Sociology (M.A.)

The master's program emphasizes Sociological theory and methods. Some students earn the M.A. to prepare for positions as applied sociologists. Their work often includes field experience. Others view the M.A. degree as preparation for Ph.D. studies. An M.A. thesis or publishable paper describes results from the student's own original research.

Degree Requirements

Completion of the degree requires a minimum of 32 graduate credits.  Students must complete at least 26 credit hours (seven courses) of graduate-­level coursework in sociology. In addition, students must complete 6-10 credits of Master's Thesis work.

SOC 900Pro-seminar2
SOC 901Sociological Methods I: Intermediate Social Statistics4
SOC 902Sociological Methods II: Research Design4
SOC 911Sociological Theory I4
Select three graduate seminars
SOC 899Master's Thesis6-10
Successful completion of the thesis constitutes the capstone experience for the M.A. degree.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Students will learn to interpret quantitative and qualitative data in a value-neutral way.
  • Students will learn to run advanced quantitative analyses.
  • Students will learn to communicate effectively in writing from a sociological.
  • Students will learn to produce original sociological research.
  • Students will learn to deliver effective oral presentations about their sociological research.