Feminist Studies (Graduate Certificate)


The Graduate Certificate in Feminist Studies at the University of New Hampshire is designed to provide students with an opportunity to pursue feminist scholarship within a structured, interdisciplinary curriculum.  The Graduate Certificate in Feminist Studies can be earned by students enrolled in a Graduate Degree Program, or as a stand-alone certificate for those who have completed their Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution.

The Graduate Certificate in Feminist Studies enables students to develop specific skills for use in their own personal and professional development by providing tools such as feminist theoretical frameworks and an understanding of contemporary feminist activism. The Feminist Studies Graduate Certificate also enables students to conduct research in the areas of critical Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and centrally relies on analyses from such fields as critical race, ethnicity, nationality, class, age, religion, and disability studies.

Faculty in the Department of Women's and Gender Studies will act as advisors to students pursuing the certificate, helping to plan and facilitate an individualized course of study that fulfills student's academic, professional, and research needs. The certificate provides students a concentrated inquiry in advanced Feminist Studies that is supplemental to their disciplinary training, thereby qualifying them for positions requiring such expertise. In addition, it is an added component to graduate studies that informs and enriches careers, activism, and professional networks.

This graduate certificate program requires 4 courses and at least 12 total credits.

Required Courses
WGS 832Feminist Theory4
WGS 898Colloquium in Feminist Studies4
Elective Courses 1
Select two courses (4 credits total) from the following:
EDUC 818Critical Social Justice in and Beyond Education4
ENGL 897Special Studies in Literature4
ENGL 914Special Topics in Composition and Rhetoric4
ENGL 922Advanced Topics in Literacy Instruction1
ENGL 974Seminar: Studies in 20th Century British Literature4
HDFS 857Race, Class, Gender, and Families4
HIST 865Themes in Women's History4
HIST 897Colloquium (Queer Theory)4
MGT 720Topics in Management II4
PPOL 902Strategy and Practice of Public Policy3
SPAN 897Topics in Hispanic Literature and Cultural Studies3
SPAN 898Topics in Hispanic Linguistics and Cultural Studies3

Students will be advised by the certificate program director and other participating faculty members about which electives might be most appropriate and consistent with their interests and career goals. The list of approved electives affords students opportunities to focus on particular areas of feminist or to seek the acquire additional methodological skills and disciplinary approaches in areas such as policy analysis or economics. Other electives offered by the University of New Hampshire graduate programs may be approved by the Feminist Studies certificate program director.