Business (BUS)
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Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.
BUS 400 - Introduction to Business
Credits: 4
Introduces the study of business: examines the origins and development of American business, its place in a global economy, and its legal and ethical roles in modern society. Includes an overview of the functional areas of business such as finance, marketing, and organizational behavior. Designed for business majors as well as for students considering a major in business.
Equivalent(s): ADMN 400
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 405 - Introduction to Business Computer Applications
Credits: 4
This course is designed to prepare students for both their computer related course work in other classes, but also for both internship and permanent professional problems. The skills and knowledge contained in this class are critical to early student success, and should be taken on arrival to the UNHM Business program. These skills are: word processing, presentation development, database creation and access, and spreadsheet data display and analysis. Open to all majors.
Equivalent(s): COMP 411
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 430 - Introduction to Business Statistics
Credits: 0 or 4
The use of statistical methods for managerial decision making. Emphasis is on understanding concepts, including inferences from sample data and model formulation, as aids in decision-making. Lab: Using class-focused statistics problems, designed to provide opportunity to develop course-specific problem solving strategies; to adapt from mathematical to statistical thinking; to analyze and communicate significance and meaning of numerical outcomes; to develop course-specific test taking prowess.
Attributes: Quantitative Reasoning(Disc)
Prerequisite(s): MATH 420 with a minimum grade of D- or MATH 422 with a minimum grade of D- or MATH 425 with a minimum grade of D-.
Mutual Exclusion: No credit for students who have taken ADM 430, ADMN 420, ADMN 510, BIOL 528, EREC 525, HHS 540, MATH 439, MATH 539, MATH 644, PSYC 402, PSYC 402H, SOC 402, SOC 402H, SOC 502, SOC 502H.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 453 - Leadership for Managers
Credits: 4
This course provides the critical element of analytical and intellectual examination and reflection of certain core issues in the practice of leadership. These objectives are achieved through open discussion, honest self-assessment, experiential exercises, and observation of real-life leadership practice. What is valued in this course are honest relationships and dialogue, risk-taking, dedication to the topic of leadership, initiative, and exploring the confusion and gray areas involved in these topics.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 455 - Management of Human Resources
Credits: 4
This course emphasizes the development of skills for dealing with selected aspects of human resource management. It aims to enhance the students' ability to apply theoretical concepts and alternative approaches for dealing with common issues concerning the human side of the enterprise. The course is geared to serve the needs of line and staff administrators in supervisory positions. Thus, it strives to train students and facilitate the development of better understanding of human resources issues as they relate to other managerial functions, organizational behavior, and the ability of managers and the organization to achieve prescribed goals.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 492 - American Business History
Credits: 4
This course explores the historical development of American business institutions from the colonial era to the present. Thematic units organize the material focusing in turn on the most significant developments in the American business environment. The goal is a cumulative understanding of the development of the system. A great deal of our discussion and reading centers on the interaction of market operations and social values and how these interactions influenced the business environment at different times. It is the study of business in the context of past times that makes this course different from a course in business methods or institutions. Through the study of the past students develop their critical thinking and writing skills.
Attributes: Historical Perspectives(Disc)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 515 - Introduction to Business Analytics
Credits: 4
This course provides introductory review and application of data analytics in business, including the analysis of raw data in datasets and how it can be transformed into usual visualizations. Students will practice the use of several data analytics tools, such as Excel, and review the use of Tableau and Power BI. Students should have access to a current version of Excel on a laptop or Mac (Excel online version will not work correctly).
Mutual Exclusion: No credit for students who have taken DAT 510.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Understand how business and data analytics underlie decision-making in organizations.
- Identify the tools used to extract, clean, and prepare data for analysis.
- Use Excel to create pivot tables, calculations of data, and basic charts.
- Understand how Tableau and Power BI are used as powerful and popular data analytics tools.
BUS 520 - Training and Development
Credits: 4
Students interested in career options in training and development of human resources development learn some of the theoretical bases, core practices, competencies, and issues of this professional field, as well as considerations for global training and development. They are exposed to research and discoveries on skills and knowledge related to training and adult learning, and models for effective training. They learn the most current trends and issues in international training and development, including the push for management and leadership training for intercultural understanding.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of D- and BUS 455 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 530 - Personal Finance
Credits: 4
This course is designed to give students some expertise in the life decisions that almost everyone must make concerning tax planning, purchasing or renting of a home or automobile, medical, life, auto and home insurance needs. Investments and planning for retirement among other financial decisions that adults must make.
Attributes: Quantitative Reasoning(Disc)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 532 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
Credits: 4
Fundamental concepts of accounting and their impact on the business world and society as a whole. Emphasis on the recording of economic transactions, and preparation and analysis of financial statements. No credit for students who have had ACFI 501, ACFI 502, ADMN 502.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 533 - Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Credits: 4
Emphasizes how organizational managers use accounting information to support their functions of planning, control, and decision making. Examples taken from corporations, small business, and not-for-profit organizations. No credit for students who have received credit for ACFI 503, ADMN 503.
Mutual Exclusion: No credit for students who have taken ACCT 533.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 535 - Federal Taxation
Credits: 4
Introduction to the basics of the federal income tax rules for individuals. Basic concepts in federal taxation include gross income, exclusions, adjusted gross income, deductions, exemptions, and credits. Additional tax concepts included are cash and accrual methods, passive loss rules, and like-kind exchange. No credit for taking BUS 710 (Federal Taxation) or BUS 675 (Special Topic Federal Taxation).
Equivalent(s): BUS 710
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 565 - Selling and Sales Management
Credits: 4
The sales and selling management (SSM) course covers both the strategies, and the tactics, of selling, from the wide-ranging perspectives of sales people and customers. Management topics include: motivation and behavior, sales methodologies, channel optimization, recruiting and selecting representatives, training, compensation, and evaluation. Class also covers in-depth through the class practice sales tactics such as: prospecting and sales call planning, communicating the sales message, negotiating for win-win situations, overcoming objections, closing the sale, and follow-up management. Reflecting the nature of practice selling, the SSM course is offered in a short series of longer days. BUS 400 or BUS 610 are encouraged to take prior to this course. No credit earned if credit earned for BUS 675 if listed as Selling and Sales Management.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 575 - Students Consulting Organizations
Credits: 2
A hands-on course where students will work directly with organizations in the Manchester area helping to solve, marketing, financial, managerial, and technology issues. Clients are secured through the SBDC at UNH. The class will meet once a week for one hour where strategy sessions with the clients take place, lectures on business strategy are given, and presentations from guest speakers will be given. It is expected that students will have to do some outside work based on the needs of the clients. At the end of the semester, students will make a formal, professional presentation and provide a document for action to the client. This course can be applied to the management option requirement.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of D-.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 601 - Financial Management
Credits: 4
Study of investment, finance, and dividend decisions of the business firm. Topics include capital budgeting, designing and issuing securities, management of working capital and evaluating manager performance.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of D- and BUS 532 with a minimum grade of D- and BUS 533 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 603 - Intermediate Financial Accounting I
Credits: 4
The first of two in-depth financial accounting courses. Course provides student with the in-depth understanding of the theory, conceptual framework, and development of generally accepted accounting principles giving them the knowledge necessary to properly account for and present information in financial statements prepared for external uses. Topics include the income statement, the statement of cash flows and balance sheet with an emphasis on asset accounts. No credit if credit received for BUS 675 Intermediate Accounting I.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 532 with a minimum grade of D- and BUS 533 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 610 - Marketing Principles and Applications
Credits: 4
Studies the process of planning and distributing goods and services to the marketplace. Topics include product planning, pricing, promotion, and distribution. Emphasis on the application of marketing principles to real world business cases.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of D- and ECN 412 with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): ADMN 585
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 615 - Intermediate Financial Accounting II
Credits: 4
The second of two in-depth financial accounting courses. Course provides students with an in depth understanding of the theory, conceptual framework, and development of generally accepted accounting principles giving them the knowledge necessary to properly account for and present information in financial statements prepared for external users. Topics include time value of money, current and non-current liabilities, leases, deferred taxes, retirement benefits, stockholders equity, earning per share, accounting changes and errors, and statement of cash flows. No credit if credit received for BUS 675 Intermediate Accounting.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 603 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 620 - Organizational Behavior
Credits: 4
Applications of behavioral science concepts to work settings. Topics include worker incentives and perceptions toward work, group versus individual decision making, conflict resolution, interpersonal and leadership skills, and the study of other behaviors relevant to effective managing of a business organization.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): PTC 500 with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): ADMN 575
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 640 - Business Communication and Conflict
Credits: 4
This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of communication, its scope and importance in business, and the role of communication in establishing a favorable outside the firm environment as well as an affective internal communications program. The various types of business communication media are covered. This course also develops an awareness of the importance of succinct written expression to modern business communication.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 455 with a minimum grade of D-.
Equivalent(s): ADM 640
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 645 - Real Estate Investment & Finance
Credits: 4
Learn and appreciate the value of owning real estate, whether as a homeowner or investor. Explore real estate principles, issues of legal protection, mortgage techniques, appraisal, brokerage, risk analysis, investment analysis for commercial properties and apartments, construction, and real estate development financing, as well as documents used in this field. This course explores real estate as a vehicle for profit. The theory of value and the methods to evaluate value are learned, so as to allow entry into banking, private or institutional investment, or general real estate fields. The gathering of data and establishing investment criteria, tempered by risk analysis and the constraints of available financial resources, forms the focus of the course.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- Use of financial analysis to diagnose financial statements of real estate investments and make predictions on potential financial outcomes as expected of a business professional.
- Be able to judge and advise good financial strategies for various property types.
- Know about certifications in real estate (brokers, appraisers, and investment) and the potential of these for career advancement.
- Be able to find and identify local job opportunities that would incorporate knowledge learned in the real estate field.
- Practical usage of financial tools (calculator and Excel) to determine present and future values, amortizations, and interest.
BUS 661 - Integrated Marketing Communication
Credits: 4
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a fast evolving field in business and marketing. This course covers the full spectrum of planning, budgeting, data collection and analysis, creative tools and models, including perspectives on both Business to Consumer and Business to Business, IMC. Special emphasis for: cultural, lifestyle and ethnic sensitivity, global versus individual country tactics, and the fast evolving techniques of social and mobile marketing. All of the above are in the context of building brands and customer loyalty. No credit earned if credit earned for BUS 675 or BUS 685 if listed as Marketing Communication.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of D- and BUS 610 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
View Course Learning Outcomes
- A broad overview of how to identify and understand your target audience and its needs/wants.
- An integrated approach to building awareness, interest and trial of your future organization's/company's products and services.
- Methods to measure results and optimizing your marketing promotional mix, including knowing what are the most reliable sources for research and information.
- Detailed knowledge on how to plan and budget for marketing communications, including ROI.
- Appreciation of the accelerating change in this field and demands for constant professional development/learning after college.
BUS 662 - Digital Marketing Applications
Credits: 4
This course introduces students to a broad range of marketing applications and digital marketing concepts. The goal is to provide them with hands-on learning opportunities to apply these concepts to real-world marketing problems. A range of marketing and data management tools will be taught to foster understanding and student credentialing on a variety of key 'Software as a Service' platforms. No credit if students have taken BUS 675 - Special Topics - Marketing Demand Applications.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of D- and BUS 610 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 663 - Services Marketing and Operations Management
Credits: 4
This course is designed to prepare students for NH business and marketing careers by understanding the issues, challenges, and terminology inherent in industries as diverse as health care, construction, education, professional and technical offices, transportation, information and publishing, tourism, retailing, etc. Case studies are used throughout the term. We study many of these sectors, both as academicians and as consumers, to build a portfolio of understanding across divergent sectors. Students learn about services marketing strategies and management models that: increase customer satisfaction, improve customer retention and create dominant service brands that can create a competitive advantage for firms in any given industry. No credit if credit earned for BUS 675 or BUS 685 if listed as Services Marketing.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of D- and BUS 610 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 675 - Special Topics in Business Administration
Credits: 1-4
Provides students with an opportunity to explore a topic in business administration such as marketing, management, finance, or accounting. Topics will vary. Barring duplication of subject, may be repeated for credit.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 690 - Business Program Internship
Credits: 1-4
Supervised internship practicum within the private, public or non-profit sector. Focus is for the student to gain valuable insights into both professional and managerial positions, applying their college knowledge to a variety of roles and projects, influencing their career trajectory through 'real world' experience. Can be taken multiple times for credit, with credit varying from 1-4 hours based on time spent on the internship. For the 16 credit concentration, up to 4 BUS 690 credits can be applied. Credits beyond will be applied to general credits. Does not substitute for the internship required as part of the Business Capstone Course BUS 750 - Business Internship Senior Seminar. Offered, Fall, Spring and Summer.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
BUS 695 - Independent Study in Business
Credits: 1-4
Independent study exploring a special topic emphasizing the managerial, organizational, strategic, political or economic context(s) within which business decisions are made.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of D-.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Equivalent(s): ADM 695
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 705 - Business Ethics
Credits: 4
Because Business Ethics is a capstone course, it is imperative that students understand the business psychology concepts relative to power, politics, communication, and decision making to name a few. Organizational Behavior provides knowledge in those areas and this will give students greater depth and cognitive analysis when addressing and applying principles in the ethics course.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): BUS 620 with a minimum grade of D- and BUS 610 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 712 - Accounting Information Systems
Credits: 4
Course centers on how organizations collect, record, process, and store accounting information and data. Topics include information systems concepts, transaction cycles and processing, flowcharting, XBRL, e-business and ERP systems, computer fraud and IT security, internal controls, auditing with AIS, Quickbooks processing, and ethics. Topics include introduction to data analytics and blockchain technology.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 615 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 720 - Auditing
Credits: 4
Introduction to the basics of auditing and other assurance services theory and practice. It provides an overview and understanding of the public accounting profession and the professional auditing standards. The class also integrates auditing material with previous financial and managerial accounting course. No credit if credit received for BUS 675 Auditing.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 532 with a minimum grade of D- and BUS 533 with a minimum grade of D- and BUS 603 with a minimum grade of D- and BUS 615 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 725 - Financial Statement Analysis
Credits: 4
This course will examine: financial reporting, the quality of accounting information, and US GAPP and IFRS. The flexibility which is built into GAAP will be examined, noting how firms may take advantage of this flexibility to manipulate financial information while staying within the bounds of the rules for proper reporting. Also examined will be the relationships found within the reported numbers by comparing various elements of the financial statements.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 720 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
BUS 750 - Business Capstone Senior Seminar - Internship
Credits: 4
The capstone seminar course in which students complete their degree with an internship, while also conducting case analyses, class exercises, and a variety of reflective writings via selected readings. written and oral student reports.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 405 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 430 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 532 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 533 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 610 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 620 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 690 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 705 with a minimum grade of C- and ECN 411 with a minimum grade of C- and ECN 412 with a minimum grade of C- and (COMP 405 with a minimum grade of C- or COMP 415 with a minimum grade of C-) and (MATH 420 with a minimum grade of C- or MATH 425 with a minimum grade of C-) and PTC 500 with a minimum grade of C-.
Mutual Exclusion: No credit for students who have taken BUS 760.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes
BUS 760 - BUS SR SEM - Research Project
Credits: 4
The capstone seminar course is for students with extensive professional experience. Extensive independent research and writing required. Also conducting case analyses, class exercises, and a variety of reflective writings via selected readings, written and oral student reports.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 400 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 405 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 430 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 532 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 533 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 610 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 620 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 690 with a minimum grade of C- and BUS 705 with a minimum grade of C- and ECN 411 with a minimum grade of C- and ECN 412 with a minimum grade of C- and (COMP 405 with a minimum grade of C- or COMP 415 with a minimum grade of C-) and (MATH 420 with a minimum grade of C- or MATH 425 with a minimum grade of C-) and PTC 500 with a minimum grade of C-.
Mutual Exclusion: No credit for students who have taken BUS 750.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading