Culinary Nutrition and Food Studies Minor

The Culinary Nutrition & Food Studies Minor provides students the ability to explore the foundation of nutritional sciences and gain a practical appreciation of the culinary arts while building an understanding of our food environment & culture as it applies to human health. The minor offers students hands-on learning experiences in culinary arts and the flexibility to incorporate study abroad coursework via the UNH in Italy program.

The minor may be of interest to students preparing for future careers in allied health or health promotion and who recognize the growing need for training in culinary nutrition. Dietitians, physicians, wellness coaches, nurses, and other health care providers with strong culinary skills will likely be better equipped to empower clients to choose and prepare healthier food choices. 

Before deciding to add or change a minor, be sure to meet with your advisor to ensure that any changes align with your academic and career goals. Students may declare up to two minors in Webcat.

For specifics, please review how to declare, change and drop the minor at

Required Courses
NUTR 400Nutrition in Health and Well Being4
NUTR 403Culinary Arts Skills Development4
Food Studies
Select two courses from the following:8
Food and Society
Food and Culture in Italy
Critical Analysis in Food Studies
Food Science: Principle and Practice
From Seed to Sea: Examining Sustainable Food Systems
Introduction to Brewing Art and Science
Food Systems & Community Resilience
International Food and Culture
International Wine and Beverage
NUTR 628Culinary Nutrition Practicum4