Health and Physical Education (HPE)
Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.
Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
HPE 500 - Introduction to Health and Physical Education
Credits: 2
This course is intended to lay the foundation for future Health and PE pedagogy courses. Topics of discussion will include the role of health and physical education in today's society, "old" versus "new" physical education and philosophy of education and physical education. Also, wellness and health promotion, teaching health via a skills-base approach, outcomes and assessments, career and professional considerations of teaching and future trends within the profession.
Equivalent(s): KIN 500
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 570 - Elementary Physical Education Practicum
Credits: 4
As a prospective teacher, you will be asked to examine, discuss, and implement teaching strategies learned in HPE 610 - Elementary Physical Education Pedagogy. Sixty hours of observation and teaching in the schools will be expected. As this is a "gateway" course to student teaching or the 5th year internship, it is expected that students invest efforts into the development of pedagogical skills needed for effective teaching.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): HPE 610 with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): KIN 570
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes
HPE 600 - Movement and Gymnastics Exploration
Credits: 4
This course is designed to enhance the students’ knowledge of and ability to demonstrate, implement, and evaluate the movement fundamentals and gymnastics skills and progression that forms the foundation of preschool, elementary, and secondary school physical education content. The course will combine the elements of movement education and gymnastics progressions to develop a basis for students to learn the fundamentals of movement and how to teach them.
Equivalent(s): KIN 600
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 601 - Lifetime Sports
Credits: 3
This course is designed to acquaint students with a variety of lifetime sports. The emphasis will be placed on students’ ability to effectively participate in, teach and assess various activities. The following lifetime sports will be covered: cross country skiing, snowshoeing, badminton, pickle ball, tennis, fitness-related activities, weight training and golf.
Equivalent(s): KIN 601
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 603 - Team Sports
Credits: 3
This course is designed to expose students to the teaching of games through a tactical approach. This approach places a heavy emphasis on small-sided, modified games with subsequent question and answer sessions. The course will focus on instruction, game play, skill development, and analysis leading to playing competence and knowledge of teaching in soccer, ultimate Frisbee, basketball, handball, flag football, volleyball and softball.
Equivalent(s): KIN 603
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 610 - Elementary Physical Education Pedagogy
Credits: 4
This course is designed for future physical education teachers focusing primarily on “what” and “how” to teach elementary physical education. The class adopts a skill theme and movement concept approach to the curriculum. Teaching skills will be developed through readings, lecture/discussion, assignments, peer teaching and teaching children in the gymnasium.
Equivalent(s): KIN 610
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 648 - Current Issues in Teaching Health
Credits: 4
This course provides the background information and skills teachers need to implement a health education program in schools at the grade levels in which they are certified. Aligned with the CDC Characteristics for Effective Health Education the course introduces the National Health Education Standards and prepares students in the development of teaching skills needed for implementing effective health education while including functional information based on local data and student need.
Equivalent(s): KIN 648
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 653B - Biomechanics of Human Movement
Credits: 2
Principles and methodology of analyzing movement in sport and physical education using principles of biomechanics and physics. Uses videos and field-based methodology to facilitate students' understanding of movement analysis and applying analyses to teaching and coaching.
Prerequisite(s): BMS 507 with a minimum grade of D- and BMS 508 with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): KIN 653B
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 655 - Middle School and Secondary Physical Education Pedagogy
Credits: 4
Course content will include concepts related to effective teaching such as: planning, organization, communication, management, modifications, and evaluation. Mosston's spectrum of teaching styles will be discussed in relationship to meeting the individual needs of students. Curriculum models will be discussed in order to show the range of content available to physical educators. Application of theoretical concepts will occur in peer teaching episodes.
Equivalent(s): KIN 655
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 671 - Health Education Pedagogy
Credits: 4
This course provides a foundation for teaching health education in K-12 settings. Aligned with the CDC Characteristics for Effective Health Education, the course builds on previous knowledge of the National Health Education Standards and other appropriate practices while preparing pre-service teachers to increase the health literacy and proficiency levels of their future students.
Equivalent(s): KIN 671
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 675 - Motor Development and Learning
Credits: 4
This class examines motor development throughout the life-span utilizing an ecological perspective that incorporates the individual, the environmental conditions and the required tasks. The class is divided into 4 modules. Modules include the theoretical underpinnings of motor development, elements of fitness, assessment, and individual constraints. The class concludes with peer teaching episodes.
Equivalent(s): KIN 675
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 676 - Adventure Activities
Credits: 3
This course provides for the acquisition of knowledge and skills for students to utilize adventure education methods and philosophies when teaching physical education through an experiential pedagogy. Students will be exposed to adventure methodologies: climbing, orienteering, initiatives, low ropes course and high ropes course. Students will realize facilitation and teaching strategies through peer and practice teaching with local students from Oyster River Middle School in Durham.
Equivalent(s): KIN 676
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 694 - Supervised Teaching in Health and Physical Education
Credits: 6
Students in this course will be involved in observing, assisting and teaching health and physical education classes in local schools as their culminating experience in the HPE major. These experiences will be augmented by weekly seminars whereby issues pertaining to focused observations and thoughts related to teaching and learning will be discussed. Throughout the duration of this course, students will be asked to reflect on the teaching they observe as well as their own teaching.
Co-requisite: EDUC 694D
Equivalent(s): KIN 694
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
HPE 696 - Independent Study in Health and/or Physical Education
Credits: 2-4
An advanced, individual scholarly project under the direct supervision of a faculty member.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits. May be repeated up to 4 times.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 702 - Health Content and Youth Risk Behavior
Credits: 4
Explore topics related to adolescent health, well-being, and risk behaviors that are relevant in the health education classroom today. Grounded in health behavior theories and behavior change, students explore ten dimensions of wellness: Cultural, Emotional, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Sexual, Social, and Spiritual. Students develop a content base for teaching Standard 1 of the National Health Education Standards in coordination with the skill standards as outlined by the NH Health Education Curriculum Guidelines.
Equivalent(s): KIN 702
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 712 - Health Education Practicum
Credits: 4
This practicum provides prospective educators an opportunity to observe, develop and practice teaching skills in the health classroom. Students are expected to accumulate 60 hours of observing, assisting and teaching experience in schools. In addition, weekly seminars integrate field experience with lesson planning, school wellness policies and the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child approach. This serves as an opportunity for refinement and continued development of teacher skills and attributes for teaching health education.
Prerequisite(s): HPE 648 with a minimum grade of D- and HPE 671 with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): KIN 712
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 766 - Middle School and Secondary Physical Education Practicum
Credits: 4
Students in this course will be given the opportunity to spend 60 hours in a middle or high school observing, assisting and teaching physical education classes. These experiences will be augmented by weekly seminars whereby issues pertaining to focused observations and thoughts related to teaching and learning will be discussed. A major culminating "I Believe" paper will be required and this course will be the HPE capstone experience.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): HPE 655 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): HPE 666, KIN 666
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
HPE 781 - Introduction to Adapted Physical Education
Credits: 4
This course covers with the skills to adeptly execute diverse physical activity programs tailored to the specific requirements of individuals with disabilities within K-12 school settings. The focus of the course lies in addressing considerations for physical activity programming and understanding the characteristics of individuals dealing with developmental, physical, emotional, sensory, health, learning, and/or multiple disabilities. This course begins with an understanding of the term disability followed by the legal mandates that define school policy and student placement. Throughout the course an overview of disability will be analyzed with readings that include an analysis of the social medical models designed to challenge the social construction of disability and orientations for practice. Classroom time will also include direct teaching of individuals with disabilities in physical activity settings.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Equivalent(s): KIN 781
Grade Mode: Letter Grading