Social Work (SW)
Degrees Offered: M.S.W., M.S.W./M.S., M.S.W./J.D., Graduate Certificate
This program is offered in Durham and Online.
The Department of Social Work offers a master of social work (M.S.W.) degree. The M.S.W. program develops advanced professional knowledge and skills for persons interested in pursuing careers in the field of social work.
The M.S.W. program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). It requires two years of full-time study or three-to-four years of extended-time study. All programs require classroom work and two year long internships.
Program Options
The Durham Campus Program is our traditional model with classes held on campus. It takes two years to complete the full time program, with part time course of study of three and four years. Required first year courses are scheduled Monday-Wednesday leaving Thursdays and Fridays open for first year internships. Second year courses are scheduled Wednesdays and Thursdays leaving Monday, Tuesday, and Friday for internships. The Durham program admits once a year in the fall.
The M.S.W Online Program allows students to earn their Master of Social Work degree online in 28 months. M.S.W online students are required to complete two internships at a program or agency in their local community and work with Social Work Department internship office to identify acceptable sites. Internship Seminar and Practice classes will have weekly synchronous online classes held on Monday or Wednesday evenings. The online program admits three times a year (fall, spring, summer). No campus visits are required at any time.
Advanced Standing is an option for eligible students who have graduated from an accredited B.S.W. program within five years. This option is available in Durham or online. Admission to this program is every summer for Durham and every fall for online.
Dual Degree Programs
The Social Work and Recreation Management and Policy Dual Degree consists of a master in Social Work (M.S.W.), as well as a master of science (M.S.) in Recreation Management and Policy with a concentration in Recreation Administration. In two and a half years students will be able to complete these two graduate degrees with a concentration in Recreation Administration to prepare them for a career in adventure therapy.
The Social Work and Law Dual Degree consists of a master in social work (M.S.W.) as well as JD law degree from the School of Law at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) (JD/M.S.W.). In four years, students will be able to complete two graduate degrees, a master in social work (M.S.W.) and a Juris Doctor to prepare them for a career in law and social work.
Admission Requirements
The department encourages applications from those who hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university; have attained an overall grade-point average of "B" or better in undergraduate coursework; and have completed courses in a broad range of liberal arts and science disciplines.
- Applicants should include a resume of two pages or less, which lists educational, work, and volunteer experiences, as well as any special skills or attributes.
- Applicants must submit professional recommendations from three individuals, and it is strongly recommended to include a reference from academic faculty. Professional letters of reference should describe the applicant’s volunteer or work duties, skills and values relevant to social work practice with diverse populations, ability to collaborate with others, and overall strengths and challenges relevant to graduate study. The department does not accept personal references.
- Applicants should complete a personal statement of interest in pursuing graduate education in the field. Significant volunteer and/or work experience in the field is strongly recommended.
- Application expectations include graduation from an accredited undergraduate institution with a broad liberal arts background. Applicants who do not meet these requirements may fulfill them after admissions but before their second year of study. All applicants are encouraged to contact departments directly to discuss program specific application questions. Standardized graduate examinations are not required, but results of such tests may be submitted to supplement other admission materials. To apply to all programs, go to
Students applying to the online M.S.W. program must meet the application requirements shown above. The Online M.S.W. Program provides the same quality education that the campus-based programs offer. The Online program admits students every fall, spring, and summer. Students can complete their coursework and internship practicum work at home and in their own community. No campus visits are required at any time.
Students applying for advanced standing must hold a hold a Bachelor's degree from an accredited Social Work program with a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA or 3.3 Social Work major GPA(4.0 scale). This coursework must have been completed within five years of the date of M.S.W. matriculation. Advanced-standing applicants must also submit a reference from a B.S.W. faculty member and the undergraduate internship supervisor or internship coordinator.
Students applying to the dual-degree programs must meet the application requirements for both the Departments of Social Work and Recreation Administration and Policy or the UNH School of Law. See RMP and the UNH School of Law for their admission requirements.
Graduate Certificates
The department offers graduate certificates in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), Child Welfare and Substance Use Disorders.
The IDD certificate emphasizes an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to providing holistic, family-centered services to children and families.
The Child Welfare certificate is designed to educate individuals interested in improving the quality of life for children and families vulnerable to abuse and neglect. For training programs, the Title IVE Child Welfare Program is available for eligible M.S.W. students interested in a career in child protective services. Program information and application materials can be found at
The Substance Use Disorder certificate provides students with general and specific knowledge as well as skill building towards the development of this important practice specialty. Areas of study include: intake, assessment, treatment planning, case management, referral, crisis intervention, and the counseling of individuals, groups and families.
- Child Welfare (Graduate Certificate)
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Graduate Certificate)
- Social Work (Advanced Standing) (M.S.W.)
- Social Work (M.S.W.)
- Social Work and Juris Doctor Dual Degree (M.S.W./J.D.)
- Social Work and Recreation Management & Policy Dual Degree (M.S.W./M.S.)
- Substance Use Disorders (Graduate Certificate)
Social Work (SW)
SW 802 - Aging and Society
Credits: 3
This course is designed to formalize students with biological, psychological, and sociological perspectives of aging and social services and policies for older people. This course covers a broad range of theories and contemporary issues in the field of aging. It also focuses on the strengths and limitations of existing programs and policies such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, and other community services. Comparisons to developments in other countries will be made throughout the course to provide a broader context for understanding aging and programs/policies in the U.S.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 803 - Social Work and Spirituality
Credits: 3
Spirituality has recently begun to emerge as a critical anchor of a holistic approach to social work which views individuals, couples, families, groups, and communities in a bio-psycho- social-spiritual context. This course provides a framework of knowledge, values, skills and experiences for spirituality sensitive social work. Students will develop skills and insight in responding competently and ethically to diverse spiritual and religious perspectives in social work settings. Utilizing psychodynamic and narrative frameworks, this course will address ways of assessing and working with an individual's spiritual belief systems and attending to the ways in which spiritual beliefs and practices provide a window into a client's inner world. Consideration regarding the impact of spiritual and religious systems in relation to diversity (e.g. by gender, social class, ethnicity and culture, and sexual orientation) will be included.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 804 - Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges
Credits: 3
This course focuses on the characteristics and needs of youth with emotional and behavioral challenges based upon socio-cultural and ecological theories, and provides exposure to family- and youth-driven practices and approaches that represent System of Care values and principles.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 805 - Child and Adolescent Risks and Resiliency: Program, Policy and Practice
Credits: 3
In this course, students apply an anti-oppressive lens in exploring the major social work practices, policies, and programs in the fields of child welfare and child/family services. Students will be introduced to current research related to the impact of trauma across the lifespan, with an emphasis on risk/resiliency factors within the family system. Students will learn how past/current child welfare policy and practice perpetuates social injustice, oppression, and trauma. Alternative approaches to support children and caregivers within the family, home, and community will be emphasized.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 807 - Child Maltreatment
Credits: 3
This course introduces students to advanced concepts in child welfare with an emphasis on child maltreatment assessment and child protective services. The course addresses emerging assessment practices, data informed child protective service provision, the role of technology in child welfare practice, and workforce development.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 808 - Mental Health Aspects of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Credits: 3
Students will 1) develop an understanding of the mental health aspects of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (IDD), 2) understand the challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions in people with IDD, 3) understand specific clinical presentations as well as treatment and support adaptations for mental health problems in individuals with IDD, 4) gain insight into the application and adaptation of evidence based and evidence informed practices when working with individuals with IDD and co-occuring mental health conditions and their systems of support and 5) understand the role of social work in supporting individuals with IDD and mental health conditions in various practice contexts.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 809 - First Responders
Credits: 3
First responders hold a special status in our society. Society looks to first responders to protect our lives, provide for our safety and medical assistance. First responders are not always seen, but we expect them to be there to resolve any crisis. But what impact does this have on the mental health of first responders? This course will look at the role of first responders and the potential mental health impacts of this job. How do first responders navigate these issues and what can we do to help?.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 810 - SW and the Digital Age
Credits: 3
This course focuses on the ever-changing landscape of technology as it relates to the Social Work field. Students will explore topics such as telehealth, online communities, assistive technology as well as digital advocacy. Ethical implications of the integration of technology into Social Work will be explored throughout the course. Students will work independently or collaboratively at a distance to create a multi-media project focused on a topic of interest within Digital Social Work.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 812 - Understanding Developmental Disabilities
Credits: 3
Analysis of the complex social contexts of people with developmental disabilities. Explores and questions traditional approaches and the current service system. Examines family and community services and resources.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 813 - School Social Work
Credits: 3
The course examines the school as a social institution that serves to educate and socialize children into US society and the role of the social worker in the school setting. Readings, activities, and discussions provide practical skills and theory for school social work practice. The course content addresses the history of school social work, integrating social work values into a school setting, systemic needs within school settings, the importance of networking and professional collaboration, and working with diverse and at-risk youth and their families. Students also examine the role of social workers in helping students, schools, and families adjust to and cope with trauma, special education needs, and related topics.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 815 - Affirming Practice with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ People
Credits: 3
This course addresses the task of clinical practice with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, asexual, intersex, two-spirit, genderqueer, pansexual, and beyond (LGBTQ+) people on both personal and professional levels for the social worker. The class makes use of personal narratives, as well as theoretical and clinical practice readings. Students are expected to explore and examine their own attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions about LGBTQ+ people.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 816 - Addiction Assessment
Credits: 3
This course focuses on the screening, assessment, and diagnosis of addictions and co-occurring disorders. Topics covered include: substance use disorders and co-occurring disorders; including clinical evaluation, screening, assessment, barriers to assessment, and differential diagnosis of co-occurring disorders, motivational interviewing, engagement in the assessment process, assessing from a strengths perspective, DSM diagnosis, trauma informed practice, culturally competent counseling, documentation and treatment planning, policy effecting engagement from a town/city, state and national perspective, and service coordination and referral.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 817 - Understanding Suicide
Credits: 3
The focus of this course is to better understand the public health problem of suicide, with particular emphasis on prevention, intervention and postvention approaches. Students will gain an understanding of suicide epidemiology and underlying theory, as well as risk and protective factors for suicide. In addition, this course will outline public health approaches and evidence-based practices for suicide prevention. Students will develop skills in assessment and management of suicide risk, intervention and treatment techniques with suicidal individuals as well as postvention approaches to dealing with suicide loss.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 818 - SW & Creative Arts
Credits: 3
This course will focus on the uses and potential uses of many forms of art in social work practice. Students will learn how to apply art forms such as music, theater, literature, art, poetry, movement, and dance into practice through exploring A. self-awareness and personal growth of the professional social worker, B. a strengths approach to practice with individual clients, and C. social awareness and social change. This course will be an advanced generalist elective. Students will have the opportunity to develop an art portfolio, completing a new project each week, having the opportunity to reflect personally as well as professionally on the application of these methodologies to practice.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 819 - Addiction Treatment
Credits: 3
This course focuses on treatment for addictions and co-occurring disorders. Topics covered include: interventions, pharmacology, treatment outcomes, treatment with specific populations, trauma informed practice, group practice, working with mandated individuals, cognitive behavioral therapy, barriers to treatment, documentation with an emphasis on treatment planning, resource development, and policy effecting treatment outcomes from a town/city, state and national perspective.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 820 - Social Welfare Policy I
Credits: 3
The aim of this course is to prepare students to act as informed human service professionals through a better understanding of social problems, social welfare policy, and the American social welfare system. Students are provided with an overview of the origins and development of social welfare policy in the United States, the political processes in our federal and state systems, and the values and ethics which shape our present social welfare system. The course also helps students examine ways they can influence policy formulation while advocating for human rights and social/economic justice.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 821 - International Social Work
Credits: 3
This course introduces the growing field of international social work. It addresses the impact of globalization on social work practice, provides an overview of the social work profession around the world, and considers current challenges and suggested ways social workers can contribute to solutions. Human rights and globalization are dominant themes underlying international social work and serve as unifying concepts for examining various global issues. The focus of the course is on global social issues with particular attention to human rights, development, racism, status of women and children, climate change, immigrants and refugees, HIV/AIDS, and aging populations. Linkages between international and domestic social work practice are emphasized, making the course relevant to all students and their future practice.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 824 - Positive Youth Development Through Sport Social Work and Recreation
Credits: 3
Grounded in critical positive youth development and experiential learning theory, this course focuses on how to promote the healthy youth development through the use of sport, recreation, and adventure-based activities. Students will develop knowledge to enhance their skills related to designing, implementing, facilitating, and evaluating sport-based programming and practices to promote the development of normative life skills (e.g., emotional regulation, social skills, teamwork) and social justice life skills (e.g., antiracism, LGBTQ+ allyship, mental health help-seeking behaviors).
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 830 - Social Work Practice I
Credits: 3
This course is to introduce students to the basic values, theories, and skills of social work practice. This is accomplished through the use of lectures, discussions, readings, written exercises, and using laboratory and practice sessions. The intent is for students to use the experiential parts of the course (laboratory and interview simulations) to apply the conceptual and theoretical knowledge gained from lectures, class discussions and readings.
Co-requisite: SW 880
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 831 - Social Work Practice II: Practice in Small Groups and Community Organizations
Credits: 3
This course is a continuation of SW 830 and introduces the student to the study of social work intervention and change strategies when working with groups and communities. In addition, the organization is examined as a target for change. The overall process of change including identification of problems, assessment, choice of intervention strategies, evaluation, and termination are considered with groups, organizations, and communities. All processes of change are considered from a community-based, person-in-environment and strengths perspective.
Co-requisite: SW 881
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 840 - Implications of Race, Culture, and Oppression for Social Work Practice
Credits: 3
This foundation course is designed to increase students awareness of historical, social, political, economic and cultural aspects of micro- and macro-level oppression directed at minorities. Course materials focus on insidious societal forces that shape and profoundly alter life experiences of large numbers of people, with special attention to social relationships that promote the welfare of some, while limiting opportunities and choices for others, including racial and ethnic minorities, children, women, the poor, persons with disabilities, GLBTQ individuals, and others. Students consider practice issues in multicultural SW.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 850 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment I
Credits: 3
This course will employ multicultural and critical perspectives to understand individuals, families, and their interpersonal and group relationships, life span development, and theories of well-being, stress, coping, and adaptation. This course will emphasize knowledge about individuals and small social systems, including the implications of this knowledge for all domains of social work practice. Students will be introduced to the concepts of risk and protective factors, with relevant examples at the individual and small system levels. Students will also consider the implications of this knowledge for intervening in social problems and supporting rehabilitation once problems have developed. Major components of the course will be concerned with the processes of oppression, privilege, and discrimination, as well as factors that help people and small social systems to change. The knowledge presented will include the interrelationships between smaller and larger social systems, and in particular, how biological factors and the larger social and physical environments shape and influence both individual and family well-being.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 851 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment II
Credits: 3
In this course, students learn about human behavior and development within the context of the life cycle from a macro systems perspective. The course examines how complex interactions among various levels of social systems impact individual development through the lenses of social, racial, economic, and environmental justice. It also explores societal forces that, though often invisible, significantly shape the life experiences of large populations. HSBE II places special emphasis on social relationships that promote the welfare of some while limiting opportunities and choices for others. The semester addresses how class, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, and other aspects of diversity influence the development and behavior of larger systems.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 860 - Research Methods in Social Work
Credits: 3
Research is the tool by which we build a base of evidence to support our interventions; hence research is an integral part of all social work practice. This course provides an overview of research methodologies used in social work practice, policies, and research, enabling students to become critical consumers and creators of research as it applies to social work practice, programs, and policies. Students will explore both qualitative and quantitative research methods, including surveys, interviews, and observational studies. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the ethical considerations, social justice and anti-racist considerations in research design and data collection techniques, and the importance of evidence-based practice. This includes challenging oppressive research designs and participant engagement, building decolonized research strategies.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 865 - Adventure Therapy: Facilitation and Processing of the Experience
Credits: 3
This class will familiarize students with a variety of active assessment facilitation and processing skills which can be used with clients when engaging in adventure therapy. Students will be given multiple opportunities to practice these skills to gain a better understanding of their own facilitation and processing skills, and how to use adventure activities as a therapeutic tool in the clinical practice. Active participation required. Open to both social work and non-social work graduate students.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes
SW 870 - Intimate Partner Violence
Credits: 3
This course examines intimate partner violence or domestic violence from its historical roots to the present. In accordance with an historical and contextual approach, we examine theories that explain and describe the phenomenon, research that attempts to define it, as well as social policies , social movements, and intervention from a social work perspective. Intimate partner violence *IPV) also known as domestic violence, cuts across racial, ethnic, and class boundaries and impedes victim's well-being and social participation. IPV includes many physical assault, sexual assault, emotional, verbal, and economic abuse and coercive control.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 871 - Trauma-Informed Practice in School Settings
Credits: 3
This course introduced students to the core concepts that inform evidence-based assessment and intervention for traumatized children, adolescents, adults and their families in school settings. Strength-based practice is highlighted with a focus on the identification of protective and promotive factors that foster resiliency and post-traumatic growth. The course highlights the role of development.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 880 - Internship I
Credits: 3
This two-semester requirement provides supervised learning and practice within social work programs in a wide range of program settings. Students spend 16 hours per week in an internship placement. Individual internship placements are arranged with each student by the internship coordinator. In order to receive credit, students must satisfactorily complete both SW 880 and SW 881. A concurrent integrative seminar is required. In this weekly seminar, attention is given to the development of generalist social work skills, discussion of social work ethics & values, and the development of appropriate professional relationships. The importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in social work is also addressed. A primary goal is to integrate classroom learning with the internship experience.
Co-requisite: SW 830
Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading
Special Fee: Yes
SW 881 - Internship II
Credits: 3
This course is a continuation of SW 880, Internship I. Students must satisfactorily complete both internship experience semesters to receive credit for either course. Students spend 16 hours per week in the internship placement begun in SW 880. Individual internship placements are arranged with each student by the internship coordinator. In order to receive credit, students must satisfactorily complete both SW 880 and SW 881. A concurrent integrative seminar is required. In this weekly seminar, attention is given to the continued development of basic social work skills, professional development and ethical decision-making, cultural competence and self-care. A primary goal is to integrate classroom learning with the internship experience.
Co-requisite: SW 831
Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading
SW 885 - Study Abroad
Credits: 3
Students in this course examine the historical development of social welfare in another country including an analysis of the underlying values and attitudes that dictate practice and policy decisions. The course includes agency site visits, lectures, themed readings and visits to important cultural sites. Only open to first and second year MSW students.
Co-requisite: INCO 889
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes
SW 897 - Special Topics in Social Work and Social Welfare
Credits: 2 or 3
Seminar for graduate students. Topics may include: A) Drugs and Chemical Dependency; B) Intimate Partner Violence C) Social Action in Education Settings D) Social Action in the Dominican Republic. May be repeated for different topics.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes
SW 900 - Advanced Standing Practice and Internship Seminar
Credits: 3
This seminar, held concurrently with field placement, is designed to orient and prepare advanced standing students for advanced practice and field courses. The general aim of the seminar is to bridge the undergraduate and graduate curriculum and to review foundation year concepts, theories and skills. This review includes a re-examination of the dynamics of the change process and of the strengths perspective. We will consider the skills essential to practice including assessment, contracting, intervention and termination with client systems. We will explore the development of social work identity and of professional relationships with supervisors, colleagues and agencies. A primary focus is on deepening the understanding of social work values and ethics including the development of ethical decision-making skills, empathic connection between worker and client, self-reflection, as well as the recognition of the importance of culturally competent practice.
Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading
SW 901 - Internship Continuation
Credits: 0
This course represents the continuation of the online Master of Social Work internship courses (SW 880, SW 881, SW 982, SW 983). SW students who are registered for one of the four required internship courses are also registered for SW 901 and are considered full-time. The grade for each course is awarded upon completion of the entire two semester internship experience.
Grade Mode: Not graded
SW 926 - Social Welfare Policy II
Credits: 3
This course is an extension of Social Welfare Policy I. Both courses view social welfare policy as the framework in which social work services are developed and delivered. That is, policies provide the context for direct practice. Social Welfare Policy II examines policy analysis as a process with underlying theory and methodology. This process emphasizes political advocacy in the pursuit of human rights, and social and economic justice. The course integrates policy and practice, in part, through student research and analysis of specific social problems and client populations relevant to the student's volunteer, work, and/or field internship experience. Students must have successfully completed the foundation Social Work Policy course.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 930 - Advanced General Practice III: Clinical Assessment and Intervention
Credits: 3
Advanced generalist practice with individuals, families and groups is the first of the two required advanced practice classes. The major objective of the advanced generalist practice curriculum is to educate practitioners to work towards the restoration and enhancement of human functioning and prevention of maladaptive functioning. This course emphasizes a deepened understanding of the differential treatment process and an expanded knowledge of intervention approaches. The aim of the course is to further deepen knowledge and skills, particularly with a concentration on evidence based practices, interdisciplinary work and ethical practice. Students must have successfully completed the two foundation year practice courses.
Co-requisite: SW 982
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 931 - Advanced Generalist Practice IV: Community and Administrative Practice
Credits: 3
This macro social work course utilizes foundation year curriculum content to provide an advanced examination of social work practice in larger systems. Students will develop knowledge, values, and skills in areas of community analysis, community organization, community capital, empowerment and the use of power, sustainable communities, evaluation of program and community interventions, organizational development, fundraising, and use of social media. Strategies of cultivation, mobilization and sustaining resources that empower underserved constituent groups will be studied. Course content will be rooted in both historical and current contexts in providing administrative and technological tools to undertake change efforts across organizational and community systems. Class sessions and assignments will provide opportunities to learn skills in community and administrative practice through a variety of teaching methods and tools including book chapters, case studies, journal articles, news articles, documentary films, PowerPoint presentations, and class discussion. The student is expected to be active in the learning process and come to class prepared to engage in meaningful discussions of the material.
Co-requisite: SW 983
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 952 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment III
Credits: 3
This course is designed to acquaint master’s degree students with the epidemiology, classification, and etiology of the major mental illnesses; with a primary objective to develop the student’s diagnostic skills in the field of psychopathology. Students will examine historical, structural, and systemic discriminatory and oppressive practices and policies, as well as examine personal bias toward marginalized populations to diagnose from a culturally sensitive standpoint more appropriately. At course conclusion students will have an effective working knowledge of the bio-psycho-social basis of the major mental disorders, the behavioral symptomatology that characterizes them, the use of psychotropic medication in treatment (brief overview), and their classification according to the current DSM system. Students will be able to evaluate symptomology through a critical, anti-oppressive lens.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 957 - Fund Development and Grantwriting
Credits: 3
This course is designed to introduce students to various fundraising strategies to support nonprofit health and human service organizations. Students are provided with an overview of philanthropy and nonprofit organizations in the United States, effective fundraising and individual donor strategies, and ethical and legal issues related to fundraising. Student use a case-study approach for planning, developing, and writing successful grant proposals to fund health and human services programming.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 962 - Data Analysis and Statistics
Credits: 3
This course introduces students to statistical techniques and data analysis within the context of social work and human services, focusing on both descriptive and inferential statistics. Students will learn to critically interpret and analyze statistical data, with particular attention to how biases—both conscious and unconscious—can influence research outcomes. Emphasizing ethical considerations, anti-oppressive research practices, and the promotion of social justice, the course prepares students to conduct research that serves marginalized and oppressed communities. Topics covered include data ethics, probability, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and more, with SPSS software used for practical data analysis. Through a flipped classroom model, students will engage with online lectures and practice datasets before class, applying their knowledge in hands-on activities, discussions, and projects. Assignments include article critiques, quizzes, and in-depth projects analyzing real-world data. This course equips students to engage in practice- and research-informed social work, contributing to anti-racist, anti-oppressive practice and policy evaluations. Prerequisite: Introductory Social Work Research Methods (SW 860 or equivalent).
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 965 - Program and Practice Evaluation
Credits: 3
A one semester course, basic introduction to evaluation methods in the context of social work practice and social welfare. Students develop and conduct evaluations of practice, programs, and policies. Course provides skills required for practice and program evaluation. Students must have successfully completed Social Work Research one and two.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 974 - Social Work Supervision
Credits: 3
Prepares students for a supervisory role in human service agencies. Basic principles of administrative, supportive and educational supervision are reviewed and related to the student's own experiences in supervision or as a supervisor.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 975 - Theory and Practice of Family Therapy
Credits: 3
This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the theory and practice of family therapy. Major approaches to be examined include structural, strategic, systemic, brief, narrative family therapy, and social constructionism. Students have an opportunity to present cases they are currently working with in their internships and are able to practice family therapy techniques with the use of a team coaching them from behind a one-way mirror.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 979 - Social Work and the Law
Credits: 3
Social work practitioners routinely encounter and interact with the legal system in their work. The course provides knowledge of, and learning about, the differences between the legal and social service networks, the realities of work involving the law, and legal issues, as well as an understanding of those aspects of the legal system most likely to impact clients and their families.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SW 982 - Internship III
Credits: 4
This two semester requirement provides advanced practice experience in a wide range of social work settings. Students spend 24 hours per week in an internship agency setting. Individual internship placements are arranged with each student by the internship coordinator. In order to receive course credit, students must satisfactorily complete both semesters (SW 982 and SW 983). A concurrent integrative seminar is also required. The goal of the weekly seminar is to assist students in conceptualizing and integrating the multiple theoretical issues and practice concepts of course work and the practicum. Students are expected to take major responsibility for the semester, using the instructor as a resource. Topics addressed include: self-awareness and values, anti-oppressive social work practice, and ethical decision-making. Students must have successfully completed the first internship year and Internship Seminars 1 & 2.
Co-requisite: SW 930
Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading
SW 983 - Internship IV
Credits: 4
This is the second part of the two semester requirement and provides advanced practice experience in a wide range of social work settings. Students spend 24 hours per week in an internship placement. Individual internship placements are arranged with each student by the internship coordinator. In order to receive course credit, students must satisfactorily complete both semesters. A concurrent integrative seminar is also required. The goal of the seminar is to assist students in conceptualizing and integrating the multiple theoretical issues and practice concepts of course work and the practicum. Students are expected to take major responsibility for the semester, using the instructor as a resource. This is part two of the advanced year-long internship course. Students must have successfully completed the first half of internship and Internship Seminar 3.
Co-requisite: SW 931
Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading
SW 992 - Special Projects and Independent Study
Credits: 1-3
Projects, research and reading programs in areas of concentration. Sixty days advance approval of the student's plan of study by adviser and proposed instructor required. 24 credits in social work coursework required.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
Special Fee: Yes