Acoustics (Graduate Certificate)

The UNH Graduate Certificate in Acoustics offers students the opportunity to develop competencies in acoustic signal processing, animal bioacoustics, and underwater acoustics. This interdisciplinary graduate certificate is appropriate for students with professional interests in acoustics that have backgrounds in mathematical or applied sciences, and the courses that populate the program can be applied toward a UNH graduate degree. Three combinations of required and elective courses can be taken to earn a digital badge in three micro-credential technical areas: bioacoustics, digital signal processing, and underwater acoustics. The program curriculum consists of two required online courses (Advances in Acoustics and Introduction to Digital Signal Processing), and students then select two additional electives from six possible course choices.

The Graduate Certificate in Acoustics requires the completion of four courses:  two required courses and two electives.

Core Required Courses
Select two courses from the following:
EOS 808Acoustics Essentials3
EOS 809Acoustic Measurements and Signal Analysis3
ECE 814Introduction to Digital Signal Processing4
Select two courses from the following:
BIOL 827Animal Communication4
BIOL 828Marine Bioacoustics3
CEE 902Machine Learning for Engineering Applications3
ECE 941Digital Signal Processing3
OE 865Underwater Acoustics3
OE 874Integrated Seabed Mapping Systems4
OE 965Advanced Underwater Acoustics3