Information Technology (M.S.)

The MS in Information Technology program is a professional graduate program in the applied and fast-changing field of Information Technology. The program prepares students for a professional IT or computing-related career and for advanced studies in a computing discipline. Offered at the University's urban campus in Manchester, a city that embraces cultural diversity, the program welcomes students from all over the word. With classes scheduled during the day and in the evening in fall, spring, and summer terms, the program gives students the flexibility to enroll full- or part-time.

Tools, platforms, and programming languages used in IT industry evolve rapidly. Capitalizing on the campus location in New Hampshire's largest city and the state's corporate and financial center, the program requires an internship experience. With support from many business, technology and non-profit organizations who sponsor internships, students integrate authentic professional experiences in their academic coursework early in the program.

Degree Requirements

The M.S. in Information Technology program has two options for completion:

  • Master's Project Option: 30 credits course work and 3 credits Master's Project course (total of 33 credits)
  • Master's Thesis Option: 24 credits coursework and 6 credits Master's Thesis course (total of 30 credits)

Both options require completion of 18 core credits.

Required Core Courses
COMP 820Database Systems and Technologies3
or COMP 821 Big Data for Data Engineers
COMP 835Secure Networking Technologies3
or COMP 851 System Integration and Architecture
Intelligent Systems
COMP 840Machine Learning Applications and Tools3
or COMP 841 Practical Artificial Intelligence
COMP 805Full Stack Development3
or COMP 830 Software Development
COMP 815Information Security3
or COMP 885 Applied Cryptography
Professional Experience
COMP 801Integrated Computing Practice 13
Internship Experience 2
Select from the following:3
Internship and Career Planning
Internship Practice
Applied Research Internship
Team Project Internship
Elective Courses 3
Select one of the following:
Master's Project Option - Elective Coursework9
Master's Thesis Option - Elective Coursework3
Culminating Experience
Select one of the following:
COMP 898Master's Project3
COMP 899Master's Thesis6

Students are required to enroll in COMP 801 within their first nine credits in the program. 


Students are required to enroll in at least 1 credit of Internship Experience upon successful completion of nine credits in the program. COMP 891, COMP 892, or COMP 893 may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.


Elective courses can be in various disciplines, including computing (COMP), computer science (CS), business and administration (ADMN), analytics and data science (DATA), and more.

This graduate program is approved to be taken on an accelerated basis in articulation with certain undergraduate degree programs.

General Accelerated Master's policy, note that some programs have additional requirements (e.g. higher grade expectations) compared to the policy.

Please see the Graduate School website and contact the department directly for more information.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Analyze complex computing problems and identify solutions by applying principles of computing.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate computing solutions that meet IT computing requirements.
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  • Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in IT activities.
  • Identify and analyze user needs in the process of developing and operating computing systems.