Human Resource Management (HRM) CPSO

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Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.

HRM 420 - Human Resource Management

Credits: 4

This course focuses on how human resource managers build effective networks and coalitions with others to accomplish tasks and stimulate motivation, cooperation, and satisfaction among work groups. It develops an understanding of the role and functions of human resource practitioners in a variety of organizational settings. Students build a knowledge base and identify the skills needed in the primary areas of human resources administration, which may include areas such as interviewing and selection, employee benefits and total compensation, performance assessment, professional development, workplace safety and wellness, employee relations, collective bargaining, workplace diversity, human resource information systems, rewards and recognition, performance coaching and corrective action, compliance and employment law, and organizational development.

Equivalent(s): HRM 518G, MGMT 518G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Describe how human resources management functions within organizational structures, their operational missions, and corporate values.
  2. Assess interviewing, selection, and retention techniques according to SHRM professional standards.
  3. Analyze performance evaluations and strategies for giving performance feedback that align to organizational strategies and needs.
  4. Recognize situations where staff motivation is needed and propose specific evidence-based motivation techniques.
  5. Analyze an organization to determine their human resources needs according to specified areas of leadership, management, performance metrics, and safety.

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HRM 470 - Human Resource Application in Today's Organizations

Credits: 4

Human resource is the application of the current external environment and internal corporate culture to employing, training, compensating, retaining, and developing policies relating to people within their organizations. This course focuses on various ways managers have a direct impact on the success of their organization by applying human resource methodologies. The content covers human resource functions such as recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits, performance management, workplace safety and wellness, employee relations, collective bargaining, workplace diversity, rewards and recognition, compliance and employment law, and change management. Throughout, there will be an emphasis on effective communication with employees and internal business partners with a goal of building impactful networks and coalitions.

Prerequisite(s): HRM 420 with a minimum grade of D- or HRM 518G with a minimum grade of D- or MGMT 518G with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): HRM 605G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Discuss the significance of human resource functions in organizational structures, missions, and values.
  2. Demonstrate how human resources practitioners ensure they are in alignment with organizational strategic planning.
  3. Compare and contrast employee hiring, training, and performance management methods across various types of organizations and industries.
  4. Illustrate how human resources approaches may be applied to compensation and benefits within organizations.
  5. Analyze employment law, organizational safety, and compliance from a human resources perspective.

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HRM 580 - Change Management

Credits: 4

This course explores the change process in organizations. The organizational structure is viewed as the context in which individual, interpersonal, group, organizational, and systemic change is examined. Characteristics of functional and dysfunctional systems are defined, and the change process is delineated. Models, skills, techniques, and strategies for positive change are examined.

Prerequisite(s): COM 460 with a minimum grade of D- or COMM 542G with a minimum grade of D- or MGMT 566 with a minimum grade of D- or MGMT 566G with a minimum grade of D- or MGMT 410 with a minimum grade of D- or MGMT 500G with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): HRM 620G, MGMT 620G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Attribute the characteristics of functional and dysfunctional organizations and their causes.
  2. Articulate the nature and impact of personality dynamics, group dynamics, and system dynamics as they relate to change management in an organization.
  3. Demonstrate how knowledge, methods, and expertise of the interventive process contribute to successful change management in an organization.
  4. Evaluate the role of the individual as a change agent.

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HRM 635 - Managing Conflict

Credits: 4

This course teaches concepts and skills to manage conflict effectively between two people, within small groups, within organizations, and between organizations and systems. It is designed to help those who want to sharpen their ability to understand, manage, and create opportunity out of conflict. As a result of this course, one knows oneself and others better, enhances personal and interpersonal skills, and develops techniques to improve relations at work and at home. the class may include actual conflict situations through role playing, and practicing new communication skills to prepare managers in real-world situations.

Equivalent(s): HRM 621G, MGMT 621G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Compare and contrast conflict management styles according to theoretical frameworks.
  2. Evaluate the impact of different conflict management styles on the disposition of individuals and the outcome of situations.
  3. Diagnose conflict situations and apply methods to analyze their needs, identify goals, design objectives, and implement interventions.
  4. Describe and evaluate the impact of collaborative conflict resolution, reframing, and attitudes on management of conflict.
  5. Employ conflict management skills in communicating, listening, and using feedback in prevention and management of conflict.

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HRM 660 - Recruitment, Selection, and Employee Development

Credits: 4

HR professionals need to adapt to changing objectives and market conditions to recruit, select, and retain employees with the necessary skills to further organizational goals all while steering clear of legal and other risks. Attracting and retaining the right talent to the right position from the start is crucial for organizational success.

Attributes: Writing Intensive Course

Prerequisite(s): HRM 420 with a minimum grade of D- or HRM 518G with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): HRM 610G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Determine the most effective and appropriate employee recruitment, selection, and development practices to further organizational goals.
  2. Compare and contrast strategies for aligning employee selection and staffing with organizational needs and mission.
  3. Analyze current workforce needs in terms of potential future changes in requisite skills.
  4. Present a variety of techniques organizations may use to foster a culture of employee development.

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HRM 680 - Compensation and Performance Management

Credits: 4

Human capital is a strategic asset for organizations. To recruit and retain employees, human resource leaders create compensation packages and develop performance evaluation plans to strengthen the organization. The course may cover topics such as job evaluation, employee benefits programs, performance evaluations, wage and salary administration, pay level decisions, and financial incentives.

Prerequisite(s): HRM 420 with a minimum grade of D- or HRM 518G with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): HRM 615G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the role of performance management and compensation in recruiting and retaining employees.
  2. Illustrate the employee appraisal planning process.
  3. Diagnose employee performance problems and identify {or recommend} appropriate strategies and solutions.
  4. Compare and contrast various pay systems.
  5. Illustrate how skills in giving and receiving feedback, appraising, coaching, and resolving conflicts can contribute to organizational strength.

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HRM 710 - Law and Ethics in Human Resource Management

Credits: 4

This course addresses the complexity of employment and labor law and workplace policies. It explores issues such as alcohol and drugs, sexual harassment, privacy rights, wrongful discharge, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), negligent employment practices, and discrimination. Upon completion of this course, students will have the ability to demonstrate how human resource managers can apply this knowledge to protect and add value to their organizations.

Prerequisite(s): HRM 420 with a minimum grade of D- or HRM 518G with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): HRM 607G, MGMT 607G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Discuss the impact of changes in employment laws and regulations on organizations.
  2. Analyze strategies for using applicable employment law and policies to address a wide range of employment issues.
  3. Communicate how compliance with employment law affects budgetary planning.
  4. Illustrate how the role of negotiator optimizes interaction among employees, employers, and other constituents.
  5. Evaluate internal and external resources for their appropriateness in performing training, negotiating, or other specialized tasks.

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HRM 740 - Workplace Coaching

Credits: 4

This course engages students to learn and utilize core coaching concepts and methodologies to increase organizational and individual performance in the professional workplace. Differences between coaching and mentoring, coaching dynamics as a performance management tool, the eight steps to coaching for performance, and an array of coaching methodologies appropriate in diverse scenarios may be explored. Upon completion of this course students are expected to be able to apply coaching methodologies to common workplace scenarios. NOTE: This course is a business coaching course specific to Management and Human Resource Management majors.

Attributes: Writing Intensive Course

Prerequisite(s): MGMT 566 with a minimum grade of D- or MGMT 566G with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): HRM 637G, MGMT 637G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Define how coaching is a key performance management tool within the context of organizational development.
  2. Distinguish the difference(s) between coaching and mentoring and how each contributes to improve the workplace environment.
  3. Assess the ethical issues that face internal and external coaches in an organization and how they are managed or resolved.
  4. Propose coaching methods and techniques with individuals to achieve performance objectives in an organization.

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