Citizen and Community Science (Graduate Certificate)

The UNH Graduate Certificate in Citizen and Community Science offers students the opportunity to develop competencies in both the theory and practice behind robust and authentic citizen and community science projects in a natural resource management setting. This certificate is appropriate for a wide range of students and professionals with interests in developing competencies related to project design and implementation, best practices for effective projects and teams, volunteer engagement, methods for data sharing, and issues of social justice in citizen science. The certificate can be pursued as a stand-alone credential or in concert with another degree at UNH. Part-time and hybrid pathways through the certificate are available.

The Citizen and Community Science Certificate requires a minimum of 12 credits. Coursework includes one required core class, a seminar requirement, at least six credits of electives, and one required practicum.

Required Courses
GRAD 834Fundamentals of Citizen and Community Science3
MARI 801Coastal Resource Management and Policy Seminar (to be taken twice)1
MARI 901Resource Management and Policy Practicum1
Electives 1
Select one natural science, social science, or engineering course from the following:3-4
Introduction to Marine Pollution and Control
Public Infrastructure Asset Management
Stormwater Management Designs
Environmental Economics: Theory and Policy
Environmental Valuation
Positioning for Ocean Mapping
Marine Robotics and Applications
Addressing Arctic Challenges I
Ocean Waves and Tides
Coastal Engineering and Processes
Design of Ocean Structures
Environmental Health
Economics for Public Policy
Quantitative Methods for Policy Research
Social Demography
Communities and the Environment
Sociological Methods I: Intermediate Social Statistics
Select one resource management course from the following:3-4
Scientific Communication
Fundamentals of Stakeholder and Community Engagement in Natural Resource Management
Introduction to Coastal and Marine Policy: Understanding US Ocean, Coastal, and Great Lakes Policy
Aquatic Plants in Restoration/Management
Watershed Water Quality Management
Resolving Environmental Conflicts
Ecosystem Science: Theory, Practice, and Management Applications for Sustainability
Policy and Program Evaluation
Economics for Public Policy

See advisor about additional course options.