Music: Composition (M.A.)

Beginning in the 2025-2026 academic year, the Music: Composition M.A. is pausing admissions to the program. Current students will continue to have access to the same high-quality education and resources until they graduate.

The master of arts in composition option offers the opportunity for in-depth study of music composition. Some graduates of the program will go on to earn a doctoral degree in composition or music theory, while others will seek careers as film and theater composers, sound designers, teachers, and freelance writers. The program is responsive to the individual ambitions of its students to prepare them for their professional careers in the best way possible.

This degree program has final approval from the National Association of Schools of Music.

Completion of the program requires a final project in an area of interest. Projects can take several forms (for example, a composition, a composition recital, a lecture recital, a research paper, etc.) and are usually proposed and developed in concert with the graduate studies coordinator and a faculty member who serves as the project adviser. A final oral examination assesses the candidate's ability to apply compositional skills, and/or to describe advanced independent work of particular interest.

All of the Master of Arts in Music options require 30 credit hours as well as a final project for completion of the degree.

MUSI 875
MUSI 876
and Composition
MUSI 877Advanced Composition3
MUSI 891Research Seminar1-4
Supportive Courses in Music
MUSI 865Introduction to Bibliography3
MUSI 894Theory Seminar3
MUSI 869Musicology Seminar 33
Electives 1
Select from the following courses:9
Musicology Courses
Topics in Music History 3
Advanced Instrumental Conducting
Applied Lessons Courses
Graduate Voice
Graduate Cello
Graduate Bassoon
Other Courses
Special Studies 2
Musicology Seminar

Normally, electives will be chosen only from offerings within the Department of Music. Students wishing to enroll in electives outside the department are permitted to do so in consultation with the Graduate Coordinator for the Department of Music.


MUSI 895 Special Studies may be used to enroll in large and studio ensembles for a total of 6 credits.


MUSI 869 Musicology Seminar  and MUSI 801 Topics in Music History can be repeated for credit.

Concentration and Supportive Courses are required; other electives are possible with the approval of the department.

This graduate program is approved to be taken on an accelerated basis in articulation with certain undergraduate degree programs.

General Accelerated Master's policy, note that some programs have additional requirements (e.g. higher grade expectations) compared to the policy.

Please see the Graduate School website and contact the department directly for more information.

Program Learning Outcomes

General Competencies for All Music MA Programs

  • Demonstrate advanced capacities to work independently and make effective artistic and intellectual judgments and professional decisions in the area of specialization by producing a final project or equivalent.
  • Demonstrate advanced competence in the area of specialization.

Additional Competencies, M.A. in Composition

  • Demonstrate advanced competencies in composition.
  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills in one or more related fields of music.
  • Complete a faculty approved final project.
  • Manage an advanced performance of their original composition.