Arts Administration Minor

The Arts Administration Minor is designed to develop the skillset necessary for work in the diverse field of arts management and arts entrepreneurship. You’ll gain experience in accounting, marketing, and business administration as well as other critical areas that help prepare students for careers in the nonprofit and for-profit arts sectors. The knowledge acquired in this minor is also designed to be applied to the development, funding, marketing and management of projects created by fine and performing artists.

The award-winning faculty in the UNH Departments of Theatre and Dance, Music and Art offer students an enormous spectrum of fine and performing arts opportunities and learning experiences to connect and enhance the study of Arts Administration.  The Paul College of Business and Economics is one of the nation’s top ranked business schools with renowned faculty in the areas of marketing, management, finance and accounting. This unique minor is designed to bring exposure to the arts for non-fine and performing arts majors, and business-related skills for those in the arts.

Contact David Kaye, (603) 862-0667.

Academic policies related to Minors.

Required Courses
ACC 501Survey of Accounting4
or ADMN 502 Financial Accounting
MKTG 530Survey of Marketing4
or ADMN 585 Marketing
THDA 541Arts Administration and Entrepreneurship4
Elective Courses8
For students pursuing majors in The Peter T Paul School of Business or the fine and performing arts division of COLA: Two elective courses from the following list (electives must be taken outside your home college unless indicated). For all other students, two elective courses from the following list. At least one elective course must be in the fine or performing arts.
Topics in Art History
Introduction to Art History
Principles of Design 1
Introductory Drawing
Introductory Digital Photography
Topics in Management (Thinking Like an Entrepreneur, Negotiations)
Leading with Impact: Strategies for Modern Leadership
Human Resource Management
Promotion and Advertising
Foundations of Personal Selling
Topics in Marketing (Understanding Your Customer)
Personal Finance
Introduction to the Art of Acting
Ballet I
Theatre Dance I
Stage Lighting Design and Execution
Acting The Song
Stage Management
Total Credits20

This course can be taken by students pursuing majors in the fine and performing arts division of COLA.  This course cannot also be used toward completion of any major in Art and Art History.


This course can be taken by students pursuing majors in the fine and performing arts division of COLA.  This course cannot also be used toward completion of the Theatre & Dance major.  Course must be specifically focused on Arts Administration.