
General Guidelines to Sanctioning.

The aims of sanctioning are to protect the university community, deter future misconduct, promote individual accountability, and enhance ethical development. Reasonable efforts are made to educate and support students in reaching their academic and personal goals while fostering a climate of accountability and responsibility for one’s actions.

Sanctions issued are commensurate with the violations found to have occurred. In determining the sanction(s) to be imposed, the decision-making body will take into account any mitigating circumstances and any aggravating factors including, but not limited to, any provocation by the subject of the conduct that constituted the violation, any failure to comply fully with previously assigned sanctions, the actual and potential harm caused by the violation, and the severity and pervasiveness of the prohibited conduct.

Ordinarily, the penalties for subsequent or repeated violations, whenever such violation(s) occur, will progress in severity. Further, certain types of violations are so fundamentally inconsistent with the University’s educational mission that, absent unusual mitigating factors, will be considered for higher modes of discipline. Where appropriate, the sanction shall include the period of duration, any conditions to be observed during that period, and the conditions for termination of the sanction.

The following are authorized disciplinary sanctions and can be issued individually or in combination:

Formal Warning – An official written notification indicating that a student’s behavior is inconsistent with established behavioral expectations for members of the university community. Unless otherwise specified, a University Warning will remain in effect for one academic year and would serve as a basis for progressive sanctioning should subsequent misconduct occur.

University Housing Probation – A status imposed for a specified period of time when behavior in any university housing facility indicates an unwillingness or inability to accommodate community living standards or when personal conduct is incompatible with the regular demands of living in a residential community. Additional residentially based violations while on a probationary status may result in a loss of privileges or University Housing Removal.

University Housing Suspension – Removal from for a definite period of time, after which the student may be eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified. Suspension from university housing occurs when conduct clearly demonstrates unwillingness or inability to function appropriately in the residential living and learning environment. Students suspended from the housing system may reapply for on-campus housing at the end of the housing suspension period; however, there is no guarantee that housing will be provided in any future semester or academic year.

University Housing Removal – Permanent removal from university housing that terminates the student’s ability to be around, live in, or visit any residence hall or apartment complex indefinitely.

University Disciplinary Probation – A specified period of time for observation and review during which continued relationship with the University is conditional and dependent upon demonstrated and sustained compliance with university policy, and the development of a plan for modified behavior. Probationary status may impact any merit-based scholarships, eligibility to participate in university organizations or activities, including study abroad or holding certain leadership positions. Failure to abide by the conditions of a probationary status or further misconduct will likely result in University Suspension or University Expulsion.

University Suspension – Separation from the University for a fixed period of time that terminates the student’s enrollment. Satisfactory completion of specified stipulations may be required for reinstatement at the end of the suspension period. Under special circumstances, a suspension may be held in abeyance, which would allow for the student's continued enrollment so long as the student adheres to all stipulations, restrictions, or conditions imposed and is at the sole discretion of the Director. A student who has been suspended from the University shall be denied all privileges afforded a student including, but not limited to, participation in university-sponsored or sanctioned events and activities, and shall be required to vacate campus and may not be on any property owned, leased or controlled by the University at any time, for any purpose, in the absence of expressed written permission from the Dean of Students.

University Expulsion – Indefinite severance of membership with the University, including termination of enrollment and resultant loss of all attendant rights and privileges. Expulsion permanently separates the individual from continued participation in any university event and excludes their presence on any property owned, leased or controlled by the institution. University Expulsion prohibits the individual from enrolling, attending, or being recognized at any other USNH institution for a period of two (2) years following the effective date of expulsion.

Loss of Privileges – Temporary restrictions or revocation of a student’s ability to participate in specific activities including intercollegiate activities, athletic events, serving in positions of trust and responsibility, use of university facilities, guest or visitation rights in university housing, holding office or serving as an ambassador on behalf of the University.

Discretionary Assignments or Activities – Specific academic work, success action plan, community service, remedial education, restitution, fines or other appropriate reflective or restorative assignments.