Air Force Leadership Minor

The minor in Air Force Leadership consists of courses in aerospace studies, two semester-long leadership positions and field training as outlined in the requirements.

Academic policies related to Minors.

  1. Minimum GPA of 3.20 in Aerospace Studies courses.
  2. Successful completion of 8 semesters of AERO 3011.
  3. Held at least two semester-long leadership positions, one of which was a leadership position in the AFROTC Group.
  4. Successful completion of Field Training.
Required Courses
AERO 415Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force I 12
AERO 416Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force II 12
AERO 541Team and Leadership Fundamentals I2
AERO 542Team and Leadership Fundamentals II2
AERO 671Leading People and Effective Communication I4
AERO 672Leading People an Effective Communication II4
AERO 681National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty I4
AERO 682National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty II4
Total Credits24

The program often has National Guard or Reserve service members join the program to transition onto active duty with a commission. Students with this status are exempt from the first year of ROTC requirements because they have already gained this experience during their time in service. As such, AERO 415, AERO 416, and two semesters of AERO 301 are waived for these students in the pursuit of the minor.