Public Policy (PPOL)
Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.
Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
PPOL 706 - Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
Credits: 4
This foundational course in public policy analysis will introduce students to the policymaking process. Students will learn about the connection between research and policy, and develop fundamental skills in research design. Tools and techniques for policy analysis will be explored. The importance of effectively conveying results to stakeholders will be discussed, and students will work in teams to design and present a substantial policy research and analysis project.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
PPOL 712 - Strategies for Policy Impact
Credits: 4
This course explores how to develop and implement strategies that drive policy change. You will learn how to analyze various approaches to changing policy, consider context for the change (timing, climate for change, opposition) and then identify the most viable option to use to influence policy change. This class is about influencing change versus the mechanics of designing policy. Students will review different influence models, discuss which ones work best in various situations, and identify how influence models connect to campaigns that influence legislative and institutional policy. You will better understand policy change efforts by reviewing examples and learning the central elements of a successful endeavor. Finally, students, in teams, will choose their own adventure and create their own policy change strategy.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
PPOL 722 - Media Strategy and Communication
Credits: 4
In this course, we will introduce contemporary media strategies and learn how to use them to influence public policy. We will focus on: Recognizing the dynamics of the news cycle and how to identify opportunities in a saturated media landscape; Developing a message and a strategy to convey the message; Writing to advance a message in different media; Verbal skills to deliver a policy message via TED talk, panel or news conference; Nuance and differences when interacting with TV, radio, print, and social social; Introducing and practicing interview skills for TV, video, radio, print, and online media; and Understanding the power of image and authenticity.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading