Ocean Engineering: Ocean Mapping (M.S.)


The MS option in ocean mapping is offered in conjunction with the Joint Hydrographic Center/Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping. Students follow a more structured path through this program, which incorporates all aspects of hydrography as required by the Interntational Hydrogrpahic Organization (IHO).

Students may also fulfill the Category A (professional) International Federation of Surveyors/International Hydrographic Organization/International Cartographic Association (FIG/IHO) Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors by completing specialized requirements in addition to the MS-option program requirements. More information is available on the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping website.

Degree Requirements

Core Courses
OE 990
OE 991
Ocean Seminars I
and Ocean Seminars II
ESCI 820Ocean Measurements Lab4
OE 865Underwater Acoustics3
OE 870Geodesy for Ocean Mapping3
OE 871Positioning for Ocean Mapping4
OE 874Integrated Seabed Mapping Systems4
OE 875Advanced Topics in Ocean Mapping4
OE 972Hydrographic Field Course4
Select at least 3 additional credits from the following courses:3-4
Ocean Waves and Tides
Coastal Engineering and Processes
OE 895
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
Introduction to Physical Oceanography
Spectral Analysis of Geophysical Time Series Data
Applied Physical Oceanography for Hydrographic Surveyors
Marine Geology and Geophysics for Hydrographic Surveyors
Thesis Requirement
OE 899Master's Thesis6
Total Credits37-38
Plan of Study Grid
First Year
OE 870 Geodesy for Ocean Mapping 3
OE 874 Integrated Seabed Mapping Systems 4
OE 990 Ocean Seminars I 1
ESCI 820 Ocean Measurements Lab 4
OE 871 Positioning for Ocean Mapping 4
OE 875 Advanced Topics in Ocean Mapping 4
OE 991 Ocean Seminars II 1
OE 972 Hydrographic Field Course 4
Second Year
OE 865 Underwater Acoustics 3
 Total Credits28

Program Learning Outcomes

Students graduating with a MS or MEng in Ocean Engineering should be able to:

  • Use their ocean engineering graduate education for success in technical careers in industry, academia, government, or for advanced ocean-related research in engineering and the physical sciences.
  • Rigorously apply fundamentals of science and engineering to professional practice that enhances our understanding of and/or contributes to the sustainable development of the oceans.
  • Contribute their ocean engineering problem solving skills to society through participation and leadership in groups dedicated to serving both professional associations and the public interest.