Military Science (MILT)
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Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
MILT 400PT - Physical Training
Credits: 0
This course is intended to fulfill the U.S. Army Cadet Command requirement to conduct organized physical training at the program level.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
MILT 401 - Leadership Laboratory I
Credits: 0
Open only to students taking another Military Science class, with different roles offered for students at different levels of the program. Involves leadership responsibilities for the planning, coordination, execution, and evaluation of various training programs. Students develop, practice and refine leadership skills by serving and being evaluated in a variety of supervisory positions. Specific events include a team-building leader reaction course, orientation to military weapons, basic tactical movement, and land navigation.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
MILT 402 - Leadership Laboratory II
Credits: 0
Open only to students taking another Military Science class, with different roles offered for students at different levels of the program. Involves leadership responsibilities for the planning, coordination, execution, and evaluation of various training programs. Students develop, practice and refine leadership skills by serving and being evaluated in a variety of supervisory positions. Specific events include basic marksmanship, advanced tactical movement, orienteering and land navigation.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
MILT 403 - United States Army History
Credits: 2
Develops an understanding of the effects the US military and society have on each other through the establishment and background of the United States Army. Presented in the context of broader US Military history and military strategy and global involvement. Through readings, oral and written presentations, and exams, students describe the role of the US Army, its evolution and its impact on society and technology; and critically analyze an armed conflict using the principles of war. This is a pre-commissioning requirement for professional military education (PME) required by the United States Army Cadet Command. It is open to non-ROTC students.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
MILT 413 - Introduction to ROTC
Credits: 0 or 2
Make your first new peer group at college one committed to performing well and enjoying the experience. Increase self-confidence through team study and activities in physical fitness, rappelling, first aid, basic marksmanship, and basic drill. Learn fundamental concepts of leadership in both classroom and outdoor laboratory environments. One hour and a required leadership lab (MILT 401L) plus optional (mandatory for scholarship cadets) participation in three one-hour sessions of physical fitness per week. Participation in one weekend exercise is also required for all cadets. Open to all college students, no military commitment required.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
MILT 414 - Introduction to ROTC II
Credits: 2
Learn and apply principles of effective leadership. Reinforce self-confidence through participation in physically and mentally challenging exercises with other ROTC cadets. Continued activities in basic drill, physical fitness, rappelling, first aid, and basic marksmanship. Develop communication skills to improve individual performance and group interaction. One hour and a required leadership lab (MILT 402L) plus optional (mandatory for scholarship cadets) participation in three one-hour sessions for physical fitness per week. Participation in one weekend exercise is also required for all cadets. Open to all college students; no military commitment required.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
MILT 501 - Self/Team Development I
Credits: 0 or 2
Learn and apply ethics-based leadership skills that develop individual abilities and contribute to the building of effective teams of people. Develop skills in oral presentations, planning of events, advanced first aid, physical fitness, and land navigation. Learn techniques for training others as an aspect of continued leadership development. Two hours and a required leadership lab (MILT 401L), plus optional participation (mandatory for scholarship cadets) in three one-hour sessions of physical fitness per week. Participation in one weekend exercise is required. Additional weekend exercises may be offered for optional participation. Open to all college students, no military commitment required.
Co-requisite: MILT 401
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
MILT 502 - Individual/Team Military Tactics
Credits: 0 or 2
Introduces individual and team aspects of military tactics in small unit operations. Includes use of radio communications, making safety assessments, movement techniques, planning for team safety/security, and methods of pre-execution checks. Practical exercises with other ROTC students. Learn techniques for training others as an aspect of continued leadership development. Two hours and a required leadership lab (MILT 402L), plus optional participation (mandatory for scholarship cadets) in three one-hour sessions of physical fitness per week. Participation in one weekend exercise is required. Additional weekend exercises may be offered for optional participation. Open to all college students, no military commitment required.
Co-requisite: MILT 402
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
MILT 601 - Leading Small Organizations I
Credits: 0 or 4
Series of practical opportunities to lead small groups, receive personal assessments and encouragement, and lead again in situations of increasing complexity. Plan and conduct training for other ROTC students in small unit offensive and defensive operations. Three hours and required leadership lab (MILT 401L) plus required participation in three one-hour sessions of physical fitness per week. Participation in one weekend exercise is also required. Other weekend exercises are offered for optional participation.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
MILT 602 - Leading Small Organizations II
Credits: 0 or 4
Continues the methodology from MILT 601. Analyze tasks; prepare written and oral guidance for team members to accomplish tasks. Delegate tasks and supervise. Plan for and adapt to the unexpected in organizations under stress. Examine and apply lessons from leadership studies. Examine importance of ethical decision making in setting a positive climate that enhances team performance. Three hours and a required leadership lab (MILT 402L) plus required participation in three one-hour sessions for physical fitness per week. Participation in one weekend exercise is also required, and one or two more weekend exercises may be offered for optional participation.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
MILT 611 - Seminar on Leadership and Management I
Credits: 0 or 4
Plan, conduct and evaluate activities of the ROTC cadet organization. Articulate goals and put plans into action to attain them. Assess organizational cohesion and develop strategies to improve it. Develop confidence in skills to lead people and manage resources. Learn/apply various Army policies and programs in this effort. Three hours and a required leadership lab (MILT 401L) plus required participation in three one-hour sessions for physical fitness per week. Participation in one weekend exercise is also required, and one or two more weekend exercises may be offered for optional participation.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
MILT 612 - Transition to Lieutenant
Credits: 0 or 4
Continues the methodology from MILT 611. Identify and resolve ethical dilemmas. Refine counseling and motivating techniques. Examine aspects of tradition and law as related to leading as an officer in the Army. Prepare for a future as a successful Army lieutenant. Three hours and a required leadership lab (MILT 402L) plus required participation in three one-hour sessions for physical fitness per week. Participation in one weekend exercise is also required, and one or two more weekend exercises may be offered for optional participation.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
MILT 695 - Officer Internship
Credits: 1-4
Experiential learning through fieldwork in a military-type unit. Written analysis required.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading