Public Administration (PA)

Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.

Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.

PA 700 - Foundations and Theories of Public Administration

Credits: 4

The foundations and Theories of Public Administration will explore the theoretical foundations of public administration and their practical applications. It will look to the early literature that helped shape the field along with a contemporary perspective of public administration. Students will understand the theoretical foundations of public administration, understand the different roles of the public sector, understand the historical roots of public administration, and understand the applied aspects of public administration.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

PA 709 - Organization and Management in Public and Nonprofit Sectors

Credits: 4

This course is about management theory and practice. It provides the opportunity to acquire the theoretical knowledge as well as the practical methods necessary to manage organizations in the public and nonprofit sectors. Embedded in this idea of management learning is the proposition that theory and practice of management are closely connected.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

PA 718 - Nonprofit Management

Credits: 4

Nonprofits play a major role in our lives although we may not be aware of their influence. The nonprofit sector in the United States has grown exponentially over he past twenty-five years, more rapidly than the government and for-profit sectors, making it the fastest growing segment of our economy. This course provides students with a practical hands-on approach to the non-profit sector, its governance and management including finance, fundraising, personnel management, strategic planning, and risk management.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading