Mechanical Engineering (M.Eng.)

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a master of engineering degree. The department offers studies leading to specialization in the following six concentrations:

  • Fluid Dynamics and Thermal science
  • Solid Mechanics
  • Materials Science
  • Design and Manufacturing 
  • Dynamic Systems and Control
  • Ocean Engineering
Degree Requirements
Select 28 credit hours of course work 128
ME 992Master's Project 24
Total Credits32

Two 900-level courses of at least 3 credits each must be taken in addition to ME 992 Master's Project.


Individuals who can demonstrate accomplishments from professional engineering experience comparable to that expected from a master's project may petition the department to substitute an additional 900-level course for the ME 992 Master's Project requirement.

A “B” average (3.00 GPA) with no grade below “B-­” is required in all the coursework. No more than 12 credit hours from UNH graduate courses (8 credit hours from non-UNH graduate courses) taken prior to admission to the Graduate School may be applied to the master's degree. A written report and an oral presentation of the project are required. The format of the project report is determined by the candidate’s research adviser. Master of Engineering students are usually not eligible for a research or teaching assistantship.

All full-time graduate students are required to attend a weekly Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar and make one presentation per year.

This graduate program is approved to be taken on an accelerated basis in articulation with certain undergraduate degree programs.

General Accelerated Master's policy, note that some programs have additional requirements (e.g. higher grade expectations) compared to the policy.

Please see the Graduate School website and contact the department directly for more information.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • An ability to gain in a specific focus area of mechanical engineering.
  • An ability to apply principles of mathematics, science, and engineering in a variety of contexts.
  • An ability to use the techniques, skills, and tools necessary for science and engineering practice.
  • An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.