Technology (TECH)

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Read more about the courses within this subject prefix in the descriptions provided below.

TECH 850 - Intellectual Asset Management for Engineers and Scientists

Credits: 3

This course provides an introduction to the most important topic for business in the 21st century--intellectual assets. Students receive an overview in practical, real-world aspects of managing intellectual assets (copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, etc.). Students taking this course will be exposed to lectures, guest presentations, and case studies aimed at increasing their understanding of intellectual property strategies and related legal issues; technology assessment; technology valuation; licensing issues, strategies and negotiation techniques; business planning and start-up company development; and strategies for attracting investment for new ideas. The instructors and guest speakers for the course are involved in managing, protecting, investing in, or commercializing intellectual property assets in real world settings such as university technology transfer offices, patent law firms, venture capital firms, start-up companies, and related settings.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading