Life Sciences & Agriculture (LSA)
Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.
Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
LSA 400 - Freshman Academic Experience I
Credits: 1
Assistance to the undeclared student in identifying a major within the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, including the biological, natural, and social sciences. The goal of this seminar is to support students in developing a sound academic program and assist them in making a successful transition from high school to college. The seminar also covers strategies for being a successful college student. Required for all first-semester LSA undeclared students.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
LSA 401 - Scientific Research Exploration
Credits: 2
This course introduces incoming freshmen to the scientific research process via a hands-on approach, which includes case studies, group work, and a two-week research immersion experience under the guidance of the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (COLSA) faculty. Course readings, discussions, and active participation in local research will facilitate the student's exploration of experimental design, hypothesis testing, data collection and analysis, interpretation of results, and effective communication of research findings. In the context of a group research project, students begin thinking like scientists, as well as strengthening their math, writing, an oral communication skills. Open to incoming freshmen only.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
LSA 402 - Freshman Academic Experience II
Credits: 1
The second part of Freshman Academic Experience. This course reviews academic skills and focuses on your "academic career" as a student in COLSA including: major choices, opportunities for enrichment, networking, internships, and career paths. The goal of this seminar is to support students in developing a sound academic program and assist them in making a successful transition to college. The seminar also covers research strategies and building effective presentations. Required for all LSA undeclared students.
Prerequisite(s): LSA 400 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
LSA 601 - P2Bio Professional Preparation Seminar
Credits: 1
This course is required for P2Bio transfer students entering UNH in the fall semester. The course provides students with opportunities to learn about career pathways and curricular opportunities available through the P2Bio program. Students will hone skills as developing sciences scholars with an emphasis on professional development and metacognition.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
LSA 700 - Peer Advisor Leadership Experience
Credits: 2
Training course for peer advisors who lead/support LSA 400/402. The course meets twice a week; once in LSA 400/402 and once with the Program Coordinator. This course focuses on leadership training, teaching, group dynamics, and the UNH community. Students accepted into the role of Peer Advisor will be required to sign a contract committing to an entire year of Peer Advisor Role. This course prepares students to take on a teaching/advising/mentoring role with COLSA.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading