Neuroscience and Behavior (Ph.D.)

Neuroscience is a fast-growing scientific field where research is having an immediate and significant societal impact. The need to understand animal (including human) behavior is likewise increasing, particularly in the face of globalization and our rapidly-changing environment. This graduate degree program (NSB) offers a home to students interested in combining these two interests. The NSB Graduate Program provides an integrative interdisciplinary learning experience in both neuroscience and behavior, ranging from model organisms to humans, that trains professionals in the academic, industry, and clinical communities. The study of the brain requires the integration of a wide diversity of fields including but not limited to biology, biochemistry, physics, psychology, bioinformatics, and bioengineering. Students in NSB approach their studies with a focus on organisms, and apply whatever tools are necessary to answer thematic and specific questions. Studies include:

  • Behavioral, Systems, and Cognitive Neuroscience examines the biological basis of cognition, perception, and behaviors in humans and other animals, investigates how neural circuits in the brain form memory, generate thought and language, make decisions, and control behaviors.
  • Clinical Neuroscience studies the mechanisms underlying neurologically based communication disorders and approaches to their rehabilitation.
  • Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience explores the genes, proteins, signaling pathways, and neural circuits that govern the function, development, and aging of the nervous system (normal and diseased).

Degree Requirements

Students in the PhD program should expect to complete 30-35 credits.

Responsible Conduct of Research 1
Scientific Communication
Two semesters of advanced statistics, at least one of which is 800-900 level.
Research Techniques
Select one course from the following:
Neuroscience and Behavior Research Methods
Introduction to Research in the Life Sciences
Graduate Seminar
Select a minimum of two semesters, select from the following:
Neuroscience and Behavior Graduate Seminar
or Equivalent seminar series in PSYC
Teaching Strategies
Required for all student Teaching Assistants at UNH.
Issues in College Teaching
Students work with their advisor and committee to identify additional courses appropriate for their area of specialization and career objectives.
Doctoral Dissertation 2
Neuroscience and Behavior Doctoral Dissertation Research

Responsible Conduct in Research is a non-credit program requirement.


All students in the Neuroscience and Behavior Graduate Program are expected to present their research in public seminars (including the UNH Graduate Research Conference).

Doctoral Guidance and Dissertation Committees

Students require two sequential and formally distinct faculty committees as specified by the Graduate School, such that the initial Doctoral Guidance Committee is replaced upon advancement to candidacy by the Dissertation Committee. The dissertation advisor is a member of both committees; other Guidance Committee members usually continue as Dissertation Committee members, though this is not required.

Each student will establish a Doctoral Guidance Committee (at least 3 faculty in addition to the advisor, with representation from at least 2 departments, e.g., Biological Sciences; Molecular Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences; Psychology; or Communication Sciences and Disorders) as soon as possible but no later than the end of the first year. The members of the committee, other than the advisor (or co-advisors in some cases), should not be directly involved in the student’s proposed research. The student will submit the Guidance Committee Nomination Form to the Graduate School. Students will work with their advisor (or co-advisors) and their Guidance Committee to plan a program of study including the required core coursework and competencies and develop a viable research proposal.  The advisor(s) and Committee are expected to provide guidance on topic selection and writing. It is recommended that the student and the advisor meet at least three times to discuss and revise the proposal prior to submission to the Guidance Committee. The advisor will ensure that the final version of the proposal is a product of creative thinking from the student; upon approval by their advisor, the student may submit the proposal to the Committee. The Guidance Committee will assess the soundness, originality, and feasibility of the planned research and ultimately is responsible for approving a final proposal and overseeing the qualifying examination through which the student is admitted to doctoral candidacy.

Upon advancement to doctoral candidacy, the Doctoral Dissertation Committee is established, and the Dissertation Committee Nomination Form is submitted to the Graduate School. The Dissertation Committee will have at least 5 members: no more than 3 from any one NSB department, and 2 from other departments within UNH and/or from other doctoral-granting institutions. The members of the committee, other than the advisor (or co-advisors), should not be directly involved in the student’s proposed research. Students are strongly encouraged to consider recruiting committee members from beyond UNH to broaden their professional networks (outside members are typically appointed to the committee as the doctoral research progresses). The Dissertation Committee will supervise the dissertation, administer the final examination (dissertation defense), and determine that the work merits the award of a degree.

Qualifying Examination

The dissertation proposal and defense (written and oral parts of the qualifying exam) and advancement to candidacy should occur in Year 3 and not later than Year 4. After completion of required coursework in the program and fulfillment of other degree requirements, students seek the approval of the Guidance Committee to proceed to the qualifying exam, which should occur within 3-6 months of approval. Typically, the qualifying exam takes place in the second to third year of study. The purposes of the qualifying exam are to 1) assess the depth and breadth of knowledge in neuroscience and behavior within the student's specific research domain; 2) evaluate the student's capacity to think critically and to develop a rigorous research proposal, and 3) examine the student's proficiency in scientific writing and communication, as they articulate and defend their research proposal.

The qualifying exam usually consists of both a written and an oral section, both of which center on a student’s proposed dissertation topic. Alternatively, after consulting with the advisor and the Guidance Committee and obtaining their approval, students may develop a research proposal on a topic that is derived from published research article(s).

The written section of the qualifying exam is a research proposal, typically following the format of NIH NRSA predoctoral F31 fellowship (sample F31 proposals are available for review; see Alternatively, for research that is more related to areas funded by NSF or other agencies, the proposal may follow the graduate research fellowship format for those agencies. Students are expected to present a feasible project utilizing available resources at UNH, the advisor’s laboratory, and collaborative supports.

The written section should include the following (NIH format):

  • Specific Aims: a one-page summary that outlines the gap in knowledge, the research's main objectives, the main hypotheses, and the potential impact the research could have. This should be structured to include 2-3 specific aims, each with a testable hypothesis.
  • Research Strategy:
    • Background, Significance, and Premise: a summary of the existing knowledge in the field, with an emphasis on the importance of the proposed research in advancing our understanding of neurobiological processes while addressing broader socioeconomic needs. This should raise specific questions that will be addressed in the research and describe the scientific foundation and importance of the proposed work.
    • Innovation: A concise description of the uniqueness of the project, specifically the technical and/or conceptual novelty of the proposed research.
    • Approach: A description of the methods and approaches to be employed, including identification of resources and expertise that the student will engage to tackle the research. This section should also highlight potential challenges and limitations and provide alternative approaches, in case the initial approach fails.
    • Timeline: A general timeline that outlines the anticipated milestones and deadlines for completing the research. This demonstrates the student’s ability to plan and undertake a research project effectively.

The written section (research proposal) is submitted to the Guidance Committee for evaluation at least three weeks before the oral exam. Committee members may approve or reject the written proposal. If a committee member rejects the submitted proposal, they must provide a response to the student, with copy to the advisor and other committee members. The response should articulate specific shortcomings and steps the student may take to rectify each of them. The advisor is responsible for reconvening the Committee to collectively assess the quality of the revised proposal. After the discussion, the committee will provide general comments and additional revision critiques specifying strengths and weaknesses of the proposal, as well as any necessary improvements that must be made by the student before proceeding with the research. After a majority of the members of the advisory committee has approved the written proposal, the student moves to complete the study and undertake the oral defense.

Students are encouraged (although not a program requirement), in consultation with their advisor, to submit their research proposals to NIH or another appropriate agency to compete for a predoctoral fellowship.

The oral section of the qualifying examination is contingent upon successful completion of the written section. The specific content of the oral exam is determined, in consultation with the Guidance Committee, primarily by the content of the written proposal. Students may give a brief update (~10 minutes) on their coursework and research progress at the beginning of the oral examination. The presentation of the research proposal may last 30-40 minutes, followed by questions from the committee. Questions may focus on general knowledge in neuroscience and behavior or focus on the proposed project. Students are expected to defend the significance, premise, rationale, methodologies, and experimental plans outlined in their proposal. The oral exam typically lasts 90-120 minutes. Upon the completion of questions from the committee, the student will be asked to leave the room while the Committee discusses the oral examination; the discussion should last no longer than 15 minutes, and result in consensus by the Committee. The student will then be invited back into the room to hear the Committee's decision and their specific feedback on both the oral portion of their exam and the qualifying exam in general.

The qualifying exam may be awarded a grade of Pass, Conditional Pass, or No Pass. Upon passing the qualifying examination, the student advances to PhD candidacy, officially declaring the intended dissertation topic and appointing their Dissertation Committee. For students receiving a Conditional Pass, specific weaknesses identified by the committee must be addressed through additional coursework, revision, or research. Students who receive a No Pass, indicating insufficient mastery of scientific premise, lab skills, or critical thinking, have the option to retake the qualifying exam within 6 months. Students who cannot pass the qualifying exam after a second attempt are advised to pursue a Master’s degree, in which case they will need to formally change programs to the NSB M.S.

Advancement to Candidacy

UNH requires that doctoral students advance to PhD candidacy within 5 years. Successful completion of the Qualifying Exam (both the written and oral portions) will result in advancement to PhD candidacy. The Guidance Committee oversees the qualifying examination and is responsible for approving the proposal after which the student is admitted to doctoral candidacy.

Dissertation and Defense

The Dissertation Defense should occur by Year 5. The Dissertation Committee will meet prior to the formal dissertation defense to determine whether the project is ready to defend. Students must meet the Graduate School’s requirements for a NSB PhD degree, which requires the completion of course work, passing a qualifying exam, completion of dissertation research, and generation of manuscripts that are deemed of publishable quality by their Dissertation Committee. Although not a program requirement, PhD students are encouraged to present their research in scientific conferences and publish research article(s) in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Students will have broad-based knowledge in biomedical sciences and an advanced understanding of neuroscience and behavior with special emphasis in the specialty area that they chose.
  • Students will become independent in hypothesis formulation and experimentation, data analyses and interpretation, and dissemination of research findings.
  • Students will develop critical thinking skills, be able to make original and impactful discoveries in specific areas.
  • Students will communicate their research through various science communication strategies including but not limited to peer-reviewed publications and scientific presentations.
  • Students will be able to independently develop and write research proposals.
  • Students will enhance leadership, teamwork, ethical, communication and interpersonal skills to interact effectively with colleagues.
  • Students will become a project leader and driving force of innovation in academic or industry setting.