Assistive Technology (Graduate Certificate)

The online graduate certificate in Assistive Technology is available to students who have completed a bachelor’s degree or higher.  The program provides training in the application of AT for individuals of all ages who experience physical, sensory, or cognitive impairments that affect participation at home, school, or work. Coursework includes basic principles of assessment, selection, fabrication, and training in the use of AT. Graduates of the program are prepared to provide a wide variety of AT services including: conducting AT evaluations and consultations; designing, fabricating, modifying, customizing, and maintaining devices, and AT service coordination.

Graduates of the program are prepared to work in collaborative teams and to become leaders in assistive technology. This online graduate certificate program is appropriate for individuals pursuing or engaged in the following careers: occupational, physical, speech, or recreation therapy; rehabilitation counseling; engineering; education; special education; or nursing. The online program includes optional ways to obtain hands-on interaction with AT, including one intensive AT day, on campus, interacting with technology related to each course offered in fall and spring.

The online graduate certificate in assistive technology is a 12-credit program.

Certificate Requirements

Core Courses 1
OT 831Introduction to Assistive Technology Principles2
OT 832Introduction to AT Design and Fabrication2
Select four additional courses from the below: 28
Assistive Technology for Physical Access I: Electronic Technologies
Assistive Technology for Physical Access II: Mobility, Seating, and Transportation
Assistive Technology for Communication and Cognition
Assistive Technology for Vision and Hearing
Using iPads to Support Children with Disabilities
Special Topics (Assistive Technology Provision in School)
Any approved assistive technology elective course
Total Credits12

OT 830 and OT 830L can be used to fulfill the core courses for students in the Occupational Therapy Program and entering the Accelerated Certificate program.


OT 833, OT 834, OT 835 & OT 836 are recommended for students interested in the Assistive Technology Practitioner ATP Certification Exam.

This graduate program is approved to be taken on an accelerated basis in articulation with certain undergraduate degree programs.

General Accelerated Master's policy, note that some programs have additional requirements (e.g. higher grade expectations) compared to the policy.

Please see the Graduate School website and contact the department directly for more information.