Sociology (Ph.D.)

Our department has strengths in crime and conflict, sociology of the family, social stratification, health and illness, and community and the environment. Students in the doctoral program in sociology may select one of these areas of specialization for intensive study, or they may pursue a different area if two sociology faculty have appropriate expertise.

Degree Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of three years in residence and take a minimum of fourteen courses in sociology (at least eight as seminars) other than dissertation research.

SOC 900Pro-seminar2
SOC 901Sociological Methods I: Intermediate Social Statistics4
SOC 902Sociological Methods II: Research Design4
SOC 903Sociological Methods III: Advanced Social Statistics4
SOC 905Research Practicum4
SOC 911Sociological Theory I4
Select three courses in a major area
Select five electives

Students must pass a written examination in the major area of sociological specialization and write and defend the doctoral dissertation.

Program Learning Outcomes

After completing the Ph.D. program, students should be able to:

  • Transition from knowledge consumers to knowledge producers.
  • Interpret and evaluate quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Synthesize primary theoretical debates in the discipline of sociology.
  • Conduct original research using advanced quantitative analyses.
  • Demonstrate depth of knowledge in a substantive field in sociology.
  • Design and conduct sociological research that makes an original contribution to the discipline.
  • Write a professional publication that communicates research results.
  • Deliver effective oral presentations about their research.