personal issues youth face in growing up as well as institutional and programmatic support available to assist youth. The course also examines the leadership, administrative, financial, and marketing tools necessary to develop successful youth programs and services. Service learning fieldwork and the completion of a background check are required.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 670 - Venue Management Design & Operations
Credits: 4
Provides students with an orientation to the management, design, operation, and functions of various recreation venues. Topics include venue management, operational considerations, support features, and auxiliary functions that impact the manager's role. Students gain insight into key areas of venue management, design, and operations through visits to actual recreation venues.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes
RMP 680 - Festival and Community Event Planning
Credits: 4
Introduces the planning, marketing, management, and evaluation of festivals and community events. Explores the theories and practices relevant to successful event planning for host community residents and visitors.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 700H - Senior Honors Project
Credits: 4-6
Under the direction of an RMP faculty member, students complete either a supervised research or applied field study project that builds on their honors coursework. Students submit a written proposal for approval and present the results at the completion of their project. Applied studies address a specific need or problem of a local agency or organization.
Attributes: Honors course
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 711 - Recreation Resource Management
Credits: 4
Examines the supply and demand of natural resources for outdoor recreation uses, with emphasis on relationships between public and private roles and responsibilities. Social, environmental, and economic impacts of outdoor recreation use are discussed. Current principles and techniques of recreation resource planning and management are outlined.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 720 - Adaptive Sport Facilitation for Recreation Therapy and Related Professions
Credits: 4
This course takes a strengths-based approach to examining adaptive sports and recreation for recreational therapists and related professions, with a focus on best practices and risk management in community-based settings. This is an experiential learning course, whereby students will learn how to design, plan, and facilitate a variety of adaptive sports for people with disabilities. Students will learn and apply processes for assessing, selecting, and fitting adaptive sports and recreation equipment for individuals with disabilities.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 724 - Research, Evaluation, and Data-Driven Decisions
Credits: 4
Emphasizes the understanding and practical application of evaluation concepts and tools within recreation, event, and allied health services. The course will cover the utility and feasibility of evaluation, evaluation planning and design (including quantitative and qualitative research design, methods, and analysis), evaluation management and data collection, analysis and reporting, and decision-making based on evaluation data.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): RMP 490 with a minimum grade of C.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 740 - Therapeutic Recreation Service Delivery in Community Settings
Credits: 4
This course provides specialized knowledge and skills related to the practice of Recreational Therapy in a community setting. The course will encourage students to expand their understanding of philosophical constructs, public policy, and professional programs. Specific facilitation techniques and treatment modalities will be introduced as well as information specific to the therapeutic process as it is observed in these settings.
Prerequisite(s): RMP 502 with a minimum grade of C.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 764 - Internship
Credits: 8 or 12
Supervised professional work experience in an approved recreation, park, tourism, or healthcare agency. Students participate in a 10 week (400 hour) or 14 week (560 hour) internship experience after receiving approval from their Academic Advisor and the Internship Coordinator.
Prerequisite(s): RMP 654 with a minimum grade of C.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
RMP 768 - Theories and Philosophies of Youth Development
Credits: 4
This course provides students with a foundation in the theories and philosophies associated with the field of youth development. Students will analyze the strengths and limitations of various theories, philosophies, and ideas as they are applied in practice and represented in research studies. Examples include: Ecological systems theory, positive youth development, sociocultural perspectives, risk/protective factors, and developmental assets.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 772 - Law and Public Policy in Leisure Services
Credits: 4
Topics including the law of torts, contracts, property, civil rights, risk management, and legal research are addressed in the context of leisure services and recreation resources. Public policy and professional advocacy implications are examined in relation to legislative and judicial systems.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): RMP 490 with a minimum grade of C.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 775 - Entrepreneurial and Commercial Recreation
Credits: 4
Principles of business planning and development as applied to the private sector leisure services industry. Emphasizes knowledge of key commercial leisure services profiles and their intersection with allied professions such as hospitality and tourism. Course topics include entrepreneurship, business planning, needs assessment, product development, selling, financing, legal designations, and business operations leading to the development of a business plan for a new entrepreneurial recreation enterprise.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 776 - Human Dimensions of Natural Environments
Credits: 4
This course draws on research and theories that illuminate the profound connections between nature and human health and wellbeing. Students will explore contemporary philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives to understand how both organized and unstructured experiences in the outdoors support human flourishing. Students review research and gain hands-on practice with ideas in the context of outdoor recreation, resource management, education, and other human service fields.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 780 - Event and Experience Design
Credits: 4
This course will explore social and technical aspects of event coordinating, with a focus on the production associated with management, strategic planning and evaluation of event. Throughout the course, students will gain hands-on experience working with volunteers and clients. Students will have the opportunity to plan and execute an event. Students will hone their skills in planning, executing, marketing, risk management and budgeting, while discovering how best practices are applicable to effective event coordinating.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 796 - Independent Study
Credits: 1-4
Individual study and/or research relating to leisure-oriented topics.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Equivalent(s): LMT 796, RMP 796W
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
RMP 796W - Independent Study
Credits: 1-4
Individual study and/or research relating to leisure-oriented topics.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Equivalent(s): RMP 796
Grade Mode: Letter Grading