Fire Service Administration (FSA) CPSO

Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.

Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.

FSA 603 - Principles of Emergency Services

Credits: 4

This foundation course establishes baseline knowledge of emergency service history and practice common to all organizations. Students will extend their prior professional and academic experience into overviews of emergency service organizations, leadership and management strategies, service delivery, funding, and basic principles of community and responder risk reduction.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Explain how the history, development, and organization of emergency services impacts present day service delivery.
  2. Illustrate how the history and culture of emergency services affects national firefighter life safety initiatives.
  3. Explain how laws, rules, regulations, and codes relate to emergency service operations and fire prevention.
  4. Identify how organizational behavior and leadership styles relate to personnel management in emergency service agencies.
  5. Describe the inter-relationship between community risk reduction strategies and responder risk reduction.
  6. Describe the relationship between funding mechanisms and how emergency service agencies set budgetary priorities.

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FSA 605 - Fire Service Ethics

Credits: 4

This course examines the basic principles of ethics as related to fire service operations and management with special attention given to current issues in the fire service.

Attributes: Writing Intensive Course

Equivalent(s): FSA 605G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Develop a value statement for your department.
  2. Devise a fire service ethics training program to include a proposed implementation plan.
  3. Identify benefits, challenges, and strategies related to achieving diversity including reviewing and revising recruitment plans.

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FSA 610 - Community Risk Reduction for the Fire and Emergency Services

Credits: 4

This course provides a theoretical framework for the understanding of the ethical, sociological, organizational, political, and legal components of community risk reduction and a methodology for the development of a comprehensive community risk-reduction plan.

Prerequisite(s): FSA 603 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 605 with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): FSA 610G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Identify ways to become champions of risk reduction.
  2. Develop and meet community risk-reduction objectives.
  3. Identify and develop intervention strategies.
  4. Propose a risk-reduction program to include an implementation plan.
  5. Review and modify risk-reduction programs.

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FSA 635 - Political and Legal Foundations for Fire Protection

Credits: 4

This course examines the legal aspects of fire service, as well as the political and social impacts of legal issues. It includes a review of the American legal system and in-depth coverage of legal and political issues involving employment and personnel matters, administrative and operational matters, planning and code enforcement, and legislative and political processes with regard to the fire service.

Prerequisite(s): FSA 603 with a minimum grade of D- and (FSA 605 with a minimum grade of D- or FSA 605G with a minimum grade of D-) and FSA 610 with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): FSA 615G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Identify potential legal and political issues in fire and emergency services.
  2. Describe legal lessons learned from recent cases and identify best practices in the fire service to avoid legal liability.
  3. Analyze and apply legal rules and political issues to manage risk.
  4. Formulate political and legal conclusions and recommendations based on the analysis.
  5. Locate and apply recent legal and legislative resources.

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FSA 665 - Command and Control of Large-Scale Incidents

Credits: 4

This course addresses the knowledge and skills necessary to command the mitigation of large-scale emergency incidents that require resources beyond the initial alarm assignment. Students will have the opportunity to focus on strategic preparation for predictable events and create individualized command tools.

Prerequisite(s): FSA 603 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 605 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 610 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 635 with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): FSA 617G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Evaluate local target hazards for potential emergency response requirements versus resources available to mitigate identified hazards and predictable events.
  2. Develop strategic and tactical incident command tools for large-scale incidents, including standard operating guidelines, run cards, pre-plans, and command checklists/boards.
  3. Apply risk management principles to decision-making in managing the control of simulated large-scale incidents in various command functions and roles.

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FSA 685 - Fire Prevention Organization and Management

Credits: 4

This course addresses the knowledge, methods, and concepts for effective leadership of comprehensive fire prevention and risk-reduction programs.

Prerequisite(s): FSA 603 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 605 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 610 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 635 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 665 with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): FSA 620G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Explain the role of fire prevention in community risk reduction.
  2. Analyze code enforcement and plans review concepts.
  3. Analyze fire and life safety education concepts.
  4. Analyze methods for effective fire, arson, and explosion investigations.
  5. Examine historical events and their influence on fire prevention.
  6. Examine social, cultural, and behavioral concepts that influence effective prevention programs.
  7. Identify and analyze local, state, and federal resources.
  8. Examine methods to enhance professional development of fire prevention and other emergency service personnel.
  9. Examine policies, procedures, and impacts of effective fire prevention efforts.
  10. Analyze budgeting and program funding concepts.

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FSA 710 - Personnel Management for the Fire Service

Credits: 4

This course examines relationships and issues in personnel administration and human resource development within the context of fire-related organizations. Topics include personnel management, organizational development, productivity, recruitment and selection, performance management systems, discipline, and collective bargaining.

Prerequisite(s): FSA 603 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 605 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 610 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 635 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 665 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 685 with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): FSA 625G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Identify and explain contemporary personnel management issues.
  2. Explain potential personnel management issues.
  3. Classify the collective rules, procedures, laws, and policies that relate to personnel management issues.
  4. Analyze simple/complex personnel management issues from recruitment to selection, as well as retention.
  5. Identify personnel management issues and articulate proposed solutions.
  6. Explore organizational development and leadership styles and how they relate to personnel relationships.

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FSA 740 - Applications of Fire Research

Credits: 4

This course examines the basic principles of research and methodology for analyzing current fire-related research. The course also provides a framework for conducting and evaluating independent research in the following areas: fire dynamics, fire test standards and codes, fire safety, fire modeling, structural fire safety, life safety, firefighter health and safety, automatic detection and suppression, transportation fire hazards, risk analysis and loss control, fire service applied research, and new trends in fire-related research.

Prerequisite(s): FSA 603 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 605 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 610 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 635 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 665 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 685 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 710 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 760 with a minimum grade of D- and MTH 504 with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): FSA 630G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Locate, evaluate, and analyze fire-related research.
  2. Apply evidence-based research to evaluate a problem related to one of the course topics.
  3. Conduct a literature review of current research on a fire-related topic.
  4. Write a fire-related research proposal.
  5. Design a research plan using one or more qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies.

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FSA 760 - Fire and Emergency Services Administration

Credits: 4

This course is designed to build upon an existing base of knowledge about fire and emergency services with an in-depth survey of executive-level administrative and managerial topics. The course addresses the following skills that are necessary to manage and lead a fire and emergency services department through the challenges and changes of the 21st century: persuasion and influence, accountable budgeting, anticipation of challenges and the need for change, and using specific management tools for analyzing and solving problems. A central part of the course focuses on how the leadership of a fire and emergency services department develops internal and external cooperation to create a coordinated approach to achieving the department's mission.

Prerequisite(s): FSA 603 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 605 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 610 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 635 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 665 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 685 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 710 with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): FSA 637G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

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  1. Define and discuss the elements of effective departmental organization.
  2. Classify the training and skills needed to establish departmental organization.
  3. Analyze the value of a community-related approach to risk reduction.
  4. Outline the priorities of a budget-planning document, while anticipating the diverse needs of a community.
  5. Discuss the role of effective leadership in positively influencing community leaders.
  6. Analyze the concept of change and the need to be aware of future trends in fire management.
  7. Report on the importance of communications technology, fire service networks, and the internet in conducting problem-solving analysis and managing trends.
  8. Develop a clear understanding of the national assessment models and their respective approaches to certification.

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FSA 797 - Integrative Capstone: Research Project in Fire Service Administration

Credits: 4

This capstone course in Fire Service Administration provides students the opportunity to integrate the knowledge and skills gained from other courses in the program and to demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge to new subject matter and practical situations. In addition to preparing a professional portfolio, students will write, present, and defend an independent research project or study, to include analysis and synthesis integrating theory and practice to address a significant contemporary industry issue. Prior to capstone enrollment, students are expected to complete the majority of their required major courses. Students should consult with their advisor regarding specific major courses that may be completed with their capstone. NOTE: Students who were admitted to the college before Fall 2019 and have remained active in their original catalog year are not required to take IDIS 601.

Prerequisite(s): FSA 603 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 605 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 610 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 635 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 665 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 685 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 710 with a minimum grade of D- and FSA 760 with a minimum grade of D- and MTH 504 with a minimum grade of D-.

Equivalent(s): FSA 650G

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify and use current research and resources in fire and emergency services administration to meet professional goals and goals of their organizations.
  2. Combine knowledge of best practices and evidence-based research in an area of professional interest by completing a course project, which includes a literature review.
  3. Evaluate the nature and application of ethical principles in the creation and execution of a capstone project.
  4. Present and discuss findings of the project that clearly articulate its nature, theoretical foundations, conclusions, and the student's reflections on the integration of knowledge achieved through the completion of the project and responses to questions.
  5. Consider, articulate, and integrate a global perspective and world view where appropriate in the design and implementation of their project.
  6. Assess individual strengths and plan for ongoing professional development as fire and emergency services leaders.
  7. Follow college policy that all research activities which involve human participants, regardless of the level of risk foreseen, require review and written approval by the College's Institutional Review Board prior to the initiation of the activity.

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