Education (Ed.D.)

This practice focused doctorate program is designed to prepare future and advancing education leaders to be highly effective strategic and evidence-based decision makers, problem solvers, and overall leaders. This practice focused program integrates practice, theory, and applied research. This program is designed to prepare leaders for today’s dynamic environment and associated challenges in which leaders need to be both evidence-based and innovative, with the goal of preparing leaders who are better prepared to leverage education to be the transformative social and economic engine it can be.

Degree Requirements

Required Courses
Research Core
EDUC 881Introduction to Statistics: Inquiry, Analysis, and Decision Making4
EDUC 882Introduction to Research Methods4
Administrative Core
EDUC 973Policy, Politics, and Planning in Education4
EDUC 964Human Resources in Education4
EDUC 962Educational Finance and Business Management4
Select a track from the following:
School and District Leadership Track
Educational Supervision and Evaluation
School Law
Collective Bargaining in Public Education
Higher Education Track
Foundations for Leadership in Higher Education
Policy and Governance in Higher Education
In consultation with an academic advisor, select courses relevant to your interests:
School and District Leadership Track (12 credits)
Higher Ed Track (16 credits)
Doctoral Requirement
EDUC 995Independent Study (Action Research)4
EDUC 995Independent Study (Problem-based Dissertation)4

Alternative Degree Path

Students in good standing who wish to leave the Ed.D. program before completing all requirements for the degree may choose to complete the Educational Administration & Supervision (Ed.S.) program. To be eligible for this option, students must complete the required Administrative Core courses and the School and District Leadership Track courses listed above, with at least 36 credits earned at UNH. For more information about this option contact the UNH Education Department.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Ed.D. program will be able to:

  • Develop and articulate a vision that represents the values and input of the institution’s constituents.
  • Translate that vision into actionable steps that lead to the attainment of goals aligned with that vision
  • Apply sound management and leadership practices to build well motivated and effective teams.
  • Interpret and build budgets that align with and support the institution’s mission and objectives
  • Effectively advocate for positions that support the interests of the institution and the mission it serves.
  • Apply research techniques to identify opportunities and threats, as well as support sound decision-making.