Writing Program & Requirements


In 1995, the Academic Senate established the Writing Program as an expression of the following fundamental values and goals for writing at UNH: As the cornerstone of any higher education, academic and disciplinary literacy is the concern of the entire faculty and the whole University curriculum. Understanding that literacy is a long-term development process, the University community is committed to the following goals for student writing and learning:

  • Students should use writing as an intellectual process to learn material and to discover, construct, and order meaning.
  • Students should learn to write effectively in various academic and disciplinary genres for professional and lay audiences.
  • Students should learn to display competence with the generic features and conventions of academic language.

In order to help realize the above goals, writing intensive (WI) courses were established as well as the University Writing Requirement (UWR).

University Writing Program Requirements

All bachelor's degree candidates are required to complete four writing-intensive courses. In order to fulfill the University Writing Requirement, all undergraduates must complete the following four courses with a passing grade:1

  • ENGL 401 First-Year Writing
  • One Writing Intensive (WI) Course in the Major
  • One Writing Intensive (WI) Course at the 600 Level or Above
  • One Additional Writing Intensive (WI) Course (any other)

1 Exceptions to the Writing-Intensive (WI) Requirement

Frequently Asked Question: "Can the same course satisfy the course-in-the-major requirement and the 600-level or above requirement?"

Answer: Yes, one course can satisfy both of these requirements (see pattern B below), but the course would only count as one of the three WI courses needed. In this case, the student would need to take two other WI courses (in addition to ENGL 401) to satisfy the requirement.  Thus, a complete WI sequence would conform to one of the two generic patterns below:

A) Separate Courses for the 600+ Level and in the Major Requirements

  1. ENGL 401 First-Year Writing
  2. WI in the Major (any level)
  3. WI @600+ level  (any)
  4. WI (any)                                                                        

B) The Same Course for the 600+ Level and in the Major Requirements

  1. ENGL 401 First-Year Writing
  2. WI in the Major @600+ level
  3. WI (any)
  4. WI (any)

Note: the numbers in the above examples are for reference and don't reflect a required sequence. A particular major may have more specific requirements that may depart from the above models. 

The Rationale for Writing and Learning at UNH acknowledges that the WI course structure provides a minimum framework for writing in the curriculum and that there will be writing in non WI-designated courses.  The Writing Committee's position is that WI Course Attributes are definitive and that only courses bearing the WI Attribute will count for the WI requirement. In short, students are expected to enroll in UNH WI-designated courses to satisfy the WI requirement. 

Writing-Intensive (WI) Course Identification

WI courses are identified by "Writing Intensive Course" in the "Attributes" section of the course descriptions and/or a W following the course number.


CEP 795W (01) - Investigations
Special assignments in readings, investigations, or field problems, or teaching experience. May be repeated.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Instructors: STAFF

Some courses have both writing-intensive and nonwriting-intensive versions, such as  HIST 405 History of Early America and HIST 405W History of Early America. In these cases, only the sections with the "W" in the course number are writing intensive.

Writing-Intensive Courses Master List

Not all courses below are offered every semester. See the course schedule for course offerings by semester.

ACC 724Auditing4
ADMN 400Introduction to Business0,4
ADMN #444Business for People, Planet, and Profits4
ADMN 575Behavior in Organizations4
ADMN #720WTopics in Business4
ADMN 799Honors Thesis/Project4-8
AMST 444CPicturing America: The Arts & Social Change4
AMST 444DLong-Ago Stories Behind Everyday Life4
ANSC 522Ethical Horsemanship - Considerations and Theory3
ANSC 543Technical Writing in Animal Sciences2
ANSC 602Animal Rights and Societal Issues4
ANSC 640Principles of Riding Instruction4
ANSC 690Livestock and Wildlife in Namibia: Challenges, Opportunities and Geography4
ANSC 728Advanced Dairy Management II4
ANSC 750Collaborative Farm Design and Development4
ANSC 795WInvestigations1-4
ANSC 799Honors Senior Thesis1-4
ANTH 411WGlobal Perspectives on the Human Condition: An Introduction to Anthropology4
ANTH 620Ritual and Religion of Ancient Mesoamerica4
ANTH 625Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspectives4
ANTH 645Cultural Sustainability and the Role of Public Archaeology4
ANTH 650Anthropology of Migration and Movement4
ANTH #680Africana Religions: Mobility, Power, and Material Culture4
ANTH 685Gender, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa4
ANTH #695Globalization and Global Population Health4
ANTH 697Special Topics4
ANTH 699HHonors Senior Thesis4,8
ANTH #750Islam and Gender: Gendered Lives of Muslims4
ANTH 785The Anthropology of Dreams and Dreaming4
ANTH 797Advanced Topics4
APST 705Grant Writing4
ARTH 400Topics in Art History4
ARTH 444Mona Lisa to Much Ado About Nothing: An Introduction to Renaissance Culture4
ARTH 444BArt and Money4
ARTH 583Baroque Art: Realism, Caricature, Shock4
ARTH #587Art in an Age of Revolutions, c. 1715-19004
ARTH #655Nineteenth-Century Architecture: The Architecture of Empire4
ARTH #656Twentieth-Century Architecture: Modern and Contemporary4
ARTH 674Greek Art and Architecture4
ARTH #675Roman Art and Architecture4
ARTH #677Early Medieval Art4
ARTH 678Romanesque and Gothic Art4
ARTH #679Northern Renaissance Art I4
ARTH #680Iconoclasm and Collecting: The Art of Early Modern Northern Europe4
ARTH 681Early Renaissance Art4
ARTH 682The High Renaissance4
ARTH #684Baroque Art in Northern Europe4
ARTH #685Graphic Art of the Renaissance and Baroque Periods4
ARTH 686Sex and Sensuality in 18th-Century Art4
ARTH 688Histories of Late 19th & 20th Century European Modernism4
ARTH #689Contemporary Art and Theory: 1945-20004
ARTH #693American Art4
ARTH 694Vision and Modernity: From Panorama to Early Film4
ARTH 695Topics in Art History4
ARTH #697Topics in Asian Art4
ARTH 699Museum Studies4
ARTH 795Understanding Art History: An In-Depth Overview4
ARTH 799Seminar in Art History4
BIOL 541WEcology0,4
BIOL 714WModel Organisms in Biological and Medical Research2
BIOL 795WIndependent Investigations1-4
BIOL 799HHonors Senior Thesis2-8
BIOT 501Ethical Issues in Biology4
BIOT 704New and Emerging Biotechnology4
BMCB 659WGeneral Biochemistry Lab2
BMCB 754Molecular Biology Research Methods5
BMCB 755Protein Biochemistry Laboratory5
BMCB 795WInvestigations in Molecular and Cellular Biology1-4
BMCB 799Senior Thesis1-4
BMCB 799HHonors Senior Thesis1-4
BMS 610Biomedical Lab Management4
BMS #715WImmunology Laboratory2
BMS 718Mammalian Physiology4
BMS 730Ethical Issues in Biomedical Science4
BMS 749Case Studies in Hematology and Immunology2
BMS 750Case Studies in Microbiology2
BMS 795WInvestigations in Biomedical Science1-8
BMS 799Senior Thesis1-4
BMS 799HSenior Honors Thesis1-4
BSCI 620Global Science Exploration4
BSCI 650Antibiotic Discovery0,4
BSCI #692Evolutionary Medicine4
BSCI 740Aquatic Microbiology4
BUS 620Organizational Behavior4
BUS 705Business Ethics4
CA 500Media Writing4
CA 512Screenwriting4
CA 610Communication Technologies and Culture4
CA 612Narrative4
CA 615Film History/Theory and Method4
CA 618Documentary4
CA 720Seminar4
CEE 404Surveying and Mapping0,4
CEE 520Environmental Pollution and Protection: A Global Context0,4
CEE 635Engineering Materials0,4
CEE 650Fluid Mechanics0,4
CEE 724Environmental Engineering Microbiology4
CEE 798Project Planning and Design2
CEP 614Fundamentals of Planning4
CEP 777Topics in Community Planning4
CHBE 612Chemical Engineering Laboratory I3
CHBE 708Chemical Engineering Design4
CHBE 713Chemical Engineering Laboratory II3
CHBE 762Biomedical Engineering4
CHBE 763Bioengineering Design I2
CHBE 764Bioengineering Design II4
CHEM 798Senior Seminar1
CHEM 799Senior Thesis4
CHIN #521What does it Mean to be Modern? Lenses of Modern Chinese Literature and Film4
CLAS 444Individual and Society in the Ancient World4
CLAS 444DAthens, Rome, and the Birth of the United States4
CLAS 530AClassical Literary Performance Genres: War and Adventure in Ancient Epic4
CLAS 550AIdentities and Difference in the Ancient World: Greek and Roman Women4
CLAS 550CIdentities and Difference in the Ancient World: Sex and Desire in Greece and Rome4
CLAS 601Classical Myth II: The Power and Persistence of Myth4
CMN 504Introduction to Argumentation4
CMN 525Persuasion & Public Relations4
CMN #602Theories of Interpersonal Communication4
CMN 607Persuasion in American Politics4
CMN 614Gender, Race and Technology4
CMN #619WHistories of New Media4
CMN 620WGlobal Media, Culture, and Power4
CMN 622Digital Rhetoric4
CMN #627Great Speakers and Speeches4
CMN #630Psychology of Communication4
CMN 634Media and Politics4
CMN 635Contemplative Media Studies4
CMN 637Controversy and Reasoning in Law4
CMN 647Rhetorical Criticism of Media4
CMN 650WCritical Perspectives on Film4
CMN 656Environmental Communication and Rhetoric4
CMN 657WMedia and the Environment4
CMN 662Public Dialogue and Deliberation4
CMN 666Conversation Analysis4
CMN 667Popular Music Studies4
CMN 670From Silicon Valley to Foxconn: Global Digital Capitalism4
CMN #680Perspectives on Culture and Communication4
CMN 685Gendered Rhetorics4
CMN 696WSeminar in Media Studies4
CMN 697Seminar in Rhetorical Study4
CMN 698Seminar Interpersonal Studies4
CMN 702Seminar in Interpersonal Communication Theory4
CMN 703Seminar in Rhetorical Theory4
CMN #714Youth and Media4
CMN 719Surveillance and Society4
CMN 735Media & Ethics4
CMN 740Seminar in Communication Research and Theory4
CMN #742Dialogue and Teamwork4
CMN 756Rhetorics of Display4
CMN #760Mediation4
CMN 762Organizational Communication and Society4
CMN 772Seminar in Media Theory4
CMN 780Communication and Sports Coaching4
CMN 785Communication and Deliberation Across Differences4
CMN 788Opening Everyday Interaction4
CMPL 622Human Computer Interaction4
CMPL 643Managing Information Technology4
CMPL 795Integrative Capstone: Internship in Computer Information Tech and Tech Management4
CMPL 797Integrative Capstone: Best Practices in Information Technology4
COM 440Persuasive Communication4
COM 590Professional Communication4
COM 647Writing for Visual Media4
COM 665Media and Strategic Communication4
COM 675Organizational Communication4
COM 680Trends in Digital and Social Media4
COM 710Managerial Communication4
COM 797Integrative Capstone: Project in Professional Communication4
COM 798Integrative Capstone: Project in Digital Communication Design4
COMM 724Senior Capstone4
COMM 799Honors Thesis1-4
COMP 560Ethics and the Law in the Digital Age4
COMP 730Software Development4
COMP 790Capstone Project4
CRIM 725Ethical Decision Making in the Criminal Justice System4
CRIM 795Integrative Capstone: Internship in Criminal Justice4
CRIM 797Integrative Capstone: Project in Criminal Justice4
CRIT 501Introduction to Critical Inquiry4
CRIT 602Advanced Critical Analysis and Strategic Thinking4
CRIT 603Critical Inquiry in Prior Learning Assessment4
CS 696WIndependent Study1-6
CS 753Information Retrieval4
CS 792Senior Project II2
CS 799Thesis1-5
DS 444Meaning of Entrepreneurship4
DS 775Corporate Project Experience4
DS 799HHonors Thesis in Decision Sciences4
ECE 617Junior Laboratory I4
ECE 618Junior Laboratory II0,4
ECE 791Senior Project I3
ECE 791HSenior Honors Project I4
ECE 792Senior Project II3
ECE 792HSenior Honors Project II4
ECN 410History of Literary Economics4
ECN 411WIntroduction to Macroeconomic Principles4
ECN 412WIntroduction to Microeconomic Principles4
ECN 640Business Law and Economics4
ECOG 701EcoGastronomy Capstone2-4
ECON 402HHonors/Principles of Economics (Micro)4
ECON #620WTopics in Economics4
ECON 652Economics of Artificial Intelligence4
ECON 653Law and Economics4
ECON 654Industrial Economics and Business Innovation4
ECON 655Innovation in the Global Economy4
ECON 676Economics of Sports4
ECON 706Economics of Climate Change4
ECON #720WEconomic Problems4
ECON #725WIndependent Study1-4
ECON 774Senior Economics Seminar4
ECON 775Applied Research Skills for Economists4
ECON 799Honors Thesis4-8
EDC 500Foundations of Education4
EDC 508Enhancing Supervision through Mentoring4
EDC 701Special Education Law4
EDC 707Behavior Interventions for Young Children in Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education4
EDC 708Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics in Early Childhood and Early Childhood Spec Education4
EDC 710Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction in Early Childhood/Early Childhood SPED - Birth to Age 84
EDC 712Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education4
EDC 713Family and Community Relations in Early Childhood Education4
EDC 717Positive Behavior Guidance and Student Engagement4
EDC 722Strategies for Teaching Science4
EDC 724Elementary School Mathematics Methods4
EDC 731Aspects of Mathematics Learning4
EDC 732Reading and Writing in the Mathematics Content Area4
EDC 733Middle Level Mathematics Methods4
EDC 734Upper Level Mathematics Methods4
EDC 797Practicum: Professionalism in Early Childhood Education4
EDC 798Culminating Teaching Experience and Seminar4
EDUC 605Educational Perspectives in Critical Times4
EDUC 701Human Development & Learning: Cultural Perspectives4
EDUC 733Teaching Writing in the Elementary Grades4
ENG 420The Writing Process4
ENG 450Introduction to Literature4
ENG 505Introduction to Language and Linguistics4
ENG 545The Media and Its Messages4
ENG 585Short Fiction4
ENG 590Expository Writing4
ENG 604Creative Writing4
ENG 610War Writing in the 21st Century4
ENG 645Disability in Literature and Culture4
ENGL #400English for International Students1-4
ENGL 401First-Year Writing4
ENGL 401AFirst Year Writing for Multi-Lingual Students4
ENGL 401HHonors/First-Year Writing4
ENGL 415CLiterature and Medicine4
ENGL 419How to Read Anything4
ENGL 440AOn Race in Culture and Society4
ENGL 444DThe Irish Experience4
ENGL 444NMonsters!!!4
ENGL 501Introduction to Creative Nonfiction4
ENGL 502Professional and Technical Writing4
ENGL 503Persuasive Writing4
ENGL 510Introduction to the Digital Humanities4
ENGL #511Major Writers in English4
ENGL 512British Literature I Age of Heroes: Beowulf to Dr. Faustus4
ENGL 513WBritish Literature II Age of Revolutions: Shakespeare to Austen4
ENGL 514WBritish Literature III: Revolts, Renewals, Migrations4
ENGL 516WAmerican Literature II Money, Migration, and Modernity: Huck Finn to Beloved4
ENGL 518WBible as Literature4
ENGL #521Nature Writers4
ENGL 526Introduction to Fiction Writing4
ENGL 527Introduction to Poetry Writing4
ENGL 550Introduction to the Literature and Culture of Race4
ENGL #560Introduction to Latinx Literature and Culture4
ENGL 581Reading the Postcolonial Experience4
ENGL 585Introduction to Women in Literature4
ENGL #585RIntroduction to Women in Literature4
ENGL 595Literary Topics4
ENGL 602Advanced Professional and Technical Writing4
ENGL #609Ethnicity in America: The African American Experience in the 20th Century4
ENGL 616AStudies in Film/Genre4
ENGL 616BStudies in Film/Authorship4
ENGL 616CStudies in Film/Culture and Ideology4
ENGL 616DStudies in Film/Narrative and Style4
ENGL 621Newswriting4
ENGL 623Creative Nonfiction4
ENGL 625Intermediate Fiction Writing Workshop4
ENGL 625AIntermediate Fiction Writing Workshop: Screenwriting4
ENGL 627Intermediate Poetry Writing Workshop4
ENGL 631Digital Reporting4
ENGL #636Literature and the Environment4
ENGL #650I Hear America Singing: Studying American Literature and Culture4
ENGL 650RI Hear America Singing: Studying American Literature and Culture4
ENGL 655Reading in all Directions: Comics and Graphic Narrative4
ENGL 657Shakespeare4
ENGL #681Contemporary African Literature4
ENGL #690African American Literature4
ENGL 693Special Topics in Literature4
ENGL 693RSpecial Topics in Literature4
ENGL 694Special Topics in Creative Writing4
ENGL 701Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop4
ENGL 703TTravel Writing4
ENGL 710Teaching Writing4
ENGL 711Editing4
ENGL 712Multimedia Storytelling4
ENGL 714Critical Skills4
ENGL 715Teaching English as a Second Language: Theory and Methods4
ENGL 716Curriculum, Materials and Assessment in English as a Second Language4
ENGL 717Languages in Contact4
ENGL 718Morphology4
ENGL 721Advanced Reporting4
ENGL 722Feature Writing4
ENGL 725Teaching Writing: Seminar in English Teaching4
ENGL 726Teaching Literature and Literacy: Seminar in English Teaching4
ENGL 727Issues in Second Language and Multilingual Writing4
ENGL 728Language and Gender4
ENGL #735Entrepreneurial Journalism4
ENGL 736Environmental Theory4
ENGL 738Asian American Studies4
ENGL #739American Indian Literature4
ENGL 742American Literature, 1815-18654
ENGL #743RAmerican Literature, 1865-1915: The Birth of the American Empire4
ENGL #749RMajor American Authors4
ENGL 751Medieval Romance4
ENGL 752History of the English Language4
ENGL 756Chaucer4
ENGL 758Advanced Shakespeare4
ENGL #758RAdvanced Shakespeare4
ENGL 759Milton4
ENGL #773Literary Modernisms: Return, Revolt, Recycle4
ENGL #774RModern & Contemporary British Literature: New Departures4
ENGL 779Linguistic Field Methods4
ENGL #780Drama of Shakespeare's Contemporaries: Will and Company4
ENGL 782Modern and Contemporary Drama4
ENGL 784English Novel of the 19th Century4
ENGL 787English Major Seminar4
ENGL #787REnglish Major Seminar4
ENGL 788Senior Honors4
ENGL 789Special Topics in English Teaching4
ENGL 790Special Topics in Linguistics4
ENGL 791English Grammar4
ENGL 792Teaching Literature and Literacy4
ENGL 794Syntax4
ENGL 795Independent Study1-4
ENGL 797Special Studies in Literature4
ENGL 797RSpecial Studies in Literature (Race & Racial Theories)4
ENT 500The Entrepreneurial Mindset4
EREC 444The New Pirates of the Caribbean4
EREC 708Environmental Economics4
EREC 756Rural and Regional Economic Development4
EREC #795WInvestigations2-4
EREC #799Honors Senior Thesis1-4
ESCI 530Geological Field Methods4
ESCI 534Techniques in Environmental Sciences3
ESCI 705Principles of Hydrology4
ESCI 726Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology4
ESCI 741Geochemistry4
ESCI 756Geotectonics3
ESCI 759Geological Oceanography4
ESCI #762Glacial Geology4
ESCI 765Paleoclimatology3
ESCI #766Volcanology4
ESCI 799Senior Thesis1-4
ET 625Technical Communications4
ET 751Mechanical Engineering Technology Project4,8
ET 791Electrical Engineering Technology Project4,8
EXSC 527Scientific Foundations of Health and Fitness4
EXSC 621Exercise Laboratory Techniques4
EXSC 696WIndependent Study2-4
FIN 705Financial Institutions4
FIN 714WFinancial Scandals, Upheavals, and Crises4
FIN #720WTopics in Finance II4
FIN 799HHonors Thesis in Finance4-8
FREN 503WIntermediate French I4
FREN 504Intermediate French II4
FREN 525A Road Trip Through France: Baguette, Brie, Bordeaux, and Beyond4
FREN 631Advanced French: Reading and Writing4
FREN 651Love, War, and Power in French Literature4
FREN 652Greatest Hits of French4
FREN 676Topics in Francophone Culture4
FREN #765Rebellion and Upheaval in 18th-Century Literature and Culture4
FREN 775Les Mis and their World4
FSA 605Fire Service Ethics4
GEN 704Genetics of Prokaryotic Microbes5
GEN 711WGenomics and Bioinformatics0,4
GEN 713Microbial Ecology and Evolution4
GEN 717Molecular Microbiology5
GEN 772Evolutionary Genetics of Plants4
GEN 795WInvestigations in Genetics1-4
GEN 799Senior Thesis1-4
GEN 799HHonors Senior Thesis1-4
GEOG #584Political Geography4
GEOG 670Climate and Society4
GEOG 673Political Ecology4
GEOG 795Special Project2,4
GERM 631WAdvanced Communications Skills I4
GERM 728Modern German Literature4
GERM 732Public Discourse and Current Affairs4
GERO 500I'm Old, So What! An introduction to aging in the United States4
GREK 795Special Studies4
HDFS 444AYouth Facing Adversity4
HDFS 635Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood Settings4
HDFS 684Curriculum for Young Children4
HDFS #697WSpecial Topics1-6
HDFS 743Families, Schools, and Community4
HDFS 757Race, Class, Gender, and Families4
HDFS 760Family Programs and Policies4
HDFS 776Children, Adolescents and the Law4
HDFS 794Families and the Law4
HHS #697WProfessional Writing in the Health and Human Services1-4
HIS 590Historical Methods4
HIS 602History of New England4
HIS 611Themes in World History4
HIS 795Integrative Capstone: Internship in History4
HIS 797Integrative: Project in History4
HIST 405WHistory of Early America4
HIST 410Historic Survey of American Civilization4
HIST #435WOrigins of European Society4
HIST 436WEurope and the Modern World4
HIST #440GHonors/Revolutions in Science4
HIST #444DSlavery and Society in Pre-Colonial Africa4
HIST 444HHonors/From Beijing to Baghdad: Objects along the Silk Road4
HIST 444JHonors/Global Citizenship: In Pursuit of Liberty4
HIST 500Introduction to Historical Thinking4
HIST 505African American History4
HIST 509Law in American Life4
HIST 511History of New Hampshire4
HIST #515Game of Thrones: Power and Politics in Medieval and Renaissance Europe4
HIST 532Modern Latin America4
HIST #540Foundations of Medieval History: 300-1300 CE4
HIST 566Comparative Revolutions: How to Make a Revolution in the World before Marx4
HIST 609Special Topics in American Legal History4
HIST 797Colloquium4
HLS 480Professional Skills in Homeland Security4
HLS 760Strategic Planning and Decision Making4
HLS 790Capstone in Homeland Security4
HLS 799Senior Thesis in Homeland Security4
HLTC 550The Emerging U.S. Health Care System4
HLTC 560Health Behaviors: Theoretical Foundations for Health Education4
HLTC 690Law and Ethics for Health Care and Human Services4
HLTC 737Informatics for Health Professionals4
HLTC 795Integrative Capstone: Internship in Health and Wellness4
HLTC 797Integrative Capstone: Project in Health Care Management4
HLTC 798Integrative Capstone: Project in Health and Wellness4
HMGT 401Introduction to the Hospitality and Tourism Industry4
HMGT 635Leadership and HR Management in Hospitality and Tourism4
HMGT 681Contemporary Resort Development and Management4
HMGT 703Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry4
HMGT 799Honors Thesis/Project4-8
HMP 742Strategic Management for Health Care Organizations4
HMP 746Health Policy4
HMP 799HHonors Project/Research2-4
HMSV 795Integrative Capstone: Internship in Human Services4
HMSV 797Integrative Capstone: Project in Human Services4
HPE 570Elementary Physical Education Practicum4
HPE 766Middle School and Secondary Physical Education Practicum4
HPE 781Introduction to Adapted Physical Education4
HRM 660Recruitment, Selection, and Employee Development4
HRM 740Workplace Coaching4
HS 696WIndependent Study2-4
HS 717Cultural Considerations in Health Care4
HUMA 401WIntroduction to Humanities4
HUMA 411Humanities I4
HUMA 412Humanities II4
HUMA #413Dramatic Art and Social Reality: The Many Meanings of Performance4
HUMA 440HHonors/Changing Our Minds: Revolutions in Thought4
HUMA 444DPlague/Literary Histories of Epidemics4
HUMA 444EWhat is a Criminal?4
HUMA 444FTravelers in the Premodern World4
HUMA 500Critical Methods in the Humanities4
HUMA 510AAncient Humanities: Cultures and Empires4
HUMA 510BAncient Humanities: Cultures and Empires4
HUMA 510CAncient Humanities: Cultures and Empires4
HUMA #510DAncient Humanities: Cultures and Empires4
HUMA 511AMedieval Humanities: Rise of Global Empires4
HUMA 511BMedieval Humanities: Rise of Global Empires4
HUMA 511CMedieval Humanities: Rise of Global Empires4
HUMA 512AModern Humanities: Colonies, Constitutions, and Capital4
HUMA 512BModern Humanities: Colonies, Constitutions, and Capital4
HUMA 512CModern Humanities: Colonies, Constitutions, and Capital4
HUMA 513AGlobal Humanities4
HUMA 513BGlobal Humanities4
HUMA 513CGlobal Humanities4
HUMA 514ASpace, Place, & the Environment4
HUMA 514BSpace, Place, & the Environment4
HUMA 514CSpace, Place, & the Environment4
HUMA 525Humanities and the Law4
HUMA 526Humanities and Science4
HUMA 527Humanities and Religion4
HUMA #700Seminar4
HUMA #730Special Studies4
HUMA #795Study of Creativity4
HUMA #796Study of Contemporary Issues4
HUMA 798Research Seminar1-2
HUMA #799Research Seminar3-4
HUMN 797Integrative Capstone: Project in Humanities4
IA 501Global Issues in International Affairs4
IA 701Exploring International Challenges and Opportunities4
IDIS 560Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences4
IDIS 601Interdisciplinary Seminar4
IDIS 797Integrative Capstone: Project in Interdisciplinary Studies4
INST 701Teaching and Learning in Adulthood4
INST 702The Learning Workplace4
INST 797Program Development and Learning4
INTR 438A Socio-cultural Perspective on the Deaf Community4
INTR 439Ethics and Professional Standards for Interpreters4
INTR 732Simultaneous Interpretation0,4
IT 705Project Management for Information Technology4
IT 792Senior Project II2
ITAL 444AItalians Come to America: Representing Emigration and Immigration on Both Sides of the Atlantic4
ITAL 444BMamma Mia! Italian Motherhood from the Virgin Mary to Carmela Soprano4
ITAL 444CFeelings: A Cultural History4
ITAL 503Intermediate Italian I4
ITAL 504Intermediate Italian II4
ITAL 521Medieval and Renaissance Italian Culture4
ITAL 522Modern and Contemporary Italian Culture4
ITAL 553Containing Difference: Race and Identity in Contemporary Italy4
ITAL 631Advanced Conversation and Composition I4
ITAL 632Advanced Conversation and Composition II4
ITAL 651Introduction to Italian Culture and Civilization I: Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque4
ITAL 652Introduction to Italian Culture and Civilization II: Age of Enlightenment, Romanticism, Modernism4
JUST 701Senior Seminar4
KIN 696WIndependent Study2-4
LATN 753Advanced Studies in the Literature of the Golden Age4
LATN 754Advanced Studies in the Literature of the Golden Age4
LATN 755Advanced Studies in the Literature of the Silver Age4
LD 600Becoming an Effective Leader4
LING #717Languages in Contact4
LING 718Morphology4
LING 728Language and Gender4
LING 779Linguistic Field Methods4
LING 790Special Topics in Linguistics Theory4
LING 794Syntax4
LLC #444HHonors/Human Rights and the Disappeared in Latin American Culture4
LLC 444IUS Latinx Cities: Urban Culture, Society and Space4
LLC 552Comparative Literature: Masterpieces of World Literature II4
LLC #560Divine Madness and Dangerous Minds! - Mental Health in Literature and Art4
MATH 531Mathematical Proof4
MATH 545Introduction to Linear Algebra4
MATH 696WIndependent Study1-4
MATH 739Applied Regression Analysis4
MATH 760Geometry4
MATH 761Abstract Algebra4
MATH 767One-Dimensional Real Analysis4
MATH 784Topology4
MATH 790Historical Foundations of Mathematics4
MATH 799Senior Thesis2,4
ME 441Introduction to Engineering Design and Solid Modeling0,4
ME 526Mechanics of Materials3
ME 561Introduction to Materials Science4
ME 627Dynamics3
ME 643Machine Design3
ME 646Experimental Measurement and Data Analysis0,4
ME 670Systems Modeling, Simulation, and Control4
ME 705Thermal System Analysis and Design4
ME 747Experimental Measurement and Modeling of Complex Systems0,4
ME 755Senior Design Project I2
ME 756Senior Design Project II2
ME 777Computer Aided Engineering4
MEFB 719WField Studies in Lake Ecology4
MGMT 410Principles of Management4
MGMT 566Organizational Behavior4
MGMT 680Global Business4
MGMT 706Fundraising and Resource Development4
MGMT 795Integrative Capstone: Industry-Based Internship4
MGMT 797Integrative Capstone: Industry-Based Project4
MGMT 798Integrative Capstone: Strategic Management Experience4
MGT 662Exploration in Entrepreneurial Management4
MGT #720WTopics in Management II4
MGT 733Launching New Ventures4
MGT 755Global Mindset for Sustainable Business4
MKT 510Principles of Marketing4
MKT 600Social Media Marketing4
MKTG #720WTopics in Marketing II4
MKTG 753Consumer/Buyer Behavior4
MKTG 775Marketing Workshop4
MUSI 444Music and Social Change4
MUSI 701Topics in Music History3
MUSI #703Music of the Renaissance3
MUSI #705Music of the Baroque3
MUSI #707Music of the Classical Period3
MUSI 709WMusic of the Romantic Period3
MUSI 711Music of the 20th and 21st Centuries3
MUSI #713Art Song3
MUSI 715Survey of Opera3
MUSI 781WAnalysis: Form and Structure3
NR 501Studio Soils0,4
NR 602Natural Resources and Environmental Policy4
NR 615Wildlife Habitats4
NR 663Applied Directed Research in New Zealand4
NR 706Soil Ecology4
NR 720International Environmental Politics and Policies for the 21st Century4
NR 724Resolving Environmental Conflicts4
NR 740Inventory and Monitoring of Ecological Communities4
NR 745Forest Management4
NR 786Leadership for Sustainability4
NR #795WInvestigations1-4
NR 799Honors Senior Thesis1-4
NSB #795WSpecial Investigations1-4
NSB 799HHonors Senior Thesis2-4
NUR 795Integrative Capstone: Nursing Practicum4
NURS 535Death and Dying4
NURS 627Clinical Judgment in Nursing4
NURS 648WNursing Honors Seminar I1-4
NURS 748WNursing Honors Thesis I1
NURS 749WNursing Honors Thesis II4
NURS #794WSpecial Topics1-4
NUTR 720Community Nutrition4
NUTR 750Nutritional Biochemistry4
NUTR 780Critical Issues in Nutrition4
NUTR 795WInvestigations1-4
NUTR 799HHonors Senior Thesis1-4
OPS 720Fundamentals of LEAN Process Improvement4
OT 610Occupation, Identity, Disability4
OT 741Human Occupation4
OUT #444CAMPED UP: Social and Psychological Perspectives on Adventure4
OUT #550Outdoor Education Philosophy and Methods4
OUT 681Foundations of Adventure Education4
PADM 600Public Policy Development and Implementation4
PADM 670Human Resources in the Public Sector4
PAUL 725WIndependent Study1-4
PHIL #401HHonors/Introduction to Philosophy4
PHIL #401WIntroduction to Philosophy4
PHIL #405WCritical Thinking4
PHIL 417God, Religion, and the Meaning of Life4
PHIL #419WRace, Gender and Social Justice4
PHIL 420Introduction to Philosophy of Law and Justice4
PHIL 421Philosophy and the Arts4
PHIL 430WEthics and Society4
PHIL 436HHonors/Social and Political Philosophy4
PHIL 436WSocial and Political Philosophy4
PHIL 440CHonors/The Copernican Lens: Finding a Place for Humanity4
PHIL 500Workshop4
PHIL 510Philosophy and Feminism4
PHIL 530Ethics4
PHIL 560Philosophy Through Fiction4
PHIL 565Philosophy Through Film4
PHIL 62020th Century European Philosophy4
PHIL 630Neuroscience and Philosophy4
PHIL 631Topics in the Philosophy of Science4
PHIL 660Law, Medicine, and Ethics4
PHIL #701Topics in Value Theory4
PHIL #702Topics in Metaphysics and Epistemology4
PHIL 780Special Topics4
PHIL 795Independent Study1-8
PHIL 798Senior Thesis4
PHIL 799Senior Thesis4
PHYS 440AHon/Searching for Our Place in the Universe: Foundation and Limits of Certainty in Physical Science4
PHYS 705Experimental Physics II4
PHYS 797Senior Design Project2
PHYS 799Thesis4
POL 450American Government and Politics4
POL 690The US in World Affairs4
POLT 444Politics and Policy in a Warming World4
POLT 444BCruel and Unusual in a Federal System4
POLT 500American Public Policy4
POLT 507Politics of Crime and Justice4
POLT 508Supreme Court and the Constitution4
POLT 511Women & Politics4
POLT 523American Political Thought4
POLT 544Of Dictators and Democrats4
POLT 545People and Politics in Asia4
POLT #546Wealth and Politics in Asia4
POLT 549The Politics of Markets4
POLT 551Ethnicity ,Violence, Democracy4
POLT 552Contemporary European Politics4
POLT 554Revolution and Protest in Latin America4
POLT 560World Politics4
POLT 562Strategy and National Security Policy4
POLT 566Asian Challenge to Global Order4
POLT 569The Rise of China4
POLT #580Selected Topics Am Politics4
POLT 584Selected Topics in Political Thought4
POLT 592Selected Topics in International Politics4
POLT 595Smart Politics4
POLT 700Political Science Pro-Seminar4
POLT 705Elections in the United States4
POLT 709Reforming American Government4
POLT #721Feminist Political Theory4
POLT 740States and Societies in the Middle East4
POLT 742Politics of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India4
POLT 748Food and Wine Politics4
POLT #750Politics of Poverty4
POLT #751Comparative Environmental Politics and Policy4
POLT 760Theories of International Relations4
POLT 762International Political Economy4
POLT 778International Organization4
POLT 795Advanced Study1-4
POLT 796Advanced Study4
POLT 797BSeminar in American Politics4
POLT 797CSeminar in Comparative Politics4
POLT 797ESeminar in International Politics4
POLT 798BSeminar in American Politics4
POLT 799Honors Thesis4
PS 500Wicked Problems: Puzzles in Public Policy4
PS 515New Hampshire Politics in Action4
PS 595Research for Political and Policy Action4
PS 701Senior Seminar/Internship in Public Service4
PS #750Poverty & Inequality Past and Present4
PSY 725Cognitive Psychology4
PSY 740Biopsychology4
PSY 795Integrative Capstone: Internship in Applied Psychology4
PSY 797Integrative Capstone: Project in Applied Psychology4
PSYC 502Research Methods in Psychology4
PSYC 710Visual Perception4
PSYC 712WPsychology of Language4
PSYC 713WPsychology of Consciousness4
PSYC #716Cognitive Neuroscience4
PSYC 720Animal Cognition4
PSYC 722Behaviorism, Culture, and Contemporary Society4
PSYC 731Brain and Behavior4
PSYC 733Drugs and Behavior4
PSYC 735Neurobiology of Mood Disorders4
PSYC 736Attention Disorders4
PSYC #737Behavioral Medicine4
PSYC 741WSpecial Topics4
PSYC 755Psychology and Law4
PSYC 756Psychology of Crime and Justice4
PSYC 757Psychology of Happiness4
PSYC 758Health Psychology4
PSYC 759WEmotion and the Embodied Mind4
PSYC 760WEcopsychology4
PSYC 761WSport and Performance Psychology4
PSYC 762Counseling4
PSYC #780Prenatal Development and Infancy4
PSYC 782WAutobiographical Memory4
PSYC #783Cognitive Development4
PSYC 785Social Development4
PSYC 791WSpecial Topics4
PTC 500Business Communication4
RMP 444ATaking the "Dis" out of Disability4
RMP 559Marketing the Recreation Experience4
RMP 614Assessment and Treatment Planning in Therapeutic Recreation4
RMP 668Youth Culture and Programs4
RMP 724Research, Evaluation, and Data-Driven Decisions4
RMP 772Law and Public Policy in Leisure Services4
RMP 776Human Dimensions of Natural Environments4
RMP #796WIndependent Study1-4
RUSS 521WDevils, Deities, and Madness in Russian Literature4
RUSS 632Advanced Russian Conversation and Composition4
RUSS 691WReadings in Russian Literature1-4
RUSS #790WAdvanced Language and Style4
RUSS 797Special Studies in Russian Language, Literature, and Culture2,4
SAFS 689Greenhouse Management and Operation4
SAFS 733Advanced Topics in Sustainable Agriculture4
SAFS 750Food System Solutions; Increasing Sustainability and Equity4
SAFS #760Insect Pest Management4
SAFS #795WInvestigations1-4
SAFS 799Honors Senior Thesis1-4
SCI 610Contemporary Issues in Personal and Global Health4
SLA 500Role of the Speech-Language Assistant4
SLA 506Language Acquisition4
SML 561WHistory of American Sport and Physical Culture4
SML 696WIndependent Study2-4
SML 741WSocial Issues in Contemporary Sports4
SOC 444AHonors/Society in the Arctic4
SOC 599Sociological Analysis4
SOC 601Methods of Social Research4
SOC 611Sociological Theory4
SOC 635WMedical Sociology4
SOC 665Environmental Sociology4
SOC 693Global Change and Social Sustainability4
SOC 697Special Topics4
SOC 730Communities and the Environment4
SOC #788Advanced Medical Sociology4
SOC #797Special Topics4
SPAN 631Advanced Conversation and Composition I4
SPAN 632Advanced Conversation and Composition II4
SPAN 650Hispanic Literature and Popular Culture4
SPAN #651Introduction to Spanish Literature and Thought4
SPAN 654Introduction to Latin American Literature and Thought4
SPAN 797Topics in Hispanic Literary and Cultural Studies4
SUST 501Sustainability in Action4
SW #444You've Got Your Troubles, I've Got Mine4
SW 501Research Methods in Social Work4
SW 622Social Work Practice: Interventions with Individuals and Families4
SW 623Social Work Practice: Interventions with Groups, Organizations and Communities4
SW 625Social Welfare Policy: Analysis, Activism, and Advocacy4
TECH 797Undergraduate Ocean Research Project2
THDA 436History of Theatre I4
THDA #436HHonors/History of Theatre I4
THDA 438History of Theatre II4
THDA #438HHonors/History of Theatre II4
THDA #444AWhat's Old Becomes New: Dramatic Adaptations4
THDA 444BFamous Dancers of the 20th Century4
THDA 640WPlaywriting4
THDA 721Arts Integration4
THDA 727Methods of Teaching Theatre4
THDA 795WIndependent Study1-8
THDA 798Senior Thesis2
THDA 799Capstone Project2,4
THDA 799HHonors/Capstone Project4
TOUR 767Social Impact Assessment4
UMST 521Tutor Development3
WS 401Introduction to Women's Studies4
WS #444DCyborgs, Avatars, and Feminists: Gender in the Virtual World4
WS 632Feminist Thought4
WS 798Colloquium4
ZOOL 613WAnimal Behavior5
ZOOL 626WAnimal Physiology Laboratory2
ZOOL 690WEvolution4
ZOOL 733WBehavioral Ecology0,4
ZOOL 777WNeuroethology4
ZOOL #795WSpecial Investigations1-4
ZOOL 799HHonors Senior Thesis1-4