Computer Information Technology Minor

This minor enables managers at any level to understand and use information technology as a resource to improve an organization’s efficiency.
Note: This minor may not be declared with the following majors: B.S.Technology Management or B.S. Computer Information Technology (all options).

All minor courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C-, and a 2.0 grade point average must be maintained in courses for the minor. Two courses must be at the upper level (600 or 700). Only 8 credits may overlap between major and minor.


Minor Requirements

CMPL 415Programming Fundamentals4
CMPL 512Advanced Software Tools4
CMPL 614Computer and Network Systems4
CMPL 641Database Management Systems4
CMPL 642Systems Analysis and Design4
Total Credits20

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Acquire managerial knowledge of informational technology software, hardware and programming.
  • Apply technological skills to advance efficiency of professional settings.
  • Ask critical questions about information and research in the field of Information Technology.