Marketing (MKT) CPSO

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Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.

MKT 510 - Principles of Marketing

Credits: 4

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods and services to maintain relationships that satisfy organizational and individual needs and wants. The course introduces students to terminology, functions, institutions, philosophy, consumer behavior, market decision-making and public policy issues. The course will provide students with the basic framework to understand the role and scope of marketing in the business environment.

Attributes: Writing Intensive Course

Equivalent(s): MGMT 514G, MKTG 514G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Explain the importance, nature, and scope of contemporary marketing in the business environment.
  2. Discuss the role of marketing research methods and the Internet in identifying, expanding, and creating market opportunities.
  3. Describe how strategic marketing techniques are used to differentiate products and services and satisfy customer needs.
  4. Compare methods used to control, evaluate, and improve marketing initiatives that lead to product or service success and customer satisfaction.
  5. Discuss the impact of marketing ethics, consumerism, and social responsibility on marketing strategies.

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MKT 517 - Consumer Behavior

Credits: 4

This course focuses on consumer behavior in a variety of contexts. Understanding the decision process, attitude, and behavior of buyers is essential to developing marketing plans in today's competitive marketplace; sophisticated customer relationship management approaches are dependent upon knowing the customer. Students consider the major theoretical approaches to consumer behavior and examine how the concepts of affect and cognition, behavior, learning, and the environment can be used to design and maintain an effective marketing strategy. The course also offers students an opportunity to gain a better understanding of their own buying behavior. NOTE: PSY 410 and SOCI 410 are recommended.

Prerequisite(s): MKT 510 with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG 514G with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): MKTG 617G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Explain the importance of the buyer decision process, attitude, and behavior on the development of marketing plans in a competitive marketplace.
  2. Demonstrate how the concepts and principles of consumer behavior can be used to design and maintain an effective marketing strategy.
  3. Develop customer relationship management strategies based on the major theoretical approaches to consumer behavior.
  4. Illustrate how course concepts and principles impact personal buying behavior to maximize revenue.

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MKT 523 - Introduction to Professional Sales

Credits: 4

This course presents students with current knowledge, data, and skills that are applicable in today's competitive business environments. The course provides students with an in-depth awareness of the sales discovery and presentation process within the professional selling environment. Students may demonstrate their persuasive skills in the context of a hypothetical job interview.

Equivalent(s): MKTG 523G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Define and describe the different types of sales and the components of the Sales/Buying Cycle.
  2. Develop a plan to positively and professionally identify, influence, and persuade prospective customers through strategic sales communication techniques.
  3. Attribute how professional influencing style, communications strengths, and use of development opportunities contribute to exemplary sales outcomes.
  4. Demonstrate different communication strategies and skill sets required for the closing of a sale.
  5. Evaluate which communication factors lead to the development of trust and credibility with customers in sales communication.

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MKT 525 - Presentation Excellence in Sales

Credits: 4

This hands-on, highly interactive course prepares students to effectively develop, organize, present, support, and close a powerful program and presentation with confidence and conviction. The focus draws upon listening skill sets, oratory, personal communication social styles, and persuasive/informative techniques that result in the presenter engaging the audience. The course helps students to build competence and confidence through feedback and practice. The course prepares students to deliver persuasive and informative presentations that promote a specific outcome.

Equivalent(s): MKTG 525G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Describe and analyze the communication style, listening skills, and strengths that are persuasive, informative, and inspiring in exemplary presenters.
  2. Apply audience analysis techniques to produce a well-organized presentation.
  3. Evaluate use of audio-visual tools, verbal, and non-verbal communication techniques in a presentation to connect with and engage one’s audience.
  4. Employ audience participation strategies in product and service presentations that maximize learning and openness to persuasive solutions.
  5. Assess the roles and contributions of team members in planning, organizing, creating, and delivering an effective group presentation.

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MKT 600 - Social Media Marketing

Credits: 4

This course is designed to build students' social media marketing, advertising, and communication skills by utilizing projects that give students hands-on experience implementing social media marketing strategies. The focus of this course will be understanding social media, developing social media marketing strategies, and tracking their effectiveness in an effort to maximize marketing efforts for businesses. It is expected that students have a basic understanding of various social media platforms. This course is NOT about how to use social media; rather it looks at how we can use social media for marketing efforts. NOTE: MKT 510 is recommended.

Attributes: Writing Intensive Course

Equivalent(s): MKTG 520G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Distinguish how social media and contemporary communication technology influences business and marketing in today’s marketing environment.
  2. Identify and discuss key principles of “connected consumers” from psychological and sociological perspectives.
  3. Employ the currently predominant social media tools for business/marketing communications according to specific goals and objectives of the organizations.
  4. Develop a strategic plan for identifying opportunities for using social media to meet an organization’s goals.
  5. Interpret the analytics associated with a social media marketing plan to determine its effectiveness according to key metrics.

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MKT 610 - Marketing Hospitality Organizations

Credits: 4

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the role of marketing in the hotel, restaurant, and travel industries. Students in this course may use case studies and real-world events to explore the theories, principles, and application of both traditional and digital forms of marketing to select groups. This is an experiential course that may include assignments such as the creation of a marketing plan, advertising campaign or social media strategies for a partner organization. The focus of this course centers on the planning, implementation, and evaluating of marketing plans, strategies, budgets, and campaigns.

Prerequisite(s): MKT 510 with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG 514G with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): MKTG 610G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Describe how marketing in the hotel, restaurant, and travel industries has impacted the ways in which operators have interacted with their customers, from a historical perspective.
  2. Analyze and discuss the importance of leading a marketing team and the responsibilities of the sales office in deploying the marketing messaging out into the marketplace.
  3. Attribute the responsibilities of the sales office in deploying the marketing messaging out into the marketplace.
  4. Dissect how to specifically target market to the different segments of the hotel, restaurant, and travel industries.
  5. Assess the role of technology, social media, and current social/cultural trends affecting the design of marketing strategies in the hospitality industry.

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MKT 612 - Agile Marketing

Credits: 4

Marketing plays a fundamental role within an organization, yet in many organizations, marketing is siloed from other business units, teams, or departments. A successful marketing department must strategically place themselves into the business with innovation and adaptivity. This course may explore agile marketing techniques including outcomes, continuous improvement, and customer needs.

Prerequisite(s): MKT 510 with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG 514G with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): MKTG 612G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the role of an agile marketing team within an organization.
  2. Develop an agile marketing strategy that addresses the goals and objectives of an organization.
  3. Estimate the return on investment (ROI) from innovative marketing strategies according to metrics that are relevant to an organization’s goals and objectives.
  4. Formulate adaptive marketing strategies based on market variability and ever-changing marketing tools.

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MKT 615 - Digital Storytelling and Brand Management

Credits: 4

This course introduces the role and philosophy of brand management in the strategic marketing process and the resulting effects on strategic and marketing decisions. Students learn to identify and establish brand positioning and values, design branding strategies, and grow and sustain brand equity. Topics may include the strategic brand building process, segmentation and positioning for building brands, consumer behavior, brand information systems, building brand equity, and the application of brand management using marketing principles. Students explore the critical role of brand management in successful marketing strategies.

Prerequisite(s): (MGMT 410 with a minimum grade of D- or MGMT 500G with a minimum grade of D- or MKT 612 with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG 612G with a minimum grade of D-) and (MKT 510 with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG 514G with a minimum grade of D-).

Equivalent(s): MKTG 615G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Employ marketing principles to develop effective theory-based branding strategies for building, managing, growing, and sustaining brand equity.
  2. Apply brand audit methodology in evaluating branding strategies for maximum impact to the marketing strategy.
  3. Demonstrate how effective communication and group-management skills impact brand management and overall marketing decision-making.
  4. Discuss the role of brand management in the strategic marketing process and marketing decision-making.

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MKT 618 - Sales Management

Credits: 4

This course focuses on the strategic and tactical aspects of selling and sales force management. The course develops an analytical understanding of the concepts, tools, and techniques of sales management, using real-world marketing problems. Students will apply the principles of personal selling, relationship building, salesforce prospecting, and sales call planning in a simulated sales management environment. Issues concerning international sales, social responsibility, and ethical considerations as they relate to sales management may be addressed.

Prerequisite(s): (MGMT 410 with a minimum grade of D- or MGMT 500G with a minimum grade of D-) and (MKT 510 with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG 514G with a minimum grade of D-).

Equivalent(s): MGMT 618G, MKTG 618G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Discuss the strategic role the sales force function and sales force management play in overall marketing strategies.
  2. Discuss the principles of sales force recruitment, selection, compensation, and training of employees.
  3. Analyze social, legal, political, and ethical issues faced by the contemporary sales force.
  4. Apply the principles of personal selling, relationship building, salesforce prospecting, and sales call planning in a simulated sales management environment.

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MKT 645 - Marketing Research

Credits: 4

In this course, students explore the theories and techniques of planning, conducting, analyzing, and presenting market studies. Students may discuss ethical dimensions, emerging trends, and new skills associated with marketing research and how secondary data fit into the research process. Students may examine different methodologies with emphasis on primary research, including questionnaire design. The course addresses the growing role that technology plays in predicting marketing trends, addressing marketing problems, and the development of new products and services.

Prerequisite(s): MKT 510 with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG 514G with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): MKTG 515G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain the role of marketing research in marketing decision-making and planning.
  2. Discuss ethical dimensions, emerging trends, and new skills associated with marketing research and how secondary data fits into the research process.
  3. Describe the major components of a marketing research proposal.
  4. Describe the essential elements of a customer relationship management program.
  5. Explain the growing role that technology plays in predicting marketing trends, addressing marketing problems, and the development of new products and services.

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MKT 705 - Marketing for Nonprofits

Credits: 4

The course explores the use of traditional and nontraditional channels to promote nonprofits to an array of actual and potential audiences for a variety of purposes. Most nonprofit organizations must be visible to the public in order to fulfill their missions. Thus, nonprofit leaders must know how to promote their organizations to current and potential supporters, the broader public, and the mass media. Topics may include program and organizational branding, targeting respective audiences, preparing materials for greatest effect, and applying social media as appropriate.

Equivalent(s): MKTG 605G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Assess how marketing management contributes to the development of relationships between nonprofits and their target audiences.
  2. Model marketing mix principles to develop and communicate the organization’s value proposition, build a brand, and seek multiple funding sources to support sustainability.
  3. Analyze the range of marketing media and outlets to discern the advantages and disadvantages they pose for marketing a non-profit organization.
  4. Construct benchmarks and milestones that would incrementally achieve strategic marketing objectives for a non-profit organization.

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MKT 720 - Digital Advertising

Credits: 4

Digital technologies have become an integral component of daily life for many organizations and consumers. This class will provide the student with the theoretical understanding of the internet marketplace necessary to adapt to its many changes, while also equipping the student with the skills needed to perform vital daily functions. The course may cover a wide spectrum of topics, including (but not limited to) marketing strategic approaches on the internet, analytics, online reputation management (ORM), digital positioning and branding, email marketing, paid search marketing, and integrated communications on digital media.

Prerequisite(s): (MKT 510 with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG 514G with a minimum grade of D-) and (MKT 517 with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG 617G with a minimum grade of D-).

Equivalent(s): MKTG 620G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze search engines’ methodology of ranking organic searches to maximize reach.
  2. Apply the mechanics of paid rankings to codify marketing expenditures.
  3. Analyze search engine marketing campaigns for effectiveness in order to make recommendations for improving campaigns’ conversion rates.
  4. Explain how online reputation management techniques can improve the online reputation of brands.

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MKT 723 - Marketing Design and Usability

Credits: 4

In the field of marketing, creating intuitive market interfaces (website, mobile applications, and e-commerce) is imperative for consumer engagement and retention. This course will explore web design, user interface (UI), user experience (UX), and experiential design principles within the context of digital marketing. Successful design leads to data-driven results. Students may have the opportunity to analyze universal web standards, design fundamentals, interface, usability, and design issues to enhance search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM).

Prerequisite(s): MKT 510 with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG 514G with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): MKTG 623G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Evaluate how design tools and software contribute to achieving the marketing goals of a project.
  2. Assess how exemplary interface design is able to accurately convey data-driven results to make business decisions easier.
  3. Discern how the principles of Web design, universal Web standards, and design aesthetics relate to successful marketing initiatives.
  4. Evaluate how user interface design (UI) and the principles of usability contribute to an optimal user experience (UX) from a marketing perspective.
  5. Propose a search engine optimization (SEO) plan that achieves a stated goal within a search engine marketing (SEM) campaign.

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