National Security Intelligence Analysis (NSIA)
Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.
Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
NSIA 710 - National Security Policy and the Intelligence Community
Credits: 4
This course provides students an introduction to United States national security policy and the role of the intelligence community. Current and historical case studies will highlight the functions and limits of intelligence activities in support of decision makers policy making and implementation. In this course we survey political, institutional, and cultural challenges confronting analysts as they strive to provide intelligence products relevant to strategic and tactical policy goals.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
NSIA 720 - Intelligence Analysis
Credits: 4
In this class we define intelligence and focus on analysis. We identify intelligence organizations relationships with policymakers and the types of intelligence products they produce. Students will learn to identify and create intelligence requirements and the related variables and collection targets. We will explore analytical approaches and develop critical thinking skills. In this class we will define data, the causes of intelligence failures, and identify creativity in intelligence analysis.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading