Graphic Design Minor

The minor in Graphic Design enables students to develop and enhance creative and critical thinking in the field of graphic design. Students apply technical skills to transform ideas into a variety of media and utilize visual communication to meet specific needs. The Graphic Design minor complements a variety of disciplines, as it pairs well with professional communication, marketing, and digital media.
NOTE: This minor may not be declared with the following major: BS Digital Communication Design: Graphic Design.

All minor courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C-, and a 2.0 grade point average must be maintained in courses for the minor. Two courses must be at the upper level (600 or 700). Only 8 credits may overlap between major and minor.


Minor Requirements

ART 401Introduction to Drawing4
or ART 515 Digital Photography
ART 512Fundamentals of Design4
COM 545Digital Illustration4
COM 665Media and Strategic Communication4
COM 645Advanced Digital Illustration4
Total Credits20

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Visualize appropriate concepts for projects targeted toward a specific purpose and audience.
  • Plan and research successful design solutions that meet established needs and deadlines.
  • Create, present, and clearly communicate the purpose and rationale for completed design projects.
  • Apply learned digital software skill to solve visual design problems.
  • Evaluate and constructively critique projects throughout the design process.