English (M.S.T.)
The Master of Science for Teachers is a degree designed specifically for practicing English teachers who want to deepen their knowledge of literature and develop their own skills in reading and writing. This program is based on the belief that pedagogy emerges out of firsthand experience in the processes of reading and writing.
The master of science for teachers is designed for practicing elementary, middle, and high school teachers. It is not appropriate for individuals seeking state certification. No foreign language is required, and the GRE is not required in the application.
The M.S.T program requires the completion of 32 credit hours at the 800 or 900 level. At least 24 of these credits must be in the Department of English. Courses taken outside the department must be approved by the student's adviser. Students must complete a capstone experience (creative writing option, teacher inquiry option, or curricular option).
The department offers special summer programs, which can be taken to fulfill some or all of the course requirements for the M.S.T. degree. The New Hampshire Literacy Institutes offer summer courses that focus on the teaching of writing and reading in grades K-12. Summer institutes emphasize writing workshops in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry and may include courses in literature and composition theory and research.
Program Learning Outcomes
- Compare philosophies of English teaching and learning, and to develop approaches to coaching greater literacy, including both enjoyment of texts and critical reading of them.
- Discuss theoretical and pedagogical ideas centered on student reading, engage in reading and writing exercises.
- Evaluate approaches to teaching literature and literacy, and review state-level standards and tests.
- Reflect and write on the theoretical bases for pedagogical decisions, evaluating professional literature and using appropriate academic conventions.
- Design activities, lessons, and units to meet established standards and objectives in reading, speaking, and media literacy.
- Identify teaching resources among mentors, professional literature, conferences, organizations (e.g., National Council of Teachers of English [NCTE]), technology, and websites.
- Deliver engaging, on-point reading and media literacy instruction appropriate to audience and content; practice a variety of presentation and discussion strategies.