Performance Major (B.M.)

The Bachelor of Music in performance degree is the program for you if you wish to focus intensively on developing your skills as a performer. This program places heavy emphasis on performance study and is great preparation for master and doctoral degree programs. You’ll develop your musicianship through private study, chamber music and some of the best performing ensembles in the region. You’ll be immersed in the study of music theory, history, literature and world music while sharpening your listening and performance skills.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: No

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

All bachelor of music students are required to give a public performance during their senior year, which fulfills the Discovery Program capstone requirement:

  • For students in the performance option, a full recital is required. Students in the bachelor of music in performance degree program are required to perform a half junior recital.

Candidates for a degree must satisfy all of the University Discovery Program requirements in addition to satisfying the requirements of each individual major program. B.M. in music majors may use MUSI 502 Musics in Context (a required core course for the major) to satisfy the Inquiry Discovery category requirement, and MUSI 515 Music in World Cultures (a required core course for the major) to satisfy the World Cultures Discovery category requirement.

Music requirements must receive a grade of C- or better.

Core Curriculum
MUSI 471
MUSI 472
Theory I
and Theory I
MUSI 473
MUSI 474
Ear Training I
and Ear Training I
MUSI 475
MUSI 476
Functional Piano I
and Functional Piano I 1
MUSI 571
MUSI 572
Theory II
and Theory II
MUSI 573
MUSI 574
Ear Training II
and Ear Training II
MUSI 575
MUSI 576
Functional Piano II
and Functional Piano II 1
MUSI 501
MUSI 502
The Western Musical Canon
and Musics in Context
MUSI 515Music in World Cultures4
MUSI 540Recital Attendance0
MUSI 691Music Internship I1-2
MUSI 731Conducting2
Advanced Music History:3
Topics in Music History
Advanced Music Theory:3
Analysis: Form and Structure
Performance Study (Applied Lessons): select from the following coursesVariable
Performing Ensemble: select from the following coursesVariable
Total Credits39-40

Students will be given the opportunity to test out of MUSI 471 Theory I, MUSI 475 Functional Piano I, MUSI 476 Functional Piano I and MUSI 575 Functional Piano II, MUSI 576 Functional Piano II.

Bachelor of Music in Performance (Voice)

Degree program has final approval from the National Association of Schools of Music.

MUSI 791Music Internship II2-4
MUED 741Techniques and Methods in Choral Music2
MUED 755Vocal Pedagogy2
MUSI 520
MUSI 521
Diction for Singers I
and Diction for Singers II
MUSI 701Topics in Music History3
MUSI 545/745Voice (voice lessons) 125
Select 8 credits of the following: 2, 38
Concert Choir 2
Chamber Singers
Vocal Arts Project
Select one of the following:8
Elementary Italian I
and Elementary Italian II
Elementary German I
and Elementary German II
Elementary French I
and Elementary French II
Total Credits54-56

Three credits of lessons each semester until the student's senior recital semester; then it is 4 credits.


Four credits must be MUSI 441 Concert Choir; the remaining 4 credits must be MUSI 441 Concert Choir, MUSI 442 Chamber Singers, or MUSI 448 Vocal Arts Project.


Students in the Bachelor of Music Performance program in the vocal track are required to complete 8 credits of ensemble. Students in this program are required to enroll in at least one ensemble in every semester of enrollment at UNH, including at least 4 credits of MUSI 441 Concert Choir, with the remaining credits coming from MUSI 441 Concert Choir, MUSI 442 Chamber Singers, and MUSI 448 Vocal Arts Project.

Bachelor of Music in Performance (Piano)

Degree program has final approval from the National Association of Schools of Music.

MUSI 791Music Internship II2-4
MUED 795Special Studies1
Advanced Music Theory 13
Analysis: Form and Structure
Select 3 credits of the following: 23
Advanced Composition
Reading and Writing Musical Scores
Any 700-level advanced music history or advanced music theory course 23
MUSI 795Special Studies (Topic V) advanced piano pedagogy)2
MUSI 795Special Studies (Topic E) piano literature)1-2
MUSI 455Collaborative Piano 34
MUSI 541/741Piano (piano lessons) 425
Performing Ensemble: select from the following 54
Total Credits48-51

A B.M. piano performance major must take both MUSI 701 Topics in Music History and MUSI 781W Analysis: Form and Structure.


A B.M. piano performance major must take an additional 700-level music history or music theory course.


This course will be taken a total of 4 times.


Three credits of lessons each semester until the semester of the senior recital; then it is 4 credits.


Students in the Bachelor Music Performance program, Piano are required to complete 8 credits of ensemble: 4 of these credits in MUSI 455 Collaborative Piano and 4 of these credits in a conducted ensemble (MUSI 450 Symphony, MUSI 452 Wind Symphony, MUSI 453 Symphonic Band, MUSI 441 Concert Choir, MUSI 442 Chamber Singers, MUSI 460 Jazz Band, MUSI 454 UNH Marching Band).

Bachelor of Music in Performance (All other Instruments)

Degree program has final approval from the National Association of Schools of Music.

MUSI 791Music Internship II2-4
Techniques & Methods: select from the following 12-3
Techniques and Methods in String Instruments
Techniques and Methods in Woodwind Instruments
Techniques and Methods in Brass Instruments
Techniques and Methods in Percussion Instruments
Select 3 credits of MUSI 700-level Advanced Music History or Advanced Music Theory 23
Performance Study (Applied Lessons): select from the following 325
Performing Ensemble: select from the following 4, 512
Total Credits44-47

B.M. instrumental performance majors take one methods class in the appropriate instrumental family, e.g., a trumpet player would take MUED 749 Techniques and Methods in Brass Instruments, to fulfill this requirement.


This is in addition to the advanced music history and advanced music theory class already required.


Three credits of lessons are taken each semester until the student's senior recital semester; then it is 4 credits.


Students in the Bachelor of Music Performance program in the instrumental track for all instruments except piano are required to complete 12 credits of ensemble. Students in this program are required to enroll in at least one ensemble in every semester of enrollment at UNH, at least 6 of which must be on their primary instrument.  

Further, instrumentalists specializing in woodwind, brass, string, or percussion instruments should enroll in one credit of a conducted ensemble (MUSI 450 Symphony, MUSI 452 Wind Symphony,MUSI 453 Symphonic Band, MUSI 441 Concert Choir, MUSI 442 Chamber Singers, MUSI 460 Jazz Band, MUSI 454 UNH Marching Band) in every semester of enrollment.

Sample Degree Plan

This sample degree plan serves as a general guide; students collaborate with their academic advisor to develop a personalized degree plan to meet their academic goals and program requirements.

Performance: Instrumental

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
MUSI 501 The Western Musical Canon 3
MUSI 471 Theory I 3
MUSI 473 Ear Training I 1
MUSI 475 Functional Piano I 1
500 Level Lesson 3
Performing Ensemble 2 1
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
Discovery/QR 4
MUSI 515 Music in World Cultures 4
MUSI 472 Theory I 3
MUSI 474 Ear Training I 1
MUSI 476 Functional Piano I 1
500 Level Lesson 3
Performing Ensemble 2 1
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
Second Year
Discovery Course 4
MUED 745
Techniques and Methods in String Instruments 1
or Techniques and Methods in Woodwind Instruments
or Techniques and Methods in Brass Instruments
or Techniques and Methods in Percussion Instruments
MUSI 571 Theory II 3
MUSI 573 Ear Training II 1
MUSI 575 Functional Piano II 1
500 Level Lesson 3
Performing Ensemble 2 1
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
Discovery Course 4
MUSI 502 Musics in Context 3
MUSI 731 Conducting 2
MUSI 572 Theory II 3
MUSI 574 Ear Training II 1
MUSI 576 Functional Piano II 1
500 Level Lesson 3
Performing Ensemble 2 1
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
Third Year
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
MUSI 781W Analysis: Form and Structure (Fall or Spring) 3
700 Level Lesson 3
MUSI 691 Music Internship I (Fall or Spring) 1
Performing Ensembles 2 2
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
700 Level Lesson 3
Performing Ensembles 2 2
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
Fourth Year
Discovery Course 4
Advanced Music History or Theory 3
MUSI 791 Music Internship II (Fall or Spring) 2-3
700 Level Lesson 3
Performing Ensembles 2 2
Free Elective 4
Free Elective 4
MUSI 701 Topics in Music History 3
700 Level Lesson 4
Performing Ensembles 2 2
 Total Credits127-128

This MUED course is in the student's primary instrument family, i.e. a trumpet player would take MUED 749.


Performing Ensembles are specified in the catalog.

Performance: Vocal

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
MUSI 501 The Western Musical Canon 3
MUSI 471 Theory I 3
MUSI 473 Ear Training I 1
MUSI 475 Functional Piano I 1
MUSI 545 Voice 3
Performance Ensemble 1 1
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
MUSI 515 Music in World Cultures 4
MUSI 520 Diction for Singers I 2
MUSI 472 Theory I 3
MUSI 474 Ear Training I 1
MUSI 476 Functional Piano I 1
MUSI 545 Voice 3
Performing Ensemble 1 1
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
Second Year
Foreign Language 401 4
MUSI 521 Diction for Singers II 2
MUSI 571 Theory II 3
MUSI 573 Ear Training II 1
MUSI 575 Functional Piano II 1
MUSI 545 Voice 3
Performing Ensemble 1 1
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
Foreign Language 402 4
MUSI 502 Musics in Context 3
MUED 755 Vocal Pedagogy 2
MUSI 572 Theory II 3
MUSI 574 Ear Training II 1
MUSI 576 Functional Piano II 1
MUSI 731 Conducting 2
MUSI 545 Voice 3
Performance Ensemble 1 1
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
Third Year
Discovery/QR 4
Discovery Course 4
MUSI 781W Analysis: Form and Structure (Fall or Spring) 3
MUSI 745 Voice 3
MUSI 691 Music Internship I (Fall or Spring) 1
Performance Ensemble 1 1
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
MUSI 701 Topics in Music History 3
MUSI 745 Voice 3
Performance Ensemble 1 1
MUSI 540 Recital Attendance 0
Fourth Year
Discovery Course 4
Discsovery Course 4
MUSI 791 Music Internship II (Fall or Spring) 2
MUED 741 Techniques and Methods in Choral Music 2
MUSI 745 Voice 3
Performance Ensemble 1 1
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
MUSI 713 or 715 (Art or Opera) 3
MUSI 745 Voice 3
Performance Ensemble 1 1
 Total Credits128

Performing Ensembles are specified in the catalog.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Students will exhibit the skills necessary for artistic expression at the highest possible level as defined by their particular area of concentration in solo and small ensemble (not conducted) and large ensemble (conducted) settings.
  • Students will exhibit competency in musicianship and analysis through: their understanding of musical forms and processes; aural, verbal and visual analyses; skill in performance; academic, pedagogical, and compositional applications; rudimentary ability to create derivative or original music.
  • Students will demonstrate familiarity with musical literature from the formal concert repertory and from musical traditions outside of that repertory. Students will demonstrate the ability to place music in historical, cultural, and stylistic contexts.
  • Students will demonstrate collegiate-level skill in the English language and competence in written and oral communication in English.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use technologies current to their area of specialization for professional development and entrepreneurship, and career preparation and promotion.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of pedagogy as required in the particular field of study.
  • Students in vocal studies will demonstrate competencies in diction and language, as well as interpretive skills, physicality, and stage deportment.
  • Students will plan, prepare, and perform a solo recital in collaboration with faculty and staff that includes both organizational elements and artistic preparation.