Applied Animal Science (AAS)

Visit the Course Schedule Search website to find out when courses will be offered during the academic year.

Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.

AAS 421 - Large Animal Behavior and Handling Techniques

Credits: 2

Introduction to domestic large animal behavior and handling techniques. Cattle, horses, swine, and sheep are used in this course. Students perform routine health-related procedures and gain valuable hands-on skills and safe animal handling techniques which can be applied to the fields of veterinary medicine, animal research, commercial agriculture, and animal control. 1 lec/1 lab.

Equivalent(s): ANSC 408, ANSC 508

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

AAS 423 - Dairy Selection

Credits: 2

Selection techniques used in cattle for purchase, breeding, and genetic improvement through the use of visual evaluation, pedigrees, production, and progeny information. 1 lec/1 lab.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

AAS 425 - Introduction to Dairy Herd Management

Credits: 4

The course explores economic, scientific and practical aspects of dairy herd management. The topics covered include history, cattle selection, nutrition, housing, milking, and disease prevention strategies. There are a number of field trips and weekly labs emphasizing management and hands-on experience.

Equivalent(s): ANSC 409, ANSC 410

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

AAS 428 - Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals

Credits: 4

An overview course describing the anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of domestic animals, focusing on canine, feline, equine, and bovine species. Anatomic and physiologic topics are intertwined as the course progresses through each body system. Relevant species differences are stressed. Focus is on applied concepts appropriate for animal-related careers.

Equivalent(s): AAS 228

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

AAS 432 - Introduction to Forage and Grassland Management

Credits: 3

Introduction to grasslands of the world and their management. Special emphasis on the identification, production, and utilization of New England forage crops for feeding domestic farm animals. The course includes the selection of local plant species and varieties, including their management and recommended harvesting practices. The course also includes a basic introduction to soils, as well as nutrient and fertility management.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

AAS 434 - Equipment and Facilities Management

Credits: 3

Operation of agricultural equipment and maintenance of agricultural facilities as found in New England. Development of the essential skills and technical information needed to manage and supervise agricultural facilities and equipment. 2 lec/1 lab.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

AAS 439 - Fundamentals of Animal Health

Credits: 2

Covers the principles of maintaining animal health by preventing and managing disease via husbandry, immunization, diagnostic testing and treatment. Focus is on domestic species; primarily dogs, cats, horses and cows. Topics include external and internal parasitology, microbiology, immunology including vaccination, and disease treatment. Course is designed to be taken along with the appropriate lab section: AAS 439A for Applied Animal Science majors or AAS 439B for VTEC majors, respectively. No credit earned if credit was received for VTEC 439.

Equivalent(s): VTEC 439

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

AAS 597 - Applied Animal Science Work Experience

Credits: 0

Employment (12 weeks, generally in the summer following the first year) in an approved animal-related position.

Equivalent(s): AAS 297

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading