Health Care Management (Graduate Certificate)

The Graduate Certificate in Health Care Management is designed for individuals seeking professional development or specialized knowledge in healthcare management.

Certificate Requirements

Graduate credit is only granted for courses completed with a grade of B-­ or higher.
Minimum GPA Requirement: 3.0

Healthcare Management-Graduate Certificate
Select four of the following:12
Health Care Delivery and Innovations (3 Credits)
Health Care Financial Management (3 Credits)
Advocacy and Health Policy (3 Credits)
Health Care Quality and Safety (3 Credits)
Health Care Technology and Informatics (3 Credits)

Our Accelerated Health Care Management (Graduate Certificate) provides an opportunity for UNH undergraduate students to begin graduate study while completing a bachelor’s degree—making you stand out among other job applicants and increasing your earning potential. Qualified students can begin earning graduate credit during their undergraduate programs, allowing them to maximize their time on campus and return on their educational investment.

Accelerated Master's Requirements

  • Student must have GPA of 3.2 or higher to qualify.
  • Students must formally apply to the Graduate School and be accepted into the relevant Accelerated Master’s program before enrolling in the 800 level courses.
  • Students must complete 90 credits before taking 800-level courses.
  • Approved AM students must attend mandatory AM orientation to formally accept their offer of admission and declare their intended graduate program matriculation date. They will also be required to complete a special petition form every semester that they wish to receive undergraduate credit for an 800-level course. NOTE: In most programs, students may defer graduate program enrollment for up to 1 year.
  • Qualified students may complete up to 6 credits at the 800-level during their undergraduate studies, earning dual credit toward their B.S. and Graduate Certificate.

Accelerated Option

The Health Care Management (Graduate Certificate) is approved to be taken on an accelerated basis in articulation with the following undergraduate programs:

Allied Health Leadership B.S.
Approved 800-level courses completed during undergraduate senior year:
HLTC 800Health Care Delivery and Innovations3
HLTC 802Advocacy and Health Policy3
Health Care Management B.S.
Approved 800-level courses completed during undergraduate senior year:
HLTC 800Health Care Delivery and Innovations3
HLTC 802Advocacy and Health Policy3

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Develop new skill sets in the area of their specialization;
  • Acquire a credential and specialized knowledge in health care management;
  • Grow as a leader in the health care management field.