Criminal Justice (CRIM) CPSO
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Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
CRIM 410 - Introduction to Criminology
Credits: 4
This course introduces the learner to the field of criminology by reviewing the historical underpinnings of the modern-day study of crime and criminals, examining the theoretical causes of crime and criminality, and evaluating society's responses to crime. Learners are introduced to the sociological, biological, and psychological schools of criminological thought. Topics include crime statistics and social and legal mechanisms used to address criminal activity and the individual criminal.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Equivalent(s): CRIM 500G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Define crime and the historical precedents of modern criminology.
- Identify the characteristics of various crime typologies, e.g., violent crime, such as rape, murder, and arson, and property crime.
- Explain the measurement of various types of crime and trace its extent historically.
- Explain the social and financial costs of crime.
- Describe how theoretical perspectives, such as those from sociology, psychology, and biology, may offer possible explanations for criminal behavior and/or criminality.
- Discuss responses to crime and criminal activity within American society.
CRIM 425 - Juvenile Justice
Credits: 4
This course will take an in-depth view of how the components of the criminal justice system address juvenile delinquency. How and why a juvenile is entered into the criminal justice system will be examined and alternatives to entry will be explored. These alternatives include diversionary programs and second-chance protocols. Social and economic disparities will be discussed regarding how those factors figure into the propensity of crimes being committed by juveniles. Additionally, youthful offender procedures that result in juveniles being charged, tried, and, in some cases, incarcerated in the adult system will be explored. Lastly, the course will explore the basic competencies of professionals who interact with juveniles in the criminal justice system and in the agencies that contribute to the rehabilitation and reintegration of juveniles after a finding of delinquency.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed); Social Science (Discovery)
Equivalent(s): CRIM 525G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Describe the history of how juvenile delinquency has been handled in the criminal justice system over time.
- Explain how socializing agents, such as family, peers, schools, sports, organizations, and law enforcement, affect the juveniles decision-making capacity.
- Examine the origins, approaches, and theories of juvenile delinquency.
- Compare and contrast the levels of juvenile delinquency based on different sociological factors.
- Research contemporary issues of criminal justice reform from a juvenile justice perspective and the implications to the various actors and agencies in the criminal justice systems that specialize in juvenile justice at the national and state levels.
CRIM 544 - Special Topics: Lower Level
Credits: 1-4
A study of current and variable topics in Criminology. Course content changes from term to term.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.
Equivalent(s): CRIM 544G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
CRIM 555 - The Criminal Justice System
Credits: 4
This course presents an overview of the criminal and juvenile justice systems and the variety of agencies charged with the detection, prosecution, and subsequent application of penalties. The course begins with an examination of the extent and nature of crime in the U.S. It then reviews the subsystems associated with the criminal and juvenile justice fields, including the police, criminal and juvenile courts, and corrections and treatment processes. The review of each subsystem includes a discussion of its historical development as well as issues currently confronting the profession. Students also explore and evaluate differing philosophies underlying corrections. The course concludes with an examination of the future of the criminal and juvenile justice systems from political and sociological perspectives.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Equivalent(s): CRIM 555G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Discuss the complexity of the criminal and juvenile justice system as a whole, as well as its subsystems: the police, criminal and juvenile courts, corrections, and treatment programs.
- Trace the historical development of each subsystem to present-day “state-of-the-art” approaches.
- Differentiate between informal and formal methods of social control, recognizing current political and social attitudes toward crime and delinquency.
- Describe the evolution of police departments in the U.S. and the political, economic, and social factors affecting their development and organization.
- Describe the role of prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, and juries in both the criminal and juvenile justice systems.
- Explain the various sentencing options available to criminal and juvenile court judges and factors taken into consideration in the application of each.
- Trace the evolution of prisons and juvenile correctional facilities in the U.S, various treatment modalities, and current issues confronting corrections today.
- Discuss the impact of politics on the criminal justice system as well as suggested reforms designed to reduce the crime rate.
CRIM 600 - Crime Prevention and Control
Credits: 4
This course focuses on situational crime prevention by both law enforcement personnel and the general public. Theoretical and practical aspects of techniques of situational prevention are examined. Students formulate their own theories on crime prevention and control, and evaluate methods for the reduction of crime and corresponding financial and social costs.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): CRIM 410 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 500G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): CRIM 600G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Analyze the theories of crime prevention and control.
- Apply the issues of philosophy, politics, and policy as they relate to crime prevention and control.
- Apply the theories of crime prevention and control to situational crime prevention.
CRIM 644 - Special Topics: Upper Level
Credits: 1-4
A study of current and variable topics in Criminology. Course content changes from term to term. It is expected that the learner will have prior coursework or experience in the subject area.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.
Equivalent(s): CRIM 644G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
CRIM 645 - Crime Victim Rights and Remedies
Credits: 4
The course examines the various relationships between the crime victim and the police, courts, advocates, and other agencies such as the media. Specific categories of crime victims are studied, including drunk driving victims, sexual assault victims, domestic violence and stalking victims, hate crime victims, and child and elderly victims.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): CRIM 410 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 500G with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 410 with a minimum grade of D- or PSY 501G with a minimum grade of D- or SOC 501G with a minimum grade of D- or SOCI 410 with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): CRIM 603G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Explain statutes protecting crime victims.
- Discuss a victim advocate’s role and duties.
- Evaluate the different systems responses to victims.
- Critically examine community support programs to which certain victims may be referred.
- Identify the ways in which victims can be compensated.
- Analyze a victim's reactions and behavior after a criminal act.
CRIM 680 - Corrections, Probation and Parole
Credits: 4
This course presents an extensive examination of the organization and operations of correctional, probation and parole agencies as particular segments of the United States criminal justice system. Learners study corrections, probation and parole from a variety of standpoints, including historical and philosophical foundations, the theoretical concerns that the options present, as well as the practical aspects of those services. Other topics include a review of community-based corrections, options for treatment and intermediate sanctions, issues surrounding court orders and pre-sentence reports, and an examination of correctional and probation and parole officers' professional roles, and the legal decisions affecting practice in this field.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): (CRIM 410 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 500G with a minimum grade of D-) and (CRIM 555 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 555G with a minimum grade of D-).
Equivalent(s): CRIM 606G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate the historical and philosophical context for the emergence of prisons as a means of imposing the criminal penalty of incarceration.
- Describe the historical basis for probation and parole.
- Explain corrections within the context of the various roles and functions of the criminal justice system.
- Identify the roles of correctional professionals in various environments.
- Identify and evaluate the various types of present-day confinement facilities.
- Critically evaluate the various forms of mental health and drug dependence treatments available in the corrections system.
- Analyze contemporary challenges in the correctional system.
- Identify programs that develop social controls and evaluate their methodologies and relationship to correctional custody.
- Analyze the processes and outcomes of mandatory and alternative sentencing.
CRIM 707 - Constitutional Law
Credits: 4
This course examines the United States Constitution and the New Hampshire Constitution using a substantive approach. Learners participate in a critical analysis of how both the United States Supreme Court and the New Hampshire Supreme Court deal with constitutional issues of major societal importance. The course also focuses on the historical development of constitutional law by studying the many diverse and often controversial matters with which the U.S. and NH Supreme Courts deal. An emphasis is placed on reading and analyzing leading constitutional case law and gaining in-depth knowledge of the relationship between the NH and U.S. Constitutions.
Attributes: HumanBehavSocial Sys (Gen Ed)
Prerequisite(s): (CRIT 501 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIT 501G with a minimum grade of D-) and (POL 554 with a minimum grade of D- or POL 554G with a minimum grade of D-).
Equivalent(s): CRIM 607G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Summarize the major content of the U.S. and New Hampshire Constitutions.
- Demonstrate appropriate application of the procedural rules utilized in the criminal justice system.
- Identify the major Constitutional Amendments and discuss their practical application.
- Analyze constitutional law and its application to various criminal justice and legal matters.
- Articulate the relationship between the U.S. and New Hampshire Constitutions.
- Discuss various U.S. Supreme Court and New Hampshire Supreme Court cases as they relate to constitutional issues.
- Brief and analyze constitutional case law.
- Describe the significance of, as well as the application of, the Bill of Rights within constitutional law.
- Apply the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the New Hampshire Constitution in analyses of case studies.
- Explain the major U.S. Constitutional Amendments including, but not limited to, the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments.
- Analyze the modern societal impact of the U.S. Constitution and the New Hampshire Constitution.
CRIM 725 - Ethical Decision Making in the Criminal Justice System
Credits: 4
This course introduces students to the discipline of ethical decision making by criminal justice professionals in a system where great authority is given, and even greater responsibility is expected. The concept of discretion will be an ever-present factor in discussions of critical decisions made by law enforcement, the courts, and corrections. In this course, students will be exposed to ethical scenarios, and they will be asked to discuss what the proper course of action was, or should have been. In addition to real-life case studies, students will be asked to work through challenging hypotheticals that test their understanding of ethical dilemmas in the criminal justice field. In sum, the student of this course will have the opportunity to develop a much greater awareness of the ethical tests faced by criminal justice professionals on a daily basis and the expectations of society in that regard.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): CRIM 555 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIM 555G with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): CRIM 610G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Analyze the many practical aspects of using discretion in the criminal justice system.
- Investigate and question ethical decision making within actual criminal justice events.
- Enact ethical decision making within hypothetical scenarios from the perspectives of law enforcement, the courts, and corrections.
- Examine the occupational pitfalls of unethical actions within the criminal justice system.
- Evaluate contemporary ethical issues such as cultural competence, implicit bias, and procedural justice from both a national and a state lens.
CRIM 795 - Integrative Capstone: Internship in Criminal Justice
Credits: 4
This capstone course is a field-based internship designed to develop and hone the practical application skills of a Criminal Justice major. The course requires students to integrate the knowledge and skills gained from other courses in the program and to demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge to new subject matter and practical situations. Students apply for an internship at a self-selected site and negotiate the terms of the internship experience with a site supervisor under the auspices of their faculty mentor. The internship requires documented evidence of eighty hours of supervised experience and practice in a field setting where criminal-justice-related knowledge and skills are applied. NOTE: Registration for this course, an internship, is by permission of Academic Affairs. Early registration deadlines may apply. Prior to capstone enrollment, students are expected to complete the majority of their required major courses. Students should consult with their advisor regarding specific major courses that may be completed with their capstone. NOTE: Students who were admitted to the college before Fall 2019 and have remained active in their original catalog year are not required to take IDIS 601.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): (CRIT 602 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIT 602G with a minimum grade of D- or CRIT 502G with a minimum grade of D-) and (IDIS 601 with a minimum grade of D- or IDIS 601G with a minimum grade of D-).
Equivalent(s): CRIM 651G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Complete an in-depth, supervised experience in a field setting that is related to Criminal Justice and reflective of the student’s professional development.
- Apply knowledge of systems, operations, and roles fundamental to the field in the context of an individually developed project that includes evidence-based sources of information.
- Apply discipline knowledge, skills, and methods to a specific field setting, client population, or service clientele.
- Demonstrate professionalism and standards of ethics while working in a field setting.
- Clearly and professionally communicate all aspects of the project, including the student's reflections on the integration of knowledge achieved through the completion of the internship.
CRIM 797 - Integrative Capstone: Project in Criminal Justice
Credits: 4
This capstone course in the Criminal Justice degree program is designed to offer learners the opportunity to reflect upon and synthesize prior learning and to apply it at a higher level of understanding. Knowledge and skills from other courses in the program and from experience are integrated in focused individual projects. Such projects might include independent research or a work-related or other applied project. Analysis of the individual project in light of theory and research in the field is a key component of this course. Prior to capstone enrollment, students are expected to complete the majority of their required major courses. Students should consult with their advisor regarding specific major courses that may be completed with their capstone. NOTE: Students who were admitted to the college before Fall 2019 and have remained active in their original catalog year are not required to take IDIS 601.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): (CRIT 602 with a minimum grade of D- or CRIT 602G with a minimum grade of D- or CRIT 502G with a minimum grade of D-) and (IDIS 601 with a minimum grade of D- or IDIS 601G with a minimum grade of D-).
Equivalent(s): CRIM 650G
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Identify and discuss common themes and issues in various branches of criminal justice.
- Identify and propose a capstone project idea, e.g., research, work-related, or applied project with instructor guidance.
- Conduct scholarly research using library resources to locate evidence-based, peer-reviewed sources and incorporate these sources into the capstone project.
- Analyze the capstone project in light of current issues/trends in the field, particularly as they relate to the student’s own career goals, and clearly and professionally communicate the synthesized findings of the project.
- Follow college policy that all research activities which involve human participants, regardless of the level of risk foreseen, require review and written approval by the College’s Institutional Review Board prior to the initiation of the activity, if appropriate.