Entrepreneurship (ENT) CPSO
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Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
ENT 500 - The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Credits: 4
This highly interactive course explores how entrepreneurs think and innovate. In the course, students may explore new paths to innovation and growth which includes understanding and incorporating the behaviors and thought processes unique to entrepreneurs. Students will incorporate entrepreneurial thinking and behavior into a process of a new venture or current positions, as intrapreneurs. The course will also provide a brief overview of tools that can be utilized to manage internal and external processes. Students may explore creative problem solving and, in teams, develop and test problem solutions using a "business model canvas" approach.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Equivalent(s): ENT 500G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Appraise the attitudes, values, characteristics, behaviors, and processes associated with possessing an entrepreneurial mindset and engaging in successful appropriate entrepreneurial behavior.
- Exemplify what is meant by entrepreneurship and innovation from both a theoretical and practical perspective, and the role of the entrepreneur in the new enterprise creation process.
- Critique the entrepreneurial process / journey.
- Create a personal development plan for future entrepreneurial action according to the tenets of The Entrepreneurial Mindset.
- Demonstrate teamwork skills to resolve a problem according to exemplary entrepreneurial techniques and strategies.
ENT 600 - Launching and Managing Entrepreneurial Ventures
Credits: 4
This course is designed for students interested in the steps required to start a new business venture. The focus will be on creating a new venture and covers in detail six key aspects related to the entrepreneurial process, including: introduction to lean entrepreneurship principles; business model design and assessment; legal issues in venture creation; new venture marketing and customer acquisition strategy; and new venture financial planning. Students may also learn all aspects of entrepreneurship, including: idea generation and business plan creation; forming a company; recruiting a team of key employees and advisors; developing a product/service; raising capital; business development / sales / marketing; board and investor relations; and fostering a strong business culture. Example assignments may include oral presentations, written new venture plans and discussions with classmates.
Prerequisite(s): ENT 500 with a minimum grade of D- or ENT 500G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): ENT 600G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Formulate the entrepreneurial decision-making process from business model design to the launch of the new venture.
- Evaluate entrepreneurial ideas using a creative "lean canvas" approach to constructing a business model.
- Produce a formal pitch for potential investors and partners according to venture business communication standards.
- Identify, evaluate, and initiate a new venture concept employing entrepreneurial business models, venture planning, and teamwork skills.
- Plan a new venture development process using strategic, financial, and human resource techniques employed in new venture projects.
ENT 611 - Entrepreneurial Marketing
Credits: 4
This course clarifies key marketing concepts, methods, and strategic issues relevant for start-up and early-stage entrepreneurs. Course topics may include but are not limited to identifying market opportunities, creating and screening new ideas, writing concepts, concept testing, new product forecasting, prototyping, and building a business case with assumptions about market entry strategy and launch marketing. The goal is to help students learn how to use state-of-the-art techniques to identify markets, develop new product ideas, measure customer benefits, and design profitable new products. This course is designed to help students develop a flexible way of thinking about marketing problems and strategies.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 510 with a minimum grade of D- or MKTG 514G with a minimum grade of D- or BUS 610 with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): ENT 611G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Outline the marketing objectives for new ventures according to foundation marketing strategies.
- Differentiate how marketing strategies for entrepreneurs are applicable according to the needs of a venture project.
- Develop a marketing mix, including concept testing, new product forecasting, and prototyping for a new venture.
- Determine the effectiveness of a marketing strategy according to standard marketing metrics.
- Develop a business case for a new venture project according to formal business case proposal structures.
ENT 703 - Entrepreneurial Finance
Credits: 4
This course studies the financial strategies needed to support a new venture. Students investigate sources of funding and analyze investment strategies unique to the start-up. Planning for the funding aspect of a new venture is critical and this course will address the alternative sources of funds for carrying out the mission of the venture. This would include: understanding financial institutions (financial bootstrapping, external financing, angel investors, venture capitalists, founders, and banks) that provide risk capital for such firms. An entrepreneur needs to understand how to identify a business opportunity as well as how to marshal resources (especially capital) to a business opportunity. Topics may include financial statements, pro forma statements, cost of capital, break-even, financial ratios, investor expectations, and exit strategies. Recommended: ENT 500 The Entrepreneurial Mindset.
Equivalent(s): ENT 603G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Assess sources and processes related to funding new business.
- Apply theory to create a crowdfunding pitch for angel investors, venture capitalists, private equity and other ecosystem stakeholders.
- Calculate the financial needs to successfully start and operate a new venture.
- Differentiate debt capital from equity capital while determining the cost associated with borrowing.
- Assess and compare stakeholders and resources within the entrepreneurial ecosystem in order to decide on the market making strategies and access to financial resources.
ENT 707 - Legalities and Ethics of Entrepreneurship
Credits: 4
This course will examine the legal and ethical issues and problems faced by entrepreneurs in their journey, specifically from conception of an idea, to the creation and operations of a company, to the launch of a product or service, and finally to the sale of the company or investment by venture capitalists and everything in between. Topics may include the legal, ethical, and regulatory frameworks of intellectual property (trade secrets, patents, trademarks, and copyright), business and corporate issues, business entity structure and formation, taxation, contracts, operations and personnel, and raising capital through traditional and alternative methods. Recommended: ENT 500 The Entrepreneurial Mindset.
Equivalent(s): ENT 607G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Investigate and appraise how intellectual property law applies to an entrepreneurial venture.
- Determine how legal, ethical, and regulatory issues are applicable to entrepreneurs.
- Differentiate how various business formation options are applicable according to various business needs and goals.
- Analyze the risks associated with regulatory obligations, contractual responsibilities, and taxation issues and how entrepreneurs protect themselves.