Recreation Management and Policy (RMP)

Degree Offered: M.S.

This program is offered in Durham.

The Department of Recreation Management and Policy (RMP) offers the master’s of science degree in Recreation Management and Policy with options in Recreation Administration (30 credits), Therapeutic Recreation Administration (30 credits), and Adaptive Sports (32-33 credits).

The department also offers a dual degree in  Social Work and Recreation Management and Policy. This degree consists of a master in Social Work (M.S.W.), as well as a master of science (M.S.) in Recreation Management and Policy with a concentration in Recreation Administration.  In two and a half years students will be able to complete these two graduate degrees with a concentration in Recreation Administration to prepare them for a career in adventure therapy.

The Department is accredited by the National Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and Related Professions (COAPRT), and the Commission on the Accreditation of Recreational Therapy Education (CARTE).

The primary purpose of the RMP Graduate Program is to prepare professionally educated recreation, therapeutic recreation, and adaptive sports administrators to serve their communities and provide leadership that addresses the quality of life issues of an increasingly diverse and complex society. The MS program in RMP provides a foundation in leisure theory, research, and data analysis to conduct applied research within the field, and administration skills for management level positions in practice.

Students from across the three program options can pursue specializations in campus recreation, outdoor education, and leadership through our partnerships with UNH Campus Recreation and The Browne Center. A specialization is available in community-based therapeutic recreation and adaptive sports through our partnership with Northeast Passage.

Applied research opportunities are available through the RMP Department’s Collaborative Scholarship Areas, which leverage collective efforts and resources around core Department strengths to produce impactful research, inform public policy and decision-making, and provide innovative education and training to enhance the quality of life of citizens in NH, New England, and beyond. RMP faculty and graduate students conduct research across three Collaborative Scholarship Areas: 1) Community and Economic Development, 2) Recreation Resource Protection and Management, and 3) Health, Wellness, and Active Living.

An atmosphere of collegiality and collaboration fosters interactions between faculty and students. Faculty and students are actively engaged in applied research.

RMP graduate courses are generally offered once a week in three-hour blocks in the afternoon and/or evenings. Some courses are offered in an online format.

Admission Requirements

Individuals seeking a career change to recreation administration, therapeutic recreation administration, or adaptive sports with an undergraduate degree in a related field (e.g., education, psychology, business, special education) may be admitted to the Graduate School as a provisional student, with the expectation that they complete any required prerequisites prior to, or concurrently with, graduate courses. Prerequisite courses will be determined based on professional experience and educational background. A specially designed curriculum is available to provisionally admitted students.

Admission is based on a personal history that demonstrates academic achievement and/or exemplary work experience, as well as the applicant's ability to articulate in the personal statement his or her potential and desire for graduate study in recreation administration, therapeutic recreation administration, or adaptive sports (See the personal statement questions in application portal).

Generally, students must have earned a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.00 to be considered for admission. Applicants are required to submit copies of prior academic records (official academic transcripts), three professional references, a current resume or curriculum vita, written personal statement (questions provided in application portal), and a complete Graduate School application.

A baccalaureate degree must be conferred prior to beginning the program. Face-to-face, phone, or video call interviews are encouraged but not required for all applicants. Students who wish to apply for a graduate assistantship should contact the department's Graduate Coordinator for an application or obtain it from the department’s website. Admission to the program and funding opportunities are selective and limited. It is in the applicant's best interest to apply early.

Students applying to the dual-degree program must meet the application requirements for both the Departments of Social Work and Recreation Administration and Policy.

Recreation Management & Policy  (RMP)

RMP 800 - Concepts of Recreation and Leisure

Credits: 3

An overview of historical and philosophical perspectives of the play, recreation, therapeutic recreation, and park and natural resource conservation movements. Students examine recreation leisure and recreation resources in contemporary society, particularly in the context of the development of social capital. Includes leisure values and ideals, the emergence and evolution of "free time" diversity, and public policy implications.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 806 - Recreation Administration and Organizational Behavior

Credits: 3

The organization and administration of public, private, and not-for-profit recreation agencies. The primary unit of analysis in this class is the recreation organization and the environment in which it operates. Emphasis is placed on organization, management, marketing, and financing applications, theories, and research.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 811 - Recreation Resource Management

Credits: 3

An examination of the supply and demand of natural resources for outdoor recreation uses, with emphasis on relationships between public and private roles and responsibilities. Historical, social, and environmental impacts of outdoor recreation use are discussed. Current principles and techniques of recreation resource planning and management are outlined.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 820 - Adaptive Sport Facilitation for Recreation Therapy and Related Professions

Credits: 3

This course takes a strengths‐based approach to examining adaptive sports and recreation for recreational therapists and related professions, with a focus on best practices and risk management in community‐based settings. This is an experiential learning course, whereby students will learn how to design, plan, and facilitate a variety of adaptive sports for people with disabilities. Students will learn and apply processes for assessing, selecting, and fitting adaptive sports and recreation equipment for individuals with disabilities.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 824 - Research, Evaluation, and Data-Driven Decisions

Credits: 3

Emphasizes the understanding and practical application of evaluation concepts and tools within recreation, event, and allied health services. The course will cover the utility and feasibility of evaluation, evaluation planning and design (including quantitative and qualitative research design, methods, and analysis), evaluation management and data collection, analysis and reporting, and decision-making based on evaluation data.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 840 - Therapeutic Recreation Service Delivery in Community Settings

Credits: 3

This course provides specialized knowledge and skills related to the practice of Recreational Therapy in a community setting. The course will encourage students to expand their understanding of philosophical constructs, public policy, and professional standards to reflect practice in community settings including schools, municipal recreation organizations, and community health program. Specific facilitation techniques and treatment modalities will be introduced as well as information specific to the therapeutic process as it is observed in these settings.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 868 - Theories and Philosophies of Youth Development

Credits: 3

This course provides students with a foundation in the theories and philosophies associated with the field of youth development. Students will analyze the strengths and limitations of various theories, philosophies, and ideas as they are applied in practice and represented in research studies. Examples include: Ecological systems theory, positive youth development, sociocultural perspectives, risk/protective factors, and developmental assets.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 872 - Law and Public Policy in Leisure Services

Credits: 3

Topics including an overview of the nature of law and U.S. legal systems; the law of torts, contracts, civil liberties and rights; risk management and legal research are addressed in the context of recreation services and resources. Public policy and professional advocacy implications are examined as related to legislative and decisional systems.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 875 - Entrepreneurial and Commercial Recreation

Credits: 3

Principles of business planning and development as applied to the private sector leisure services industry. Emphasizes knowledge of key commercial leisure services profiles and their intersection with allied professions such as hospitality and tourism. This course is designed to examine commercial recreation from both a macro and micro perspective. This multi-level approach helps prepare students to write a viable business plan for their own commercial recreation enterprise.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 876 - Human Dimensions of Natural Environments

Credits: 3

This course draws on research and theories that illuminate the profound connections between nature and human health and wellbeing. Students will explore contemporary philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives to understand how both organized and unstructured experiences in the outdoors support human flourishing. Students review research and gain hands-on practice with ideas in the context of outdoor recreation, resource management, education, and other human service fields.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 899 - Master's Thesis

Credits: 3

A graduate level statistics and graduate level methods course.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.

Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading

RMP 912 - Non-Profit Administration and Leadership

Credits: 3

An overview of the creation, management, and administration of non-profit organizations and businesses. Examines legal requirements for charter and incorporation by state law and Federal guidelines from the Internal Revenue Service. Current trends and issues in non-profit sector business are explored and a survey of the wide diversity of non-profit sector organizations is included. Since a high percentage of recreation agencies are incorporated as non-profit organizations, specific applications are made to the field of leisure and recreation.

Equivalent(s): PA 818

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 924 - Fund Development and Grantwriting

Credits: 3

Students develop an understanding of the meaning of philanthropy, its importance in society, and its integral relationship to the fund development process. The social context for philanthropy, development, and fund raising and the changing practices for non-profit leadership are addressed. Presents and evaluates strategies and communication tools used to support fund development goals. Students develop abilities in grant writing, requesting major donor support, structuring annual giving campaigns, and establishing special events.

Equivalent(s): PA 802, SW 957

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 963 - Graduate Field Practicum

Credits: 2

This course is designed to provide RMP graduate students with a supervised, professional field experience in an approved recreation, park, tourism, or health and human service agency. Students will conduct a 100-hour field practicum experience and complete academic assignments.

Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading

RMP 964 - Graduate Internship

Credits: 3

Supervised, professional administrative work experience in an approved recreation, park, tourism, or health care agency. Students participate in a 14-week 560-hour internship experience after receiving approval from their academic adviser and the internship coordinator.

Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading

RMP 970 - Teaching Practicum

Credits: 3

Students work with a faculty mentor to investigate, observe, and practice teaching methods and learning theory. Includes the various instructional technologies as tools to enhance the teaching/learning process. The Teaching Practicum is designed for students who wish to assume part-time or adjunct University teaching positions upon completion of the Master's degree or who see themselves pursuing a future doctoral degree with higher education as a career goal. May be repeated barring duplication of subject.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated up to unlimited times.

Grade Mode: Graduate Credit/Fail grading

RMP 980 - Independent Study

Credits: 1-3

Independent Study.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 992 - Research Methods in Recreation Management and Policy

Credits: 3

This research methods course focuses on the research literature, tools, and methods used in the field of parks, recreation, & leisure studies. The course covers various research and evaluation techniques and methods, including quantitative, qualitative, & mixed methods. Students develop a research proposal, including the need for the study, research questions, review of the literature, research design, and data collection and analysis procedures. The proposal is used as the basis of the student's capstone master’s thesis or applied research project in the M.S. in RMP program.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

RMP 995 - Capstone Seminar

Credits: 3

This course provides a culminating capstone experience for students in the Masters of Science Degree (M.S.) in Recreation Management and Policy (RMP). The purpose of the course is to assist students in integrating their knowledge, skills, and abilities in RMP and related coursework, co-curricular experiences, and workplace experiences into the creation of an e-portfolio. The e-portfolio is intended to demonstrate students' mastery of program-level goals and learning objectives as they progress through the RMP graduate curriculum. The e-portfolio also prepares students with professional skills and presentation-ready materials to assist with the next step in their professional journey. Students orally present their e-portfolio to the RMP graduate cohort and their RMP academic advisor evaluates the e-portolio using a grading rubric.

Prerequisite(s): RMP 800 with a minimum grade of B-.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

View Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the purpose and process for developing an e-portfolio in RMP.
  2. Demonstrate ability to connect academic knowledge, skills, and abilities and relevant co-curricular or work experiences into a cohesive and integrative career pathway reflected in an e-portfolio.
  3. Demonstrate an evolving sense of "self as learner."
  4. Integrate different forms of communication to enhance meaning and understanding (text/narrative, audio/video, presentations, visual media, technology).
  5. Demonstrate ability to showcase e-portfolio accomplishments in public presentation(s) of your work within the RMP community (ie, RMP 995 & 992 classes, RMP Graduate Seminar).
  6. Explore a variety of tools and platforms to develop and maintain an e-portfolio.
  7. Explore LinkedIn as an online tool to facilitate communication and collaboration in a professional learning community.
  8. Articulate benefits of participation in diverse career and professional development events and activities throughout the semester.

View Course Learning Outcomes