Neuroscience and Behavior (M.S.)

The M.S. Neuroscience and Behavior degree is only available as an accelerated B.S./M.S. program.

The program in neuroscience and behavior aims to:

  • Improve opportunities for excellent undergraduates to prepare for competitive Ph.D. programs or add an additional credential before entering a competitive job market; and
  • Allow students interested in neuroscience and behavior to advance and further specialize their biological sciences education in only one additional year at UNH.

The NSB Accelerated BS-MS offers interdisciplinary graduate training for students whose research interests include molecular and cellular neuroscience, evolutionary and developmental neurobiology, and cognitive, behavioral and computational neuroscience.

This degree option is available only through the accelerated B.S. to M.S. program. Students admitted to the Accelerated Master's (AM) program may apply up to 12 credits of prior upper-level UNH coursework in accordance with AM policies. Up to twelve credits can count toward both the BS and MS degrees. This coursework counts as electives and does not count toward the core requirements for the undergraduate neuroscience and behavior major. Students must fulfill all programmatic requirements for the master's degree program and fulfill all programmatic requirements for their bachelor's degree.

A minimum of 30 credits are required as follows:

Responsible Conduct of Research 1Cr/F
BIOL 950Scientific Communication2
Two semesters of advanced statistics, at least one of which is 800-900 level. 2
Research Techniques
Select one course from the following: 2
Neuroscience and Behavior Research Methods
Introduction to Research in the Life Sciences
Graduate Seminar
Select a minimum of two semesters, select from the following:
Neuroscience and Behavior Graduate Seminar
or Equivalent seminar series in PSYC
Teaching Strategies
Required for all student Teaching Assistants at UNH
Issues in College Teaching
Students work with advisor and committee to identify additional courses appropriate for their area of specialization and career objectives.
Master's Thesis
NSB 899Neuroscience and Behavior Master's Thesis 31

Responsible Conduct in Research is a non-credit program requirement.


Students mentored by a Psychology faculty member can fulfill both the Statistics and Research Introduction requirements with the 3-semester sequence of PSYC 805 Research Methodology and Statistics I, PSYC 806 Research Methodology and Statistics II , PSYC 907 Research Methods and Statistics III .


All students in the Neuroscience and Behavior Graduate Program are expected to present their research in public seminars (including the UNH Graduate Research Conference).

Elective Courses
ANFS 933Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Experiments4
BCHM 802Endocrinology4
BCHM 860Pharmacology4
BCHM 894Protein Structure and Function4
BIOL 806Data Science with R for the Life Sciences4
BIOL 827Animal Communication4
BIOL 902Writing and Publishing Science2
COMM 805Research Methods in Communication Sciences and Disorders3
COMM 811Brain and Behavior3
COMM 812Dysphagia3
COMM 824Motor Speech Disorders3
COMM 841Cognitive Communication Disorders2
GEN 811Genomics and Bioinformatics0
GEN 812Programming for Bioinformatics5
HDS 800Mathematics and Statistics for Health Data Science3
KIN 805Topics in Applied Physiology4
KIN 806Neurology4
KIN 798Special Topics1
MCBS 895Special Topics1
MCBS 913Applied Bioinformatics3
MCBS 995Special Topics1
MICR 805Immunology3
NURS 978Psychopharmacology of Mental Health Disorders Across the Lifespan I2
PSYC 917Advanced Seminar in Sensory and Perceptual Processes4
PSYC 945Advanced Seminar in Behavioral Analysis4

Guidance and Thesis Committee

Students will have worked with their advisor as a Senior and during the first semester of the graduate year will establish a Thesis Guidance Committee (at least 3 faculty in addition to the advisor, with representation from at least 2 departments, e.g., Biological Sciences; Molecular Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences; Psychology; or Communication Sciences and Disorders).  The Thesis Guidance Committee will evaluate the soundness, originality, and feasibility of the research and approve a plan for completion of the study including required coursework.  Other than the advisor (or co-advisors in some cases), the members of the committee, should not be directly involved in the student’s proposed research. The student will submit the Thesis Guidance Committee Nomination Form to the Graduate School.

Research Proposal

The written research proposal typically follows the format of NIH NRSA predoctoral F31 fellowship (sample F31 proposals are available for review. Alternatively, for research that is more related to areas funded by NSF or other agencies, the proposal may follow the graduate research fellowship format for those agencies. Students are expected to present a feasible project utilizing available resources at UNH, the advisor’s laboratory, and collaborative supports.

Specifically, the written section should include the following (NIH format):

  • Specific Aims: a one-page summary that outlines the gap-in-knowledge, the research's main objectives, the main hypotheses, and the potential impact the research could have. This should be structured to include 2 specific aims, each with a testable hypothesis.
  • Research Strategy:
    • Background, Significance, and Premise: a summary of the existing knowledge in the field, with an emphasis on the importance of the proposed research in advancing our understanding of neurobiological processes while addressing broader socioeconomic needs. This should raise specific questions that will be addressed in the research and describe the scientific foundation and importance of the proposed work.
    • Innovation: A concise description of the uniqueness of the project, specifically the technical and/or conceptual novelty of the proposed research.
    • Approach: A description of the methods and approaches to be employed, including identification of resources and expertise that the student will engage to tackle the research. This section should also highlight potential challenges and limitations and provide alternative approaches, in case the initial approach fails.
    • Timeline: A general timeline that outlines the anticipated milestones and deadlines for completing the research. This demonstrates the student’s ability to plan and undertake a research project effectively.

The research proposal is submitted to the Thesis Committee during the first semester of the graduate year. Committee members may approve or reject the written proposal. If a committee member rejects the submitted proposal, they must provide a response to the student, with copy to the advisor and other committee members. The response should articulate specific shortcomings and steps the student may take to rectify each of them. The advisor is responsible for reconvening the Committee to collectively assess the quality of the revised proposal. After the discussion, the committee will provide general comments and additional revision critiques specifying strengths and weaknesses of the proposal, as well as any necessary improvements that must be made by the student before proceeding with the research. After a majority of the members of the advisory committee has approved the written proposal, the student moves to complete the study and undertake the oral defense.

Thesis and Defense

Students in the Accelerated Master’s program will meet with the Guidance Committee in the first year of the graduate program to obtain approval for the thesis topic and timeline. The Thesis Proposal Defense will occur in Year 4 of the combined program.

The Thesis Committee will meet prior to the formal thesis defense to determine whether the project is ready to defend. The Thesis Defense should normally occur during Year 5 of the combined program.

Students must meet the Graduate School’s requirements for a graduate degree. The MS degree in NSB requires the completion of course work and thesis research, and generation of a manuscript that is deemed of publishable quality by their Committee. This is expected to be completed in one year following completion of the undergraduate degree. Although not a program requirement, MS students are encouraged to present their research discoveries in scientific conferences and publish research article(s) in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

This degree option is available only through the accelerated B.S. to M.S. program.  Students admitted to the Accelerated Master's (AM) program may apply up to 12 credits of prior upper-level UNH coursework in accordance with AM policies.

Up to twelve credits can count toward both the BS and MS degrees. This coursework counts as electives and does not count toward the core requirements for the undergraduate neuroscience and behavior major. Students must fulfill all programmatic requirements for the master's degree program and fulfill all programmatic requirements for their bachelor's degree.

Sample BS-MS program sequence:

Plan of Study Grid
Fourth Year
BIOL 806 Data Science with R for the Life Sciences 4
Advanced Elective 3-4
Advanced Elective 3-4
NSB 997 Neuroscience and Behavior Graduate Seminar 1
NSB 899 Neuroscience and Behavior Master's Thesis 1-4
BIOL 811 Experimental Design & Analysis 4
Advanced Elective 3-4
Advanced Elective 3-4
NSB 997 Neuroscience and Behavior Graduate Seminar 1
NSB 899 Neuroscience and Behavior Master's Thesis 1-4
Fifth Year
Complete thesis research and other requirements.  
Advanced Elective 3-4
NSB 997 Neuroscience and Behavior Graduate Seminar 1
NSB 899 Neuroscience and Behavior Master's Thesis 1
Complete thesis research and other requirements.  
NSB 899 Neuroscience and Behavior Master's Thesis 1
 Total Credits30-41

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Students will have an advanced understanding of neuroscience and behavior with special emphasis in the specialty area that they chose.
  • Students will be able to effectively communicate their research through various science strategies including but not limited to peer-reviewed publications, poster and oral presentations.
  • Students will participate in research including hypothesis formulation, testing and experimentation, data analysis and dissemination of research results.
  • Students will enhance their leadership, teamwork, ethical, and interpersonal skills to interact effectively with colleagues.
  • Students will be prepared to transition to PhD programs in the biomedical and biological sciences, health professional schools, or immediately to the workforce.