Arabic (ARBC)

Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.

Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.

ARBC 401 - Elementary Arabic I

Credits: 4

This course introduces students to the language of Arabic and the culture of the Middle East. It teaches writing and pronunciation of Arabic letters and words, as well as a number of common phrases, such as greetings and cordial interactions. Both modern standard Arabic and colloquial Egyptian are taught. It also introduces students to basic aspects of Arabic culture and history.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

ARBC 402 - Elementary Arabic II

Credits: 4

This course builds on skills of learning Arabic acquired in ARBC 401. It continues with the teaching of these skills, which are listening, reading, writing, and speaking. It expands the students' acquisition of grammar, and widens their familiarity with the Middle East culture. It teaches both modern Standard Arabic and colloquial Egyptian.

Attributes: Foreign Language Requirement

Prerequisite(s): ARBC 401 with a minimum grade of D-.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

ARBC 425 - Introduction to Arabic Culture

Credits: 4

Conducted in English. This course offers an introduction to Arabic culture and explores its historical, linguistic, social, religious, cultural, and artistic foundations. Students can expect to develop cultural awareness and communicative skills useful when interacting with people from the Arab world, in addition to critical analytical thinking skills through discussion of various Arabic cultural topics.

Attributes: World Cultures(Discovery)

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

ARBC 503 - Intermediate Arabic

Credits: 4

This intermediate level course builds on the skills of reading comprehension and the writing and speaking of Modern Standard Arabic that were acquired in first-year Arabic. It takes students to the next level of familiarity with, and the practice of, Arabic. It also puts a heavier weight on using the Egyptian dialect of Arabic in conversation.

Attributes: World Cultures(Discovery); Foreign Language Requirement

Prerequisite(s): ARBC 402 with a minimum grade of D-.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

ARBC 504 - Intermediate Arabic

Credits: 4

This intermediate level course builds on the skills of reading and reading comprehension and the writing and speaking of Modern Standard Arabic that were acquired in Arabic 503. Students begin to read Arabic newspapers, websites, and other simple reading materials. An emphasis on using the Egyptian dialect of Arabic in conversation continues.

Attributes: World Cultures(Discovery); Foreign Language Requirement

Prerequisite(s): ARBC 503 with a minimum grade of D-.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

ARBC 595 - Arabic Practicum

Credits: 2

Practical use of Arabic language and culture through special projects outside the classroom.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading

ARBC 631 - Advanced Arabic I

Credits: 4

This advanced intermediate level course builds on the skills of reading and reading comprehension, and the writing and speaking, of Modern Standard Arabic that were acquired in ARBC 504. Students continue to read Arabic newspapers, websites and other materials, and bring their findings to share in class discussions. An even greater emphasis than in lower levels of Arabic, are placed on acquiring and practicing the Egyptian dialect of Arabic in class conversations.

Attributes: Foreign Language Requirement

Prerequisite(s): ARBC 504 with a minimum grade of D-.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

ARBC 632 - Advanced Arabic II

Credits: 4

This advanced intermediate level course builds on the skills of reading and reading comprehension, and the writing and speaking, of Modern Standard Arabic. Students continue to read Arabic newspapers, websites and other materials, and bring their findings to share in class discussions. An even greater emphasis than in lower levels of Arabic, are placed on acquiring and practicing the Egyptian dialect of Arabic in class conversations.

Attributes: Foreign Language Requirement

Prerequisite(s): ARBC 631 with a minimum grade of D-.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

ARBC 795 - Independent Study in Arabic

Credits: 1-4

Guided individual study. Topics selected by instructor and student in conference. Barring duplication of content, may be repeated for credit.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading