Dairy Management Minor


Learn the fundamentals of running a dairy farm in this minor, from caring for the animals to managing the business end of the operation. In addition to courses in animal science, including biology, animal health, nutrition, genetics and reproduction, you’ll be introduced to areas such as agribusiness finance, personnel management and public relations. Combine this minor with a major in animal science, biology, or agriculture and food systems to enhance your career opportunities or prepare for future graduate studies.

Academic policies related to Minors.

A minor in Dairy Management consists of 20 credits with C- or better and a 2.0 grade point average in subjects that the minor department approves. Courses taken on the pass/fail basis cannot be used for a minor. No more than 8 credits used to satisfy major requirements may be used for the minor.

Required Courses
AAS 425Introduction to Dairy Herd Management4
ANSC 710Dairy Nutrition4
ANSC 715Physiology of Lactation4
Select 8 credits from the following:
AAS 423Dairy Selection2
ANSC 650Dairy Industry Travel Course1
ANSC 698Cooperative for Real Education in Agricultural Management (CREAM) (must be taken for 2 semesters)4
ANSC 728Advanced Dairy Management II4